
Chapter 3

Grandma Ha was many things. She was brave, she was confusing, she was a skateboarder, a scientist, and even an elephant rider. But there was one thing she was not: Grandma Ha was not forgetful.

So how the hell did she forget that her granddaughter is in the prime of her youth, soon to be thirty six years old, Kas didn't know.

I mean, sure, you can make a miscalculation of two-three years, but not seventeen years!

"Gran," started Kas, "I know you're getting older, but..."

In this moment, the old woman fiercely hit Kas with her slipper.

"Keep running your mouth and I will eat your collection of pop sickles."

Kas shut up. But not because she was afraid that her collection will be devoured, but because she was horribly confused. After all, Gran already ate it, years ago!

The girl quickly went into the house, looking for her parents.

She walked into the kitchen and saw them sitting on the table, sharing a mustard-chocolate cake. Now, I know mustard-chocolate cake is not something you'd eat. Kas knew it too. But her parents had very peculiar preferences when it came to desserts.

So, here they were - a goblin and a retired vampire, munching the cake with forks in each of their hands.

"Oh dear, here you are!" exclaimed her mom, and both parents jumped to the floor, and went forward to hug her.

"Happy up-coming birthday!" Kas heard, and soon her hands were full of different gifts.

"I bet you can't wait for tomorrow, eh; your powers will finally awaken," said dad excitedly.

Now, let's make a pause here.

You're probably wondering why they are celebrating Kas's upcoming birthday. Why are they greeting her today, if her birthday is tomorrow? If you aren't wondering, then you should.

If you remember from a previous chapter (and you do if you like to binge-read novels in one day), people get ridiculous powers. After one of Kas's ancestors disappeared when she turned 18 (and no one still knows what her powers were), it was decided to celebrate the birthdays on the day before - because you never know if your loved is going to vanish into thin air, or turn into a stool, like their great-great-great-great-grandpa once he turned 18.

So here you go, now you know all you need to know and we can go on.


Kas didn't really understand what was going on, but she decided to roll with it. So she didn't tell anyone about how she's actually thirty five.

The midnight came, and the family bid her farewell. Kas went downstairs to her room, and went to bed.

She decided, that maybe her powers again got stronger and she was actually able to jump in time.

Well, in any case, she'll see to it tomorrow. If she's really eighteen, then she will wake up in her family's bookcase (because that's what happened in her previous life ??); if she's thirty-five then she will disappear somewhere far far away, maybe again bypassing time. In any case, there was no reason to worry her family, as she might not see them again.

Before finally drifting into unconsciousness, Kas thought:

"Oh well, time-teleporting is actually pretty cool."

Maybe time-teleporting skill is cool, but too bad Kas didn't have it. Of course, Kas didn't know this, that's just me telling you a secret before next chapter.

Kas fell asleep.

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