
The power of The Azure Dragon Empire[10]

Jay smiled at Mulan's reaction,enjoying it greatly. Mulan was just looking at his face and she didn't notice anything amiss,even his eye colour was the same as skye's. "I'm just like him right~" Mulan shook her head and said indifferently "Not even close" Jay was surprised. The first time he tested this,every one thought it was him,even skye's own sister didn't notice the difference. He looks at her with puzzle eyes and Mulan said "You voice isn't like his" Jay cleared his voice and said "What about now?" Mulan was shocked once again,she turns towards him and she saw the look of his face and she notice the smirk,that devilish smirk of Skye was also there plus his deep dimples. She didn't notice dimples on jay before so she took it as part of the look-alike face mask. "Still...his voice is sexier!" Jay was hopeless,he couldn't satisfy her at all. That was his beat impression of Skye but she noticed the flaw so easily. He was gloomy because his talent was not praised by his one and only sister. Mulan noticed his expression so she said sweetly "But you're amazing tho"And with that,his face brightened. "So...what do i do?"

"Just stay by me and do nothing. Silence is best" Mulan nods and they entered the casino,going to play poker with hung,privately.


Skye disappeared into the darkness,his territory. His eyes glowing but it didn't look human at all,more like a ferocious beast from hell. Gun was walking leisurely while whistle a tune. He notice the purple eyes and smiled. "Finally releasing your beast huh?"He asked with a mischievous cheeky smile,Skye just ignored him and said "You're late"

Gun shrugged and said "I was hungry. I can't work on an empty stomach" Skye once again,ignored him "Is Quincy ready?" He asked with a poker face. Quincy is also know as katana and Gun's actually name is Raphael or Raph for short.

Gun's face turns mischievous and said "Yes now lets get to work!" Skye caught his collar and drags him backwards "Do you know the passcode first?" Gun's lips curves upwards,turning his face into that of a cashier cat's. Skye didn't ask more as they continued walking,he brought out his phone and starts tracking down canna and they were heading towards a thick metal door. They stopped and look at the place,noticing that something was weird. Skye brought out his handkerchief and threw it into the air and as if on cue,red lasers starts shooting the handkerchief until it was turned into nothingness. "So...how do we pass this? Most importantly, how am i going to pass it?!" Gun asked with his eyes looking at the hidden places where the lasers were hidden. Skye's whole body was burning in purple flame,he grabs Gun's hand and drags him with him,protecting him from the lasers.

The reached the place and gun wipes the sweat off of his forehead,for the first time ever,he was looking skye was not normal. "Write the passcode"Gun nods and starts pressing the numbers on the door, he cursed under his breath and said "That fox! I only found 3 numbers for this but it turns out it was four." They sniffed the air and smelled a terrible and horrifying smell. "Ugh that smells awful!"

"It smells like dead bodies"Skye said while pinching his nose to keep the smell away from his nostrils. Gun tries to find a number to complete the password but he felt something on his shoulder. It was a slobber dripping from the ceiling. The all look up an saw something like zombies with red deadly eyes,shark like teeth,pale dead skin and different wires coming out of it's body and slobber dripping from his mouth.

"What the heck is that?"Skye asked and gun just looks at the thing with shocked eyes "The walking dead"


"They're humans—used to be. This is the work of MADS. Turning humans into weapons—Mutants. The have abnormal strengths, sharp senses and also,deadly and poisonous teeth. If they bite you, the place will never heal,only get worse with each passing minutes and theres no cure for it. So...be careful!" He said so,dodging the attack of the monster. Two more jump from the ceiling on the ground and they all start fighting. Skye was using his powers,afraid of getting all the slobber onto him. His palms were burning with a crazy looking fire ball on his palms that he keeps blasting the monsters with. The accidentally went back to square one,the shooting lasers. Things got harder for them,the monsters and the laser,making fighting a whole lot harder.


Hung was laughing,seeing that he was on the winning side,but little does he know that jay was actually losing on purpose. Hung give up easily if he was to lose but if it was the other way around,he'll get more excited just so he could beat him some more. Mulan was besides jay on a big table with sexy looking girls serving them drinks. There is also a noble looking woman with a drop dead sexy body besides hung posing as his lucky charm. He had his hand around her like a pervert as he continues playing with a wide smile on his face.


Skye and Gun were still fighting off the monsters and after a lot of effort,they finally defeated and the only way to stop them is to kill them. Both gun and Skye were panting heavily after the fight. Gun looks at the passcode with a complicated look,he won't let a silly door stop him from creating mayhem. Skye was gazing into space,wondering if his wife was okay and he suddenly remembered a number that was considered hung's lucky number. He checks the numbers in front of him and there's his favorite number missing. "Try 7" Gun pressed 7 and the door opened. They entered inside but saw nothing,only the dead silence of an empty room. "How can this place be empty?!" Gun said angrily. He just finished fighting with inhuman beings and now there's nothing!

