

"Call Sapphire over, see if she could do something about them." Torak instructed.

"Yes Alpha." Jimmy nodded and went out of the room. 

Sapphire was the head healer in Raven village, it was beyond rare for her to make an appearance, but if she did appear, then the situation was alarming.

Since the victims could do nothing except staring blankly, there were only two healers attended inside the room, when they finished their examination, one of them with short hair walked timidly towards Torak.

"Alpha, if it was Succubus, then there's nothing we could do with them." She said meekly, glanced at those people from her shoulder.

"Are they all the victims?" Torak asked the healer without spared her a glance. 

"There are twelve werewolves died."The young healer lowered her head in regret. It was too late for them, when she arrived they had gone.


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