
The Return Of Hien

" Now, that you understand the story can you please leave?" 'You must let him test Taurus." "Why would anyone want to be brought back alive?" Taurus was silent. "Taurus I have asked you nicely." "Back away from the fucking coffin." Taurus just stood there looking at Cross with a serious and innocent expression on his robotic face. Cross rushed him and tried to punch him in the face, but Taurus was too swift and the. He fired a laser beam out his head which tool the skin off of Cross's face. Cross ignored the small injure and continued to rush towards Taurus. He grabbed Taurus by the arms and threw him into the wall. Pieces of metal and gears flew out of Taurus's robot body when it was smashed on the pavement of the Sio. Taurus git of the ground and opened his mouth, which released a cloud of orange gas. Cross did not know how dangerous the gas was, so he quickly covered his nose with his shirt. The orange gas cloud was just a distraction. Taurus jumped out the orange gas cloud, opened his mouth again releasing a beam, that destroyed the entire ground. The coffin almost dropped in the crater, but Taurus grabbed it with one hand. He scanned the entire area for Cross. When he turned around his head was smashed by Cross's first. The robot body dropped on the ground making some white come out. The white smoke was Taurus's soul. He did not have any time to waste with Cross. He instantly started to infuse his power around the whole coffin getting rid of the seals. As he did that he ripped the front part of the coffin off seeing his dead rotten body. He started to chant words in the native language Mir. Cross tried to stop the spell from finishing, but a barrier appeared over them. When the spell finalized, the barrier disappeared. The rotten skin on Hien's body accordingly turned to look like fresh new skin. Taurus smiled and backed up from the coffin. Cross had fucked up. Hien's hand which grabbed the coffin raised himself up and opened his eyes. " Cross could feel his dangerous aura.

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