

The enemies of the Empire have united and are gathering near Mezulat.

Inian and his crew had been waiting for almost a month now, and the forces of the Predo Dynasty have just arrived.

A massive flying ship with many smaller ones following it could be seen over the horizon. Tents have already been set up for the arriving forces so that they could rest before the main assault.

Inian clambered into the commander's tent that was set up by Irigia's forces. Queen Irigia was standing over a map with Burt and Eno by her side. Janae was off working on some mechas and giving some tips to newer soldiers.

"So they've arrived?" Queen Irigia asked.

Inian nodded so they all decided to wait for their meeting.

They didn't have to wait long when Master Predo walked into the tent wearing his bright red armor. He bowed to those who were waiting, "thank you for your patience. It takes some time to gather our forces and move them across the Sea." He looked at the Queen, "so you must be Queen Irigia. You are as beautiful as the stories say."

The Queen blushed then humphed, "so you're the Master this Eno kept talking about. We were just about to start the war plans, care to join us?"

Master Predo smiled, then nodded. He walked to the edge of the table so they could all discuss their plans.

Inian listened while the Queen spoke first, "so, currently we are at the edge of Seyukha's borders. There is no choice, but we will have to move through the monster lands for a short time to reach the Empire."

Inian spoke up, "I can take care of any monsters that come our way; I think I can use them as allies in the upcoming war."

Everyone in the room looked surprised, then the Queen cleared her throat, "well then, that would be incredibly helpful. The real issue begins when we go through the Empire's borders. The Empire has never been attacked, and that's due to its massive military and incredible defenses. A lot of their might is located right on the border."

Master Predo spoke, "actually, I sent scouts ahead and received surprising news. Most all of their forces are gathered by the Aysel Palace. I think the Emporer is trying to mass his forces altogether. It will be one large army against another, straight up. There won't be a chance for a surprise attack, not with a force our size or their size."

The Queen sighed, "I don't want to send our armies straight into the gaping maws of the Empire. They have always had the advantage in might and numbers. Even with our two armies combined, we still won't be able to match them in a straight-up fight."

"Three armies," added Inian. Everyone looked towards him, "I had a few allies in Irigia and one in the Trostan Kingdom, so I sent a couple of monsters to get them, come in Kraque!"

The large bug walked in, it stood up and fidgeted with its legs. "Hello humans, my name is Kraque, and I serve the king." He turned to face Inian, "Reclusa and Ebony are outside the perimeter of the soldiers with the monsters you sent to get us. The soldiers seemed quite frightened, even after I told them I was your servant."

Everyone was frozen in place after hearing this monster talk so casually in front of them and tell them that Inian was their king.

"It's so different to see it in person rather than hear about it," remarked Burt.

Inian smiled in satisfaction after getting that reaction from them. He turned towards Kraque, "how was the recruiting on the way here?"

Kraque spoke, "your majesty, we did the best we could in the time we had. We gathered 300 low-tier monsters, 100 mid-tier ones, and four high-tier monsters. Sadly, we couldn't get any Titan level monsters to join us." He paused for a moment, "one monster said he knew you; personally, his name is Tecale I believe. Do you know him?"

Inian smiled and nodded, "he will be a great asset to our assault." He turned towards everyone else in the tent, "I have my army now, so that makes three. Marc knows me very well, and I know him. He would have withdrawn all his forces from the Iron Fortress as well, and that means that all of the Empire's forces at the Aysel Palace. We will have no choice but to fight him head-on."

Everyone muttered some curses when they heard that. Queen Irigia spoke to Inian, "he was your brother. When's the best time to assault the Palace?"

Inian replied, "as soon as possible. Marc was someone who always prepared for the worst, and that means that he will keep preparing until we do attack. So the longer we wait, the more time he has to bulk up his military."

"Alright, then after two days of rest for the troops, we march on the Aysel Palace to stop the Empire!"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreeance.

"This meeting is then finished...go get some rest everybody." The Queen said.

The night was quickly descending, so Inian went to find Janae. She was yelling at a few mechanics for messing up, "I told ya! You don't fill it up to the top, because of the pressure!" She stopped after Inian came into view. "Hey, Inian! How'd it go?"

In the briefest moment, Inian sprouted his wings and picked up Janae, leaping up into the air.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Janae screamed as the wind whipped by. Inian didn't say anything but brought her to the top of the mountain their armies were staying next to.

He sat her down, then sat down next to her, "I'm afraid Janae." He said.

Janae gave a half-smile and hugged him, "We're going to win, you know. Myself, Burt, Eno, Irigia, Predo, Kraque...we are all going to be here for you after the fight."

Inian looked up at the now starry sky, "I know I'm going to have to fight Marc. I can capture him either, or else that'll create unrest. I'll need to kill him."

Janae sighed and pulled Inian in close, "I wish I had gotten to know your brother too before the Empire invaded Seyukha and the Trostan Kingdom. I'm sure he was a great guy."

Inian began sobbing, "he, *sniff* was. He was an amazing guy, full of charisma and hope. He was funny and brave, and he cared for others around him. I was never his blood brother, but he protected me and treated me like I was born his younger brother. I wasn't there for him in his darkest moments, and now, we have to fight him."

Janae grabbed Inian's head and looked him straight in the eyes, "whatever Marc has done is not your fault. Despite whatever circumstances they are put in, people can still make the right choices. Marc's was to fight against the world."

Inian moved held her hand, "thank you, Janae." He was about to say something, then blushed.

Janae noticed this and asked, "what is it?"

Inian shook his head, "nevermind, I'll tell you after the battle."

"Alright, but don't die on me then!"

Inian laughed, "I'll make sure not to."

They gazed at the stars for several hours, enjoying the beauty and each other's company.

Let's keep those power stones coming! Enjoy the story!

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