
Le Petit Prince (5)

After the night she had, Bella was tired as they pulled up to start work.

"Are you alright?" One asked.

"I will be, I just didn't sleep well last night. I want to try and get five rooms done today. If you can we can do five aday for the next three days we can take sunday off so lets get busy. You three work in these two bathrooms. You two work in these two rooms. And we will all work in the big room here. Call me with any question. I'll go in and set up the rooms placement while you bring the supplies in.

He had turned on his monitor's and followed her threw the house. She stopped in each bathroom drawing in her book. At one angle he could see drawings with little notes.

He was mesmerized but her. The last room he entered was his study. She shook her head. 'Did she not like it?' She took a long time but then put the book down.

Bell got to work on cleaning making sure not to disturb files or book. She was amazed at all the books he had. At noon the others came to join her and then they left for lunch.

Zane walked in and picked up the book she was looking at. Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) by Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger. It was a gift given to him by his mother. He had not picked up this book in many years. His mother had written in the front of the book {To my little prince always follow what is right and always return home after the journey, love Mom♡♡}

How easy is it to forget. This was a large room, but every important. Why was she doing it all by herself? The others each cleaned the down stair toilets and was all five working on one of the parlors. But she worked moving desk and other furniture all by her self.

He waited for her to return. At 1 he could hear her giving instructions and a few detail on what to fix in the rooms they had been to before walking into his study.

She shut the door and as she turned around their eyes met.

She put on a smile, "Good afternoon Mr. Heart. How can I help you today?"

"Why are you going through my things?" He growled.

"I'm not going through them I'm cleaning in here. Because of the things in this room I am doing it personally."

"This book was on that shelf now its on my desk. How is that cleaning?"

Le Petit Prince she had seen it and pulled it down. "You are right. Le Petit Prince is one of my favorite and rarely do I see it in french. The one from the library was checked out a year ago to never come back. I just had to glance at it. I'm sorry to upset you. I just wanted to make sure that it had a clean place to rest."

"You read french?" he asked.

"Yes, French, German, Spanish. I soon will start Italian." She say smiling as she got back to cleaning shelfs.

"Who are you dear beauty?" He softly says.

"Did you say something Sir?"

"No just be careful with my things. This is one of my most valuable books." He got up to leave.

"I will and it's good to see you today." She turned and got back to work.

Strange ... he got in his car to drive back to the office. And then sat there watching his beauty clean.

"Great Job six rooms today. Tomorrow when have four more down stairs and the rest are upstairs. We will be done on time if we keep it up. Get some rest."

Today was Bret's day to cook so she took a long hot bath and started reading again.

She opened her book


The merchant was so afflicted at the thoughts of losing his daughter, that he had quite forgot the chest full of gold; but at night, when he retired to rest, no sooner had he shut his chamber-door, than, to his great astonishment, he found it by his bedside; he was determined, however, not to tell his children that he was grown rich, because they would have wanted to return to town, and he was resolved not to leave the country; but he trusted Beauty with the secret: who informed him, that two gentlemen came in his absence, and courted her sisters; she begged her father to consent to their marriage, and give them fortunes; for she was so good, that she loved them, and forgave them heartily all their ill-usage.

These wicked creatures rubbed their eyes with an onion, to force some tears when they parted with their sister; but her brothers were really concerned. Beauty was the only one who did not shed tears at parting, because she would not increase their uneasiness. The horse took the direct road to the palace; and towards evening they perceived it illuminated as at first: the horse went of himself into the stable, and the good man and his daughter came into the great hall, where they found a table splendidly served up, and two covers. The merchant had no heart to eat; but Beauty endeavoured to appear cheerful, sat down to table, and helped him.

Afterwards, thought she to herself, "Beast surely has a mind to fatten me before he eats me, since he provides such a plentiful entertainment." When they had supped, they heard a great noise, and the merchant, all in tears, bid his poor child farewell, for he thought Beast was coming. Beauty was sadly terrified at his horrid form, but she took courage as well as she could, and the monster having asked her if she came willingly; "y--e--s," said she, trembling. "You are very good, and I am greatly obliged to you; honest man, go your ways tomorrow morning, but never think of returning here again. Farewell, Beauty."

"Farewell, Beast," answered she; and immediately the monster withdrew.

"Oh, daughter, (said the merchant, embracing Beauty,) I am almost frightened to death; believe me, you had better go back, and let me stay here."

"No, father, (said Beauty, in a resolute tone,) you shall set out tomorrow morning, and leave me to the care and protection of Providence."

They went to bed, and thought they should not close their eyes all night; but scarce were they laid down, than they fell fast asleep; and Beauty dreamed, a fine lady came, and said to her, "I am content, Beauty, with your good will; this good action of yours, in giving up your own life to save your father's, shall not go unrewarded."

Beauty waked, and told her father her dream, and though it helped to comfort him a little, yet he could not help crying bitterly, when he took leave of his dear child.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. by Marie Le Prince de Beaumont

IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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