

Torak's roar was full with authority and demanded an answer that Raine couldn't find any possible way to give it to him, as her head was racing with the thought of running away from him. 

He was mad, enrage actually and she was afraid of his outburst. He wasn't like any other person that she had ever met. No, Raine wasn't even sure if he was a person. 

Just what kind of creature was he? And what he would possibly do if he was in rage?

The man before her eyes reeked of authority and dominance that made her feel uncomfortable, in spite of the strange feeling of safety she felt, the feeling of fear came in the same way.

Raine tried to wriggle her hand away from Torak's tight grip, but only earned a low growled as a respond. He folded up her another sleeves and watched in fury on his eyes when it was the same as her another arms.

The image that was displayed in his eyes was both Raine's hands suffered with so many small black dots showed on the surface of her pale skin, it was marks of how many times they had tried to inject her. 

The dress that Torak had given to her would reveal all of these ugly scars, there was no way Raine could wear it.

Three years being in the mental institution left her with rough days, especially when people there found out that she was admitted not because of her foster parents wanted to fix her, but because they wanted to get rid of her. Because they simply had enough with her madness and insanity.

When she was scared to death because there were creatures that she didn't even know what they were, wanted to take her and killed her, usually she would blow a fuse and screamed like there was no tomorrow until the other creatures left her alone. 

Somehow, they would runaway with pain on their expression that Raine didn't know why, but didn't want to know the reason either.

For those nurses and people in the mental institute, the easiest way to deal with her was to sedate her. It was always working every time, but the constant injection would left her with scars.

Some of them weren't scars from the injection, but there was a male nurse who liked to burn her arms with cigarette.

The time she turned mute and knew no one would believe her, he started this habit to entertain his boring working hours.

He was mentally sick. 

He enjoyed the pain shown on Raine's face when she couldn't voice a single word of protest when he did that.

And no one care enough to look over her unnecessary extra wounds, not even her foster parents. They had never come during the first two years of when Raine was still in there. She didn't have any progress on her condition, and so her foster parents abandoned her. 

Torak knew nothing about this. But the moment he laid his eyes on the scars that marred her arms, he knew something went totally wrong when she was there.


His Alpha's voice rung on Raphael head and made the poor Lycan needed to halt his step by the ominous that laced in his voice.

[Yes Supreme Alpha.] Raphael couldn't help but gave him the utmost respect. 

[Find out what had happened to my mate when she was in the mental institution! I want every record about her treatment there and every single detail about it! Did I make myself clear?!]

[Yes Supreme Alpha.]

And with that the line was cut harshly. 

Torak mustered every single fiber in his body to subdue his furious beast, his darker desire that demanding blood at that moment. He had been living hundreds of years to master a control over his beast within.

He wouldn't let it loose now, not when he was with his trembling mate.

The goddess of the moon was so cruel to him with her way right now. It wasn't salvation for his decaying soul, it was a challenge for his monstrous side.

Selene didn't only give him the most physically weak spirit, but the goddess also bestowed trauma into his case.

The fear in Raine's eyes broke his rotten soul and realized that he was the one who caused it ripped his heart apart.

Ignoring her protest and attempt to be anywhere except with him now, Torak pulled Rained closed to him. He was too strong for Raine to put up a fight with.

His hand was in her waist while his other hand wrapped around her shoulder made him imaginably closer. He put his head on the curved of her neck, inhaled deeply into her scent, the only thing that could calm him and the only convincing evidence that she was here with him at this very moment. 

"I am sorry, I scared you…" Torak murmured in her neck, hiding his rage and his bloody eyes. He had never been in this state of anguish in these past decades, being alive for centuries, made him immune from trouble and made him less care with his surroundings.

However, with Raine in his arms and the spark erupted between them, along with the warm tingling feeling engulfed their proximity, had offer all the calm that both of them needed.

Unexpectedly, Raine small hands patted his back as a form of comfort. She was still slightly trembling by Torak's sudden outburst, but she knew that he didn't mean to be mean to her. With that small endearing gestured, his beast purred with content.

His mate was trying to appease him. Her small hand caressed his back soothingly.

No matter how comfortable he felt, Torak still remembered the important task that he needed to do, reluctantly he pushed himself away from her, but not before he gave Raine a small kissed on her neck that turned her frozen. 

Chuckling, he said with lighter mood. "You need to eat." And with that he ushered both of them out of the bedroom.

Edited by: Fikydiamond

jikanyotomarecreators' thoughts
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