
Aurorus City

When Jez woke to a loud click as the entire cart shook, the youth from earlier commented, "We have arrived at our destination, that would be the cabin cart being disconnected from this cart.". Jez heard this and then walked towards the trapdoor and pushed it open, bitter frost blew across his face as the blinding light filled the compartment, when he climbed through the trapdoor and onto the open air he caught his first glimpse of the city of Aurorus, the massive defense wall that split the land, the city was roughly circular with consecutive rings towards the center, each ring was marked by its own set of defensive walls that got taller until it reached the center of the city which was were the mage academy was marked by a massive tower that seemed to split the sky and projected bursts of lights that earned the city its name. Jez had to reach the center of the city and reach the academy, which meant passing through the layers of the city which separated by social class, the poor and the criminal stayed out in the outskirts of the city, past the slums were the middle class and not poverty stricken families and the core was those of power. As he walked through the slums, his gut wrenched, his heightened senses saw all of the injustice that was the slums. Human trafficking, drug trade, bribery and even murder, he would have done something except for the voice in his head warning aginst that, 'you are too week to do anything yet, all you will do is get yourself killed' Jake said in a tone of voice that showed he was equally enraged, the hatred that radiated from him made everyone keep a wide birth, making the trip to the middle layer uneventful. As Jez entered the middle layer, the first thing that he noticed was the guards, they had been absent from the outer layers, they were simple armor that covered their face and offered mild protection. The buildings were uniform and looked like what one would expect from a city, nothing happened here either until he walked to the wall for the core city, where he was stopped by guards dressed much differently. "What is your business in the core?" one of the guards asked, his voice prideful and overbearing, "I came to enter the mage academy" Jez was quiet in his response and handed the enrollment certificate to the guard. The guard quickly handed the note back and let Jez pass, he really didn't like the guard, his gaudy armor and arrogant demeanor made him sick. As he walked through the core of the city, a creeping feeling of disgust and anger grew in Jez, 'you feel it don't you, the sense of wrongness, of disgust. Only the dead know of the horror that hide beneath the clean and elegant exterior.' Jake commented, 'it feels like this place is a scar on the world, why?'. Jake pondered a little before responding, 'The people who follow morals set lines in the sand, things they won't do, this limits how they can do things, makes them predictable, those who do whatever they want with no rules to follow to make their way to the top. the people that make their way to these heights are the darkest of the dark, the worst of the worst, now place them in a place where they are rich enough to do anything and powerful enough that no one could stop them and you get this level of vile and debauchery.' Disgust was obvious in his voice. Jez picked up his pace and started to head towards the mana tower in the center of the City. It was in the middle of a compound that spread over a large amount of space, with the spire at its center. Jez walked towards the center spire.

From here on out I should be posting chapters weekly, note should.-se

gunsablazing2creators' thoughts
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