
I don't want to loose you

Bye jin!

*hung up*

I-I felt the whole world stopped. I can't think straight. I am worrying about y/n so much. I called Taehyung to help me to look for y/n.

On the phone:

Jin:T-taehyung shi.

Tae:hyung? What happened? Why are you crying?

Jin: Mi-so took y/n away.


Jin:I need your help. Help me save y/n please.

Tae:do you have any clue where she is?

Jin:I gave her a watch with a tracking system. I found out she is in a abandoned building near her office.

Tae:I'm coming. Bye hyung

*call ended*

I went to the address. I brought the money she needed. My wife is more important than money. I don't care about the money I just want to save y/n.

Guy:so you are... Jin?

Jin:yes. Now where is my wife?

Guy:but first where is my money?

Jin:here. Where is my wife?!

Mi-so:not so fast jin!

Jin:I gave your money!

Mi-so:that is not enough jin!

Jin: give me her!

Then the guy punched me and I punched him back. He pointed a gun towards me but I kicked the part where every man is weak when hit (you know that right? Yeah! The banana! