
Chapter 4: Reconciliation

-Naofumi POV (Yesterday)

After I moved next to the man, he didn't react or move before I placed my hand on his shoulder. After I did he lifted his face from his palm, with his eyes looking bloodshot his gaze filled with resentment focused on me. After a brief moment of hesitation I steeled myself and with a resolute face opened my mouth to say "I feel the same way as you do."

He looks dumbfounded when he heard that sentence, as if he was expecting a more mocking sentence. I mean I know my looks is more like a villian but come on I'm not that bad... somehow I saw myself with an evil look wearing armor that a bandit leader would, I shook my head to clear those thoughts. After that I focused my earnest gaze on him continuing to say "I know how you feel, I mean I don't look much and I'm not strong, hell I'm not even being chosen by anyone but her to be my companion even though I'm one of the Legendary Heroes." The man looked so surprised hearing what I said his mouth is gaping, I also spotted one of the audience spilling his drink because of surprise.

The man focused his gaze on me to ascertain the truth of my words. Uncaring of that I continued "I felt betrayed you know, alone like that being disdained just because I'm the Shield Hero. But at that moment, like a goddess descending she stepped forward choosing me as the hero she would support. There were protests all around saying that I'm incompetent, that I'll be nothing but dead weight. But she responded that I could protect to guard her with my shield, that I would be someone she could entrust her life to, and that she would make sure I won't be a dead weight. Her appearance as she resolutely stood by my side is the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen, and her words are so touching I almost cried from gratitude. After that SHE was the one who searched for information, SHE was the one who managed our money, and SHE was the one who trained me... although it only began this evening. But although she knew it would be better if she were to follow the others she chose me, she knew it would've been easier for her if she didn't act after all she was summoned here by accident, and yet she knew all that and yet she chose to help me, a hero who can't use anything but a shield and couldn't attack."[Naofumi]

During my outburst the man's gaze sharpened when I mentioned being the Shield Hero, but after hearing more of my words his glare softened into one of sympathy and understanding. After letting me calm myself a few moments the man placed his hand on my shoulder as he said "Sorry Kiddo, I didn't knew life wasn't easy for you and yet here I am envying and cursing you. Now that I know about you, how about a round of ale for my apology."[Adventurer?]

Hearing his sentence I smiled as I said "I'm not a kiddo I'm already 21 and besides I never did have any alcohol."[Naofumi]

Hearing my words the man looked surprised before saying "You're already 21? you look younger than that to me, but more importantly you never had alcohol not even once before?"[Adventurer?] He asked the last part incredulously. Seing me nod as an affirmation he slapped my back saying "Man your missing a lot on your life lets get you an ale now, but before that what's your name, can't have me calling you bastard or kiddo right? Oh and the name's Alphonse, but just call me Al I'm the inn owner."[Al]

Hearing his name I remembered an anime whose character has the same name, but I pushed that thought away for now as I said "My name is Naofumi, but Al-san for a moment there I thought that you were an adventurer or a mercenary from your oppressive atmosphere."[Naofumi]

Hearing my words he chuckled mysteriously and slapped my back again as he said "Hoo, you got some sharp senses Naofumi. Your not wrong I can be considered as an adventurer, because the ingredients to the food is the monsters that I hunt."[Al]

Hearing his words I blanked for a while as I remembered a setting similar to this, I mean it's a usual cliche for a man who is seemingly an ordinary bartender but is actually one of the best assassin right? As I pondered that I chuckled, hearing my chuckles Al asked "What's wrong is there a problem with me hunting my own ingredients?"[Al]

Hearing him I responded "No, no, it's not about you hunting you're ingredient. It's just that I remembered about how it is usually cliche if a man who seems to be in a similar situation like you turns out to be someone unexpectedly strong or important to the country that its just seems a bit funny. And for the records, isn't hunting your own ingredient more cheaper than buying from the store?"[Naofumi].

