
Seal Broken

Draco's Room, Royal Elven Suite Room 231.

Draco was pissed off. He felt as if his strength was declining. Draco was tossing and turning all the furniture in the room. " Got damn it!" What the fucks happening to me?!" " Why are these chumps keep getting the best of me?!" I don't understand!" Draco pounded the ground with his fist. While he was destroying his room, he heard a knock on the front door. Draco sighed and rinsed his blood-drenched hands before answering the door. " Yes, what is it?" Draco looked through the peephole of the door and saw Feng. " What the hell do you want?" Feng sucked his teeth. " I want to talk to you about something. Draco unlocked the door and allowed Feng to walk in. As Feng stepped inside, Draco instantly smelled his strong cologne. It made him want to vomit. Feng used too much. Draco heled his nose and started coughing.

Draco sat down on a leather chair and said: So what do you want to talk about?"Sit down." I hope it's a short conversation because your cologne is making me choke." Feng sucked his teeth and said: I rather stand." This won't take long." Draco crossed his legs and folded his arms. Draco didn't even know Feng and he already hated him. He didn't like his attuide, cologne, or look. " I came here to you why you're strength is declining. Draco was confused. " How do you know about that?" Feng sucked his teeth and said: It's obvious." Your face and facial gestures tell it all." It recently came to my mind when I saw that strange tattoo on your stomach. Draco ripped open his shirt and stared at the tattoo. " You know what this is?" asked Draco. Feng nodded and said: Yes." It's a seal." A seal that is preventing you from unleashing your true power." That seal was placed on your body by the order of Queen Ariel while you were sleeping." She did this so she can look like the superior one." Draco was furious. Why are you telling me all this?" Feng shrugged his shoulders. " I told you just to give you a heads up before you start blaming yourself other than the right people you should be blaming." Draco clenching his hands together, doing his best not to transform. His nostrils were flared and smoke started emitting from them. And like a fool, I joined them." A smoky black aura started wrapping around his body. The area started shaking and rumbling.

How did I get rid of it?" asked Draco. Feng started scrambling through his pockets and pulled a strange dagger. " This should help you." Feng scoffed and left so Draco could do the operation himself. He didn't tell him what to do. The dagger was made from dragon bones. Draco placed the dagger by his stomach. The seal started heating up. Draco endured the pain. He knew what he had to do. He had to literally cut the seal away from his body. Draco sliced the skin of his stomach and stared at it in the bright light. Draco sucked his teeth and tossed the flap of skin onto the ground. The seal burned a hole in the floor. Suddnely a red fiery aura appeared around Draco's body. Draco could feel his power running through his veins like blood. After regaining his original power, back Draco started smiling

. He went to confront Queen Ariel. Queen Ariel was discussing important matters from the North with Hermes, one of her sons. He just got back from the land of the giants, discussing a potential alliance with them. Hermes stood up to 6'7, weighing 230 pounds. Hermes' eyes were red and black. His hair was yellow. He had bruises and blood all over his body as if he just came back from a bloody battle. They said what!" shouted Queen Ariel. Hermes stuck a cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a match he always kept tucked in his ear. " Yes they refused and threatened to kill me." I barely made out of there alive." Queen Ariel sucked her teeth and said: Just get out of my sight." Go!!!" Hermes stood on his feet and wiped the blood from his eyes. " Yes mother." Queen Ariel never really cared about her children.

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