Skye ignored him and walks inside the room,he was looking at the design,trying to see is something is out of place. He saw an odd looking wall,he pressed the wall,checking anywhere and he pressed a small metal that goes inside the wall,opening a hidden door. "Impressive" gun said. They entered the room and saw the monsters in huge tube,looking unconscious. "O my god!" The monsters were in different forms,kids,teens and adults and different genders. "No wonder people have gone missing for the past year"

Skye looks at him,looking for an explanation. He didn't actually read the information gun send him about hung because he was busy getting ready. Gun looks at him and said "People all over the world have gone missing over the past year. It looks like mads has been busy—"

"So hung is the supplier for their experiments"Skye finished the sentence. "These tubes,they're giving them sleeping gas. I noticed when we were fighting that they don't get tired and stopping them has only one option. Killing them" Gun nods. "What's their weakness"


Skye raised his perfect eyebrows and said "Water?" Gun nods once more and Skye just smiles devilishly thinking that this i way easier than he thought. He jumps into the air and the air and fire comes out of his palm and using the fire to make it rain. Water starts dropping everywhere. Gun was using the computer on the table to unlock the tubes and a click sound resounded in the room. The tube opened and the tubes and the water touching the monsters starts destroying their bodies into the atoms they were made of.

Skye noticed a little girl with shoulder length blond hair,small pink lips,cute button nose and long bangs that were covering her brows. She was wearing a white dress with pink flowers as the design and pink shoes with two pompoms at the edge of the strings of her shoe. A droplet of water falls on her cute face and she blinks a few times to check her surroundings. Skye jumps again into the air,jumping from one wall to the other before getting to the cute girl. He clings onto the tube and carries the girl,jumping back down. He drops her on the ground and crouched down to her level and his eyes turn soft as he said softly "Canna are you okay?"

The girl blinks a few more times to clear her blurry eyes and looks at Skye,she immediately hugs him

with a smile on her face. She nods her head and Skye plants a soft kiss on her forehead. "Where is your phone"

She make small noises,pointing towards a drawer by the computer. He opens it and saw a pink glittering phone. He opens the phone and plants a tiny chip onto the phone. He place the phone back and picks canna up,ready to leave the room but they heard a loud alarm sound. The whole house seems to know that theres someone in the secret room and inside the casino,Hung and his men where fighting with Jay. Jay turns deadly as if he wasn't the cute guy from a minute ago, he was trying to protect Mulan but instead,she was the one that protected him and he was shocked. She was a great fighter,she was twisting bones and breaking ribs and spines as if they were nothing and that's when jay finally know why Skye came with her it's because she was even better than him at fighting so he came with her because she could protect herself.


Outside on a tree,katana was shooting hung's men with a gun and trapping them from getting inside the house.She was good with guns so it was a total bullseye—direct headshot.


Skye and Gun heard people walking towards them so the quickly left the room. Skye looks at the girl on his arms and said "Canna shit everything. Your eyes and your senses okay?" She nods and closed her eyes and covered her face on the crook of his neck. He used a barrier to protect her and stop her from hearing the sounds of gun shots. He brought out his sword to make it quickly and easy. A man in black was using a katana and the katana was aimed at Skye's shoulder,where katana was. He grabs the katana with his bear hands— his blood dripping on the floor,melting the carpet. His eyes turned murderously and beast like again as he bends the sword,shocking the man who was attacking him, he broke the sword into two and hung's men seem to be scared silly as they back away slowly,trying to escape. One of them stick a small sticky bomb on the wall and runs away and when they were far,the pressed the button. The were two halls and gun and Skye were separated. Gun can escape easily but he tries to find a way for Skye to escape with him. "Where are you?" He yelled loudly. "Just go,i'll catch up with you later!"

"What?! Are you crazy!" The ground suddenly shook and gun said "This place is going to tear down into pieces!"

"I said go gun!" A wild looking flame flares towards gun and he moves away scared. Skye puts canna down and check her pulse,she was breathing heavily so he knows they did something to her.

Mulan has escaped with jay after defeating the fatso,even tho Hung is fat,he's a great fighter but his weight was dragging him down. They left him in the room and run away,the guest also running for their lives. Katana wasn't the one that used bombs to destroy the house,the house itself does that. After the alarm,the house will automatically self destruct because of an intruder and Hung with his daughter will run away on their small emergency auto pilot jet that will take them to a safe place.

Mulan,katana,jay and gun were on the yacht,waiting for skye while pacing around the yacht and they're hears crumble into pieces when the house exploded into pieces.


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