
The Young.

"Private.Kender, you lazy son of a bitch! Where the fuck are you? Where are the papers I asked for? I wanted the full report on the incident on my desk hours ago" Mika screeched with fury at the utter lack of competencey from her subordinates. "Litenunent.Mika, Sir, I already filed the report. Please check the separate civilian collateral reports, Sir!" Kender responded.

As the Litenunent checked the files, Kender couldn't help but notice the scar on Mikas right upper lip running through her bottom and all the way through to the left side of her jaw. He noticed the lax way she wore her uniform almost breaking all of the rules in the dress code. She wasn't a very small woman but not muscular in any way. Despite her battle scars Kender couldn't help but admire how beautiful of a woman she actually was. Her short scarlet hair and bright emerald eyes shimmering with determination. "Ah!" Mika exclaimed almost exasperated. "Kender, so you're not a total waste of space after all? " Kender replied hurt "Sorry for my more than disappointing performance, sir."

At that moment Sargent Major.Ora rushed in to Mikas office orders in hand. "Litenunent.Mika, Private.Kender. Private first class Oshar, Gunnery Captain Roska, and Plarcat Medical Captain Malary. From this moment forward by the order of Colonel Sarcosa and Brigadier General Kymir Kafka you will no longer be stationed in Terra, Brine but now be moved to Southern Loraga, Brine. Effective immediately."

The shock left everyone in the room absolutely floored. They simply didn't understand why them. Almost everyone but Mika, Malary and Roska were all new. Yeah they had seen a bit of action but were still not seasoned. Even Malary and Roska were not actually combatants one was an engineer and the other a doctor. For what purpose would they be sent to the heart of the war.

"Private.Kender please, gather my things it seems we'll be moving." Mika said with a sternness choking her words to Kenders suprising eagerness "Yes sir! Right away sir!".

As the young Litenunent and her subordinates packed their belongings she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread wash over her. Looking around at her squad. Looking at Kender and Oshar, feeling scared. Looking at Malary and Roska and feeling terrified. She couldn't shake it, the uneasiness.

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