
11.The life of Hassan

2 years had passed like this way.Hasini as Hassan has become 18 years of age. Since Master Bheem holds an important position, no students knew his face or knows how he looks like. General people haven't seen the commander but only heard of the courageous man. Master Bheem have been following Hassan recently disguised as an old man. Bheem disguised himself as old Veeru and working as one of the care takers of the college. His real intention was to follow the progress of the students and school especially Hassan.

Hassan haas got many buddies but four of them are besties. They are Prince Arjun (Prince of Panchal), Prince Vikram( Prince of Pataliputra), Vijay and Digvijay(twin sons of landlord of chatto Village). Beside being his best friends in school, they also help Hassan run his wine shop. Vijay have given Hassan a barren land which Hassan turned into a palm vine, he brews those palms into wine along with his friends and all of them then serves

the customers. This happens after college classes of course.

Hassi(meaning joy) , the wine shop name had the best taste palm wine, it is becoming quite popular day by day. The boys works hard and also serves the customer well.Even if someone gets drunk in their shop they send the drunk man home. So, the shop is reliable too and women feel safe to send their sons, husbands to Hassi wine shop. Hassan have become a handsome man now, her green eyes, fair skin, strong personality had made her more attractive than any othher man. For him and the other three handsome friends, city ladies often come to volunteer in the shop. Hassan knowing their intentions and also favoring for her friends allows these ladies to volunteer. With these handsome boys and young beautiful girls as workers the shop has went very popular and is been doing very well. The money Hassan collects the entire day, insists in sharing with his friends and the volunteers, but since they all are form well to do families,every one refuses to take the money. Hassan is saving the money bit by bit as he wants to build a house in the city to stay with her mother after graduating from the college. Buying a house in a city is very costlier than a village. He had to work for many days like this to save the required money.

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