
Members of Chrono Reserves

I am not talking about being customers, but actual members of Chrono Reserves, as illustrated by the Golden Emblem on my cheque book. On any object that have anything to do with the bank, really.

Credit cards for example.

My name, Maximilien Maxwell is also engraved majestically on the emblem itself, just to prevent any impersonators, but of course, there are still plenty of impersonators, considering how privilege as well as prestige it is to be actual members of one of the largest if not already largest bank in the world.

Actually, Chrono Reserves is much widespread and more trusted than most federal banks around the globe, especially in third-world countries. This mostly has to do with the bank's policy on loans.

But for the United States of America itself, the people still trust the dollar more, but that is because it is the currency of choice within Chrono Reserves and all of its subsidiaries and holdings.

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