

Day turned into evening twilight when the dark surface of the moon gradually stole the brilliant light from the sun. 

Everywhere people could see, the sunny spots became crescent in form, as the reflection of images of the now narrowing sun.

At the beginning of this, people still could hear insects still chirping in the grass.Birds sang and animals quietly continued their grazing.But a sense of uneasiness seemed gradually to steal over all life. 

Birds' songs diminished, as those poor creatures flew anxiously for a moment, and sought for safety. Insects fell quiet, and the landscape grew darker and darker. 

The blue sky changed quickly into duskier, and a death-like daydream seized upon everything earthly. 

The crowds of people in the street were awed into silence. Trivial chatter, and senseless joking died down. The world fell into a pit of silence. 


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