
The First Day

Thomas felt a sensation of emptiness in his stomach. He also felt a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. But he suppressed it. It was just in his mind. This was his first day at a new Coaching Center. He was nervous because he had heard that these couches here were the best in the business. Coaching from them would mean that his future is set.

He looked around the room. there were a couple of kids too with him. Kids were still coming through the door. Suddenly the teacher entered and the entire room became pin drop silent. Not a single sound could be heard. The class was of only two hours , two days a week. But the fees was very high. As the teacher started taking attendance a noise was heard at the door. The room was so quiet that even the footsteps of the person entering the room was loud. Thomas look back and saw a girl standing at the door. He was sitting at the very last bench but the door was behind him. Thomas again looked at the girl. She was very beautiful , Thomas thought. Thomas was seventeen and yet he did not have a girlfriend. Girls were perhaps phobic to him. He used to fall in love with a girl , she would reject him and then Thomas would live his life dying inside.

As Thomas was thinking all of this he didn't realize that the girl had come and sat next to him. He now could look at her more carefully. She was beautiful looking. She had , long black hair all tied up like Elsa in Frozen. Her lips were beautiful too and had a natural reddish glow. But what attracted Thomas most was her eyes. She had beautiful round eyes. It seemed like people could melt in her eyes.

Thomas was so much overwhelmed with love for this girl that when she turned towards him , he still remained looking at her. "Never seen a girl before ? " , came a clear voice. "Umm , sorry " Thomas crashed back to reality. "New here ?" asked the girl . "Umm, Yeah. " replied Thomas. "Hi, I'm Thomas." , Thomas stretched out his hand towards her. "Jess , pleasure to meet you" replied the girl without even looking at him. Thomas awkwardly drew back his hand. So that's her name , he thought. Jess , what a beautiful name. Thomas tried to re start the conversation.

" You are a student here too ?"

"No I am a janitor . Of course I am! Duh !"

" Nah , Im sorry. Its just that I am new here and don't know anybody here so that's why I was asking. "

" Nice , Don't expect anybody to know you. Here , all this guys , they are geeks. they know nothing other than their books."

Thomas laughed ," You are not a geek ? "

Jess looked at him and asked " Do I look like one ? "

" Well , I have never seen how a geek looks like , so I can't tell. "

Jess looked at Thomas. This guy is clever , she thought. " Looks like you are not one of them. Nice to have a human being with me and not zombies " She said.

Thomas blushed. The trick worked.

Jess and Thomas both looked at each other and smiled.

This was going to be a long two hours. They both need each other's company.

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