
Ch. 81: Good Morning

Walking back into the hall, I gave a look at Kovin to follow me. We met up near the exit when I began a list of orders, "I want a full report from Iren by morning - Spare me the senseless details and relay only the necessary information."

"Understood m'lord."

We kept walking toward the wing of guest rooms farther past that would be my own chambers. There were a few people making their way to settle down for the evening but mostly it was secluded.

"Also make sure Lord Jorge De Silva doesn't cause any needless trouble. If results are favorable tomorrow, I would like to meet with him thereafter so I may listen to any concerns he may feel he ought to express."

Kovin furrowed his brows in concern, "Needless trouble? What kind of ruckus did that philanderer cause this time?"

My jaw ticked, "His usual tricks - Lady Ezran wasn't amused. Make sure he receives adequate medical care. If possible I would appreciate it if he's unable to use his wrist ever again."

Kovin smiled ruefully, "You are unusually compassionate m'lord."

I scoffed, "He's lucky I'm in a pleasant mood." A couple at the end of the hall caught my attention. Well well . . . Looks like things were turning out even better than I could hope for.

Eyeing the couple who were passionately paying us no mind, I saw the woman drag the intoxicated male into her allotted room. Kovin followed my gaze and let out a whistle of surprise. Before he could retort I said calmly, "Make sure to have someone check in on the lovely Lady Charlotte of Eastborne - I'm afraid my rejection earlier might put her and her father in low spirits. It wouldn't do to have my allies suffering on such a joyous night."

Kovin smiled broadly, "Will do m'lord."


How unusually strange that demon was. Watching him walk away without a care to my declaration, I couldn't help but shake my head in confusion.

'Did that man really just help me out?'

Thinking back on our conversation, it very well seemed likely. He actually said if I'd done any differently during the battle the result could've been worse - Granted he did call me an ignorant woman, yet I'd almost swear I caught a glimpse of a smile. Was he teasing me tonight or was I delusional? It must be my imagination running overtime - The Devil's Spyre was playing tricks on my brain.

Shaking my head once more, I made my way out of the hall to my assigned chambers. Illana was dead to the world surrounded by pillowy blankets with Snippet snoring softly at her head. Smiling, I grabbed the nightclothes Illana laid out for me then changed behind the screen partition.

My mind was still weighing heavily on our conversation tonight as I thought back to how regal the demon looked in the moonlight. Baymun was the embodiment of what a Crown Prince should be - Nobel, cold, calculative, even somewhat charming. I needed to stay as far away from him as possible . . . Those icy violet eyes screamed danger.

Why did he spy on Jorge and me anyway? Did he honestly think I would cause a fall-out tonight? Well . . . I mean I kind of did.

Thinking of that I bit my lip - What hell would I have to pay tomorrow for my actions? Richie warned me to keep my mouth shut and for the most part I did, but that stupid Lord wouldn't leave me alone! I felt like I did the right thing, even the demon seemed to agree . . .

Great! Now I'm relieved that my enemy might be on my side?!

Scowling in anger, I roughly pulled the ribbons out of my hair. Well whatever! I seriously doubted Baymun would side with me if the scum Jorge wanted to push this incident anyway - He was next in line for the crown in Loveta whereas I'm just a lowly woman.

Now fully dressed and ready for sleep, I gave a sigh while plopping down on my side of the bed. I guess it's another night dreading my fate for the morning. What will it be - Beheading? Flogging? Or worse yet, Jorge might request I be his personal slave to do his bidding; A fate I'm sure Baymun would happily agree to. Why did I insult that demon when he left tonight? I could've tried to smooth things over instead I do the complete opposite by urging him to reproach me!

Perhaps Richie was right . . . I'm a glutton for punishment.


The bright sun shone like rays of gold filling the room with a peaceful serenity, yet I was less than pleased. I didn't get much sleep since I couldn't help but reflect on last night. Rubbing my tired eyes, I looked over at Illana who was tidying up the room.

"Good morning m'lady! Did you have a good rest?" This chic was way too chipper in the mornings.

Rolling over with a groan, I almost smothered poor Snippet who was stretching herself awake. With a small hiss of disapproval she scurried over to the edge of the bed, licking one scaly paw.

I narrowed my eyes at her while smirking, "Seems like someone else is in a bad mood this morning. What's the matter Snips? Had too much to drink?"

Snippet's obsidian eyes glared as she flicked her tail choosing to very rudely turn and ignore me.

Chuckling I stretched my weary limbs, "Uggh! Why are we still in the palace? Can't we be back on the campaign already?"

Illana smiled while pulling out some clothes, "I'm afraid not m'lady. Kovin stopped by a few minutes ago stating you had a meeting scheduled with the Crown Prince this morning."

Leaning up with a start, I widened my eyes, "Did he say why?"

She shook her head. Falling back with a groan I placed a hand over my eyes dramatically, "Why me? Can't that demonic fiend find someone else to meet with this morning? By the way -" I propped myself by holding my face in hand, "Where's Richie?"

She gave a dazzling smile, "M'lady sure is full of questions this morning. Richie hasn't shown up yet . . . Should I be concerned?"

I waved a hand while rolling out of the comfortable bed, "Don't bother. Rich probably hasn't been able to pull himself away from whatever witless female caught his attention last night."

Placing my hands together, I made a big overhead stretch continuing,"I swear, when we were back home any available female that happened to pass through town (which weren't many mind you) would somehow always find her way into Richie's bed. The boy's got a knack for convincing beautiful unsuspecting women to lay with him."

Giggling, Illana raised a comfortable gown to my figure, "That sounds like something he'd do. How's this dress m'lady?"

I nodded in approval somewhat unnerved to have to wear another dress. Since we were in the palace I suppose it couldn't be helped, "It'll have to do. Also . . . I've told you before that you don't have to keep addressing me so formally Illana."

She gave that kind-hearted smile while assisting me with my clothes, "I know m'lady. That's one of the main reasons I do so - You treat me so kindly and have helped me so much, you deserve my respect. Not only that but I've told you before I'm used to being a servant . . . Old habits die hard I guess."

Pulling the dress down, I smoothed out the creases, "Yeah but you also lived in Zantark. They didn't make you do that stuff there did they?"

She shook her head, "No, not really. But I never felt like I belonged there . . . In the end it was practically servitude anyway."

I shrugged while making my way over to the vanity for Illana to work her magic on my hair. She could call me whatever she wanted so long as she knew she didn't have to. It wasn't like she was beneath me or anything - We'd talked in the past about this along with her doing chores. She was very adamant about helping me out any way she can because she felt she owed me. No matter how many times I told her it was absurd, she never faltered.

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