
One month

Amadeus saw the all the people in the room kneel in front of him. He had an inexplicable feeling in his heart as he sat down on the throne. Through the open doors, he could hear the cheers from the capital and the roars of the dragon. Baldrik moved to the side fully letting Amadeus immerse in this new feeling.

With the crowning of the new emperor of the Baldrik Empire, taxes were void for half a year and some new policies were introduced sending the nations into an uproar. Free education. Although this wasn't rare in most developed countries within Amadeus' previous world, here, one had to have money and pay fees to receive some sort of education.

Although one had to pay academic fees for further education, the basic level was available for everyone. Although this meant costs for the royal family and government, the royal family did indeed have rather large pockets. Still this was only fulfilled by further dividing the taxes the citizens paid and making sure a stable cycle was produced. Some stingy individuals wouldn't want to spend their own money for another person's education.

This however meant that people who didn't pay taxes could also receive an education, so when one paid their taxes it would be recorded within a database. With their being large screens for showing live pictures, Amadeus believed that there should be some sort of technology to store data, and indeed there was. Status plates were a person's identity cards and if an individual was registered as a criminal, it would be stored within a certain type of database. These databases were interconnected towards various crystal balls littering a country. If one had their status plates scanned it would show if that person was a wanted criminal or not.

So, in a similar fashion, Amadeus had this technology implemented for the education system. This didn't mean that all was perfect, certain plates could be forged using many rare means meaning that people could get in. However, this method was rather expensive and not just anyone could do it. All Amadeus could do was keep it at a minimum and contain it, rather than outright try to get rid of it. Even if he did, it wouldn't be too long until another appeared.

The people of the Empire were happy with these changes and the government got to work. The busiest was the ministry of educations as they started to find people who wanted to be teachers and to sort out the salaries for them. Currently, publics schools didn't show up in every village but was slowly spread around the capital and major cities. The major cities had only one each and the capital had four. This was due to the lack of teachers, but this was just the start, Amadeus was sure that many individuals would be attracted over to teach and before long, the empire would be breeding its own generation of teachers.

By then, there would be a school in nearly every village. One could see the happiness of the people as soon as they walked into any city. They would be praising Emperor Amadeus Drakos for his intelligence. Each and everyone would give him different praises while saying that this was the coming of a new age for the Empire. With the word 'Empire' emphasised with pride.

As for the wise emperor they were all talking about, he was currently slumped over a desk with hopeless eyes. Sighing, he could barely move his head onto his chin. This desk was his fathers and now it was his. Apart from the small clearing that just about fit his head, the rest of the desk was covered with mountains of paperwork.

It had been a month since Amadeus took the throne. He had just finished the paperwork in front of him and immediately fatigue covered his body. Giving out another sigh, Amadeus pushed himself of the desk and leaned backwords stretching. He got to look at the room that was now his. On both sides were bookshelves that carried books and scrolls. Amadeus had already read all of them before he became emperor. Getting up, he went to the back and pulled a book from its shelf, only for it to stop midway and a mechanism to work. The bookshelf slid open and stairs ascending somewhere came into view.

He walked up the stairs and opened a small door. Instantly a breeze hit him, washing a small bout of fatigue away. A night sky filled with many stars came into view as the crescent moon shone brightly in the sky. Taking in a deep breath, Amadeus was now on the tallest tower in the whole of Emerald Palace. There was just one chair in the middle that overlooked the whole capital city. Amadeus saw some areas of the city filled with light and some filled with darkness that made it hard to see.

In all honesty, if he had the chance, he wouldn't think of taking the throne. He just wanted to be free and roam the world. Although he could do it, he would have preferred to do it with a carefree smile. He would make friends and companions on his journey while fight next to a brother in arms. Fall in love and live a life, one without the responsibilities of an Emperor. However, all this responsibility was thrown onto him ever since he breathed his first in this world, no, ever since he tried to leave that classroom. Looking at the palace walls, what he once thought were beautiful now looked like cages, restricting his freedom.

There were many what ifs that he could think of, but they were all possible scenarios in his head. He had come to warm up against all the people he had met in this world and they were now in an irreplaceable place in his heart. Remembering the vision the god of dreams showed him and the smile on his little brother, Amadeus leaned backwards on the chair with renewed determination. Slowly his eyes closed, and he entered the realm of dreams. A short while later, Baldrik appeared next to him and just shook his head as he covered the boy in a blanket and left.

The next morning, Amadeus woke up to a light hitting his eyes. When he opened them, he felt the warm rays of sunshine enter his eyes and a refreshing feeling in his body. Getting up, he saw a sight he wouldn't ever forget. The sun had draped its blessing over the city and with his eyesight he could see the people start to go about their daily lives with a smile. Now that it had come to it, there was no use of these useless thoughts plaguing his mind. He was now the emperor and he had to answer to all these people's expectations of him. All he could do now was smile and look forward to the future. The palace walls now looked more pleasing to his eyes.

Closing the secret passageway, he left the room and saw a maid walking past. She bowed when she saw him and he handed the blanket over to her.

"Hand this over to father."

"Yes, your highness."

With a bow, the maid hurriedly left to the Ruby Palace, it was where his father was staying nowadays. Walking a bit more, Amadeus saw Eriko and co wating for him. The four immediately came behind him while Eriko started informing him the lists of tasks he was supposed to do today. Eriko was his head maid while also the one that reported to him the tasks he needed to do. Apart from the times he wanted to be alone, Eriko was there following him like a shadow. It wasn't just her the other three were the same. Each of their steps were silent, as if there was nobody there.

Amadeus could sense them and leisurely walked through the palace's hall. After freshening up, Amadeus donned his favourite purple robes but this time with a golden dragon with five claws embedded in them. Amadeus left his room and once more started walking through the palace's hallways only to end up in the throne room while Blades littered the room as soon as he walked in. The Emperor's overcoat appeared over his shoulder as he stepped up to the throne while his crown appeared in his hands and placed it on his head while sitting down. As soon as the crown touched his head, he was submerged in a refreshing feeling and all his fatigue disappeared. His mind and his thoughts were clear. It was one of the effects the crown had on its wielder.

Fidgeting slightly, he tried to find the most comfortable position and ended up putting his foot over the other leg's knee. He then placed his elbow in the arm rest and leaned on it as he found it more comforting. A veil dropped from his crown as it covered his facial features. Eras came and stood a couple steps down from him as another Blade stood next to him. This Blade was different from the rest, the Blade had more of a slender frame and stood a bit shorter than Eras, if they were to stand next to each other. This was the commander in chief of all the Blades, Irene.

The Blades didn't have last names and just kept their first names, abandoning the last name as soon as they joined. Irene was just like her name, peaceful, her blue eyes reminded Amadeus of the calmness present within a lake, without the slightest ripple. She only spoke when spoken to and would remain quiet most of the time. However, the authority she carried within the Blades was unthinkable as she was the strongest from them.

Previously, she was part of Baldrik's protection detail now she was the head of Amadeus'. This can be seen with Eras standing a couple steps away. With a nod from Amadeus, the door was opened and in walked in two individuals, one was an old man and the other, a teenager, both wearing a common suit. It was a simple one with a black coat above a white shirt and black pants with black leather boots that looked a bit worn. One could see the care taken to maintain the suits as they came closer and halted before the steps. Kneeling down, they didn't dare to look up as they felt the pressure exerted from the surrounding Blades.

Sweat dripped down they foreheads while their chest started feeling tight. With a wave of Amadeus' hand, the Blades reigned in their pressure and Eras turned to them,

"State your name and your occupation. After you've done this, state your issue. His highness will listen to your troubles."

Trembling, the two got up and looked up. All they saw was a young body look down onto them, while a purple veil covered his face. They could faintly see a pair of odd coloured eyes look straight at them as if their souls were exposed in front of him. The old man quickly looked away in case they offended the opposite party, but it wasn't the same for the teenager. Inexperience was written on his face as he continued to stare at Amadeus, without turning away.

A frown appeared on Amadeus' face as he felt uncomfortable by the way the teenager was looking at him. Increasing his own pressure, he exerted his will over the man and a dominating regal aura left his body. The teenager didn't know what happened until his vision went black and returned. All he saw now was a large cloud in front of him with two glowing orbs look at him. One was silver and the other gold.