After I answered Al slapped me again this time a bit too hard as I almost fell, and as he laughs and said cheerfully "FINALLY! Someone who agrees with me on hunting your own ingredient. Oh and as for your cliche part I am considered to be a semi-retired adventurer, but I was a first class adventurer you know?"[Al]

Hearing his last sentence I almost fell again but with Al catching my shoulder I regained my balance as I look to his eyes as I asked "Seriously?"[Naofumi]. He answered "Seriously."[Al].

After an awkward atmosphere descended, Al said to gather the audience's attention "Alright, because Naofumi is so down we'll have a drinking party tonight to cheer him up and for tonight only the drinks are on me"[Al].

Hearing him I just wanted to decline but is interrupted by the others saying

"What the hell Al? Since when did you stop penny pinching"[Man 1]

"That's right, there's just no way Al is giving out something for free. Unless... SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR OR A HEALER AL IS SICK HE'S NOT HIS USUAL STINGY SELF"[Man 2]

" There's no need, I am a doctor. Now then, how many fingers am I raising Al?"[Female 1]

Seeing the situation I'm rather dumbfounded, I mean when your being offered free drinks usually you should be happy right? I mean look at Al right now he's shaking because of anger and I'm seeing a menacing aura coming out of him, which made me step back involuntarily.


"Well, there's the normal Al."[Man 3]

"Haah, a bunch of idiots, anyways Naofumi you still want some drink?"[Al]

"Well... I guess I'll try, but I never drank alcohol before, so don't get your hopes up."[Naofumi]

"Heh, we won't know until you try right? Anyways CHEERS TO NAOFUMI!"[Al]


"Also the free drink is for the first mug for anyone other than Naofumi."[Al]

"I knew there was a catch!"[Man 4]

"SHUT IT! I changed my mind because you were complaining!"[Al]

Helpless to refuse I accept his offer and downed my first mug... it's pretty good.

-After 10 minutes

I don't know what to make of what's in front of me, I mean although they were complaining about Al being stingy they still ordered refills until they were dead drunk, even Al seems a bit tipsy. As for me? strangely I'm still sober, I already had my 20th mug and I feel nothing. I notice Al walking to my side albeit a bit clumsy.

"Hey Naofumi, for one who never had alcohol you could sure stand your ground can't you?"[Al]

"It seems so Al-san, oh that reminds me when you were banging your table you only made loud noises even though you hit it so hard, can you tell me how you did it?"[Naofumi]

"Oh that trick? it's pretty simple you know, you just use your mana to disperse your force of impact to distribute evenly. Bit since I hit hard I also dispersed it to the floor so that my wife won't yell at me in case of anything breaks."[Al]

"I see, but I guess I'm still far from doing that huh?"[Naofumi]

"Yep solid proof is you fainting from the goddess's training."[Al]

I shuddered when he mentioned that, remembering the gruelling training. But I guess it showed on my face as Al's face turned nervous as he asked "Is it that bad?"[Al]

"I don't know if it's bad to you, but is having a mock training(beatdown) until you faint bad? And I'm the Shield Hero the one with the highest stamina and defense!"[Naofumi]

"... I guess she was serious about making sure you're not going to be dead weight, but anyways I'll be supporting you Naofumi, actually most of us here would be after your awe-inspiring speech touched our hearts."[Al]

The last part of his words made me blush in shame when I remembered as I quickly covered my face with my hand 'Aaaaaah, it feels like me being a chuunibyou (Eight Grade Syndrome) with a mortal conscience... I'm dying of shame.'

"I.. I'm going to go to my room."[Naofumi]

"Already? Okay then, have a good night's sleep Naofumi."[Al]

-The Present

'.....I'm really gonna die out of shame if someone mentions my speech yesterday' is what I thought when I got out of bed. After a while I shook my head clearing those thoughts away, and then I realized that I didn't have any sort of discomfort whatsoever even though I drank so much alcohol. Guess I'm immune to hangovers... sweet.

Not much of inspiration lately so chapters may be slower

Furnocreators' thoughts
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