


Child Emperor was now healthy and sitting on the same chair as his present self was sitting. However, the circumstance of the moment was different. Before him, Tatsumaki was standing on the ground with Fubuki lying unconsciously with a strained look on her face.

"What you're asking is wrong!" Child Emperor yelled angrily. In most cases, the kid was calm despite how hard certain situations could be. However, this moment was different because of a reason. "You've done so much for me, Tatsumaki! However, I cannot grant your sister a mind wipe of such a magnitude! Just think of the implications!"

"You think I'm not aware, Dotei!" Tatsumaki yelled angrily. "I know it's wrong and I'm willing to accept the consequences! But just look at her! Ever since we escaped from that horrible place, Fubuki hasn't had a goodnight sleep! She wakes up, sometimes feverish and refuses to sleep because of the terrible memories she went there! You should know that considering you've seen those nights before!"

Child Emperor became silent. As much as he hated to admit it, he agreed with Tatsumaki's decision to a certain level. Hence, the sound of sympathy and regret was in his voice when he spoke softly.

"You really care for her…huh." He said subtly. "But…Tatsumaki…you have to understand that what happened back there were years unworthy of memories. Upon that, Fubuki spent four years in there unlike you that spent five years. If you go ahead with this…there may be unpredictable consequences."

"I know…" Tatsumaki replied. Her tone at the moment showed her willingness despite the repercussion that may come. Hence, she had a straight look on her face as she continued. "Now…if you care for Fubuki like I do…wipe those memories. I'll take full responsibility." She said.

"…Very well." Child Emperor hesitantly accepted.


'Up till today she still looks out for Fubuki.' Child Emperor stated in his thoughts. 'I haven't seen her in a long time now...Maybe I should visit one day…I guess leaving Tatsumaki and Fubuki six months after she saved me was a rough decision, but it was one I had to do…Besides, I've made it quite successful on the cyber and technological world. My quirk, the most intellectual brain power, has made me a very prominent figure not just in the international community but the hero community as the alias 'Child Emperor'. But I still wonder what happened that day of the breakout…Was it really Tatsumaki that saved me day from those facility guards…or was it something else in her? She never recalled seeing me prior to my near death in the forest…I get the feeling that something big and dangerous is coming.'

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