The two orbs looked at him as if he was an ant and the teenager felt weak throughout his body. He hurriedly turned away while breathing heavily and no longer dared to look at Amadeus. This short interaction was missed by the old man as he started speaking,

"Your highness, my name is Jonathan Woodbridge, I'm a humble village chief in one of the many villages the Empire has. I've come regarding a problem…"

Amadeus was taking some time in listening to the common people's issues so he could gather more information. It was better to get to know the issues experienced by the victim rather than hearing it from the ministers themselves. The Empire followed similar proceedings to the ancient dynasties and kingdoms from his previous world, but it was all incorporated in a way that the Emperor had a final say in everything. Still meetings like this had never been done before which was easy to explain why the pressure released by the Blades was, well, over the top.

One by one, many commoners came and left with happy smiles. As for one of issues, it was,



The imperial court was sent into a series of discussion. It was true though, the monster that Amadeus brought up was one of the weakest and they were usually handed to the beginner adventurers and to soldiers in training. Henrik came forward adjusting his monocle,

"What about them, your highness?"

Amadeus looked at the serious looking man as he turned to the rest of the officials,

"First answer this question. How many villages does the Empire have?"

An old official came forward. He didn't look tall mainly due to his hunched back while looking like someone that the wind could topple straight into his grave. But he had a long beard that reached the floor and his official suit was kept neatly with their being no creases. His eyes were narrow, almost shut while his skin baggy and heavy with wrinkles. Yet a vitality like no other was present within him. He was the current Minister of Agriculture, Green.

It was a simple name, but it was what he called himself, he was a Treant. Treants was a species of sentient trees that were usually found in the Formosa Forest but this one was unique. He had attained intelligence and wisdom rivalling ancient dragons and has been a minister ever since Caesar's reign.

Green looked at Amadeus,

"To my knowledge, we have the capital city and four major cities where the dukes reside. Circling those four major cities are a total of sixteen minor cities, four each. With their being four major villages for every minor city, that will total up to about 64 major villages. As for the minor villages, they are sporadically placed around the empire, but they number at least a hundred."

Amadeus nodded and Green went back to his place.

"If we were to put this into equation, how many times is a village attacked by goblins."

This time a General walked out. He was a human with a rather large scar heading from the corner of his temple, diagonally to the end of his left cheek. He had short black hair and black fierce eyes. He was the commander of the Guards, also known as the Shields. The Drakonis Empire had six known armies, the General Army that protected the Empire's borders, the Shields that guarded the walls of a village or city, the Police Force that protected the civilians, the Imperial Guards, the Dragon Army and lastly the Blades.

The General's name was Sado Tora, a Japanese name, the surname coming first.

He was a descendant of a hero that had been summoned years back. When Amadeus had first heard this, he was rather shocked but came to terms with it, there wasn't anything that said that there hadn't been a summoning before. From the reports that Amadeus got, it seemed that the summoned hero was probably from the era dozens of years ago in his previous world with the description he got.

What bewildered him even more was that this hero lived hundreds of years ago and he wondered if time changed different between worlds or it was just that the summoning got suitable individuals from different parts of the time stream in his previous world. For example, someone from the 1800s could be summoned in the future of Orbis to be a hero for something.

Tora came forward and bowed respectfully towards Amadeus,

"On average, a village could be attacked at least once every couple months."

Amadeus nodded as he continued,

"What are the damages?"

Tora once more continued, bewildered where the Emperor was taking this. It was the same for the other officials, but they still listened,

"Um, well, there would be a few broken houses and a couple girls would be captured."

"How many times will a village be destroyed?"

"Um, at least one every year."

"Ok, one goblin attack every couple months, a couple girls taken away, maybe some men, over a hundred villages, one gets destroyed, work out the damages."

Many of the clever ones had their eyes widened while some of them got thoughtful looks in their eyes.

"How many girl's lives have been ruined?"

Despite being late, Happy new years guys.

DemonicPandacreators' thoughts
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