
Chapter 3

"oh.. I see" He stated working on his laptop again. He let a faint which was disappeared within second. He was very statisfied with her answered, however, he still tought she had boyfriend back home.

Pauline stood up and walked to Cacha desk " Hi Charlene. I am sorry that I did not properly greet you just now"

"No drama. I know you are bussy. It's nice to see you" Cacha offeredher hand.

Pauline shook hand with her "Nice to meet you too. I have sent you the file about our project to your email. Please have a look on that document when you have time".

"Thank you. I'll have a look now"

"If You need anything else just let me know"

"Thank you so much" Cacha nodded.

She opened her laptop and turned it on. Then, she clicked on her Microsoft outlook to checked her workplace email and located the email very soon. She opened the attachment while did her best to ignored series of email that sent to her by her colleagues back home.

After she spent 3 minutes reading the email, end the end she could not resist anymore and read series of email sent by her colleagues . She muffled as she tried to supress her laughter.

Keinichi who had been pretending to work peeped on cacha laptop screen curiously "does your boyfriend send you something funny ?"

Cacha turned her head then eyes met. She was able to see his blue pupils while he was stared at her brown pupils.

Keinichi heart was trembled, he was engulfed by exhileration. He had not seen that sparkling eyes for one and half year.

Cacha blinked first and helplessly spoke "Oniichan, why do you always mention about boyfriend ? I don't have boyfriend. those all emails from my colleagues back home. They said they missed me and the office is very quite without me"

"Oh sorry" He felt guilty but happy. His mood was up when she announced that she had no boyfriend. He did not know what to do to hide his emotion, he absent mindedly took his glass and emptied it.

"I am going to get water. Have Bret showed you where the kitchen is ?" He asked.

"Not yet. I think he forgot" Cacha shook her head.

"Come with me. I show you. don't tell me you don't know where the restroom is"

"He didn't tell me either"

"It's ok. I'll show you around"

"Are you familiar with this place? " Cacha asked.

"pretty much" He stood up and went away.

Cacha twitched again "still the same. he doesn't change at all". Nonetheless, She followed her from behind. It was crucial for her to know where the amenities were. She could not held her full bladder the whole day and lived without water.

"Here is the kitchen. this pantry here is where the cups are. The glasses are on that one. The plates and bowls are on that" He pointed at the hanging pantries.

"cutleries are in this drawer. I don't know what are in other drawers" He explained while filled his glass with cold water.

Cacha nodded. She took a paper cup and filled halve of it with cold water and added hot water. Cacha noticed he stared at her, she did not why but she explained to him "my stomach is not good today. I often have stomach cramp on the first day of my periode. Warm water work well for me". He nodded.

"The toilet it there" He pointed at the wall out side. Cacha eyes were sharp, she quickly spotted the small sign "Thank you. I really need to go there now. But I don't have my card yet".

"Give me your cup" He handed her his card.

Cacha handed her mug and took the card "Thank you".

Cacha went inside the restroom. She was not in urge to go to cubicle. She actually want to check her face and calmed him self down. She was frenzied when she saw him again after long time. She saw her reflection on the larged mirror, she took a deep breath and tapped her cheek lightly "calm down. Don't overthink" She smiled and left.

When she went out from the restroom,

She was startled. He was standing closed by.

"I was afraid you got lost" He said coolly

Cacha nodded and took her mug from him. she smiled as she realised that her water was warmer than before. She gave him back his card then she leaned and muttered in low voice "Thank you, Oniichan".

Keinichi looked at her briefly "No worries, little Cacha".

They walked back to their desk while grinned.

Cacha sat quietly and read the file. After she finished she walked to Pauline desk.

"Excuse me. Pauline"

"Hey, what can I do for you ?"

"Is there any way I can come to the resort ?"

Pauline blinked confusedly.

Cacha grinned "I want to see the location before start doing my job".

Pauline laughed "Girl, today you only need to report to us . Your first day of work is on monday. Enjoy your free time and explore this city for the rest of the week".

"I need to do something, otherwise I'll be homesick".

Keinichi smiled for a second. He fully understood her feeling. She was pampered and used to surrounding by her beloved one, it was very normal for her to feel homesick. "I am going to go there tomorrrow. Come with me, if you like" He did not understand why he decided to go with her.

Cacha was very glad " Thank you".

"No problem" He was impressed with her attitude. she was very profesional, different front her usual attitude. Then He remembered she used to hace part time job at receptionist.

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