Kace was driving while Hope was sitting on her new infant- safety seat that was perched on the back seat with Serefina, playing with her new teether and teddy bear.
Along the way, Serefina would mostly stare out of the window as if she was in deep thought. She would stay like that if Hope didn't cry to seek their attention to be fed or cleaned.
There was only the sound of the songs playing on the radio, filling the silence inside the car or Hope's voice that would rumble incoherently.
And when the sky turned dark as the moon illuminated the road, Kace brought them to an inn for them to stay for the night.
For outside people, the three of them looked like a happy family, yet the truth was slightly complicated to explain.
Kace turned off the engine and unbuckled Hope before he carried the baby and took the backpack along with Hope's teddy bear. The baby was sleeping again.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: