
My HERO! ...

With the feeling of dying and losing Freddy, Jack was devastated. Even if he was going to die , he couldn't even tell Freddy good bye! He couldn't even write a note, send a SMS, make a phone call. He was like a robot without charge. All he could do was think while his body was just lying there on a hospital bed waiting to become his deathbed.

He sob as he started to remember every moment he spent with Freddy! His alluring voice. His stories. Sound of his mirth. Warmth of his breath. Delicacy of his skin. Softness of his lips. Aroma of his body. Even the smell of flowers he brought every day. Jack started to sob even more.

The night faded away. Stars and moon faded away as well with the rising of a new sun. Birds started to fly in the sky and make different patterns as they flew. Buds started to bloom and became to beautiful and colourful flowers. Dew started to vaporize as the sunlight spread through the window glasses. The whole world was mesmerising in that morning but Jack was still in the coma.

Missed all those beautiful incidents. While in his world everything was black. Except the picture of Freddy he had imagined. It was bright like a full moon in a night. But in a few moments that full moon was going to fade away as well as everything in his life. At most it'll take few hours. But it was going to happen. It was only a matter of time.

Suddenly Jack heard some voices and felt his oxygen mask taking off. Jack took a long breath in and he shut his eyes using his imagination body in his mind. That was the only thing he could do at that moment. He knew he was going to left this world for good in a few seconds. He even stopped thinking and stayed still. In his imagination body was soaked with his tears at that moment.

Then something strange happened. He was moved to a another bed and was set into another oxygen mask! then his bed started to move. In a moment he heard a sound of an elevator door opening, then he was moved again and heard the sound of that elevator door closing. After went through an elevator his bed started to move again.

After a moment later he felt his bed was floating and then he felt he was moving but his bed didn't move. It took few minutes to Jack to understand what was going on. He was in a vehicle and it was on the move. He didn't understand any of this. He didn't know whether to be happy or afraid.

He started to think of Freddy when he was going to see him , the look on his face. It started to draw in Jack's mind. The picture of Freddy spreading tears and kneeling on the hospital floor , crying! Even that feeling killed Jack million times , over and over again. Jack's heart was shattered to pieces.

After travelling in that vehicle for at least half hour, it stopped in somewhere and then Jack was transported to another vehicle. Suddenly Jack heard a very loud voice. After few moments Jack realized what had happened. He was not in a vehicle but A Helicopter!!!

"What the hell is going on? why would I travelling in a Helicopter?? and where are these people taking me to???. " Jack wanted to shout out loud and ask but he couldn't still move a single lip! After like an hour of flying. The helicopter landed somewhere and Jack was transported again. Then he was in an elevator again. and after that he was moved to another bed. It was so much comfortable than the other two beds he was on. It really puzzled Jack. Then Jack was marvel after what he heard at the next moment.

" Okay thanks for your support, your payments were transferred to your accounts. Nice doing business with you. I'll let you know if I have anything else in the future that might need your assistance. Okay then, leave us. Doctor, a word! how is his current status? Is it stable, right? we didn't do any harm to him? did we? okay! thank you! I really appreciate your help. I can visit him now , right? okay , great ! Can I have the room , please! okay , thank you"

Jack heard every single thing. then he heard a door closing and someone coming towards him and sat down beside him on the bed. Then he started to talk to Jack, " hey jack, I am so sorry that I had to this to you like this. But it all happened so fast. I simply didn't have any other way!" After hearing those next words, Jack confirmed his surprise.

It was not what he said that surprised Jack. It was how he said it. Jack knew that exact voice very well, it surprised him even more! It was Freddy! it was my Freddy! He has saved me! My hero! My hero!! My hero !!! "

After recognizing Freddy's voice very well, that was what all he could think of.

" My hero.....!!!!"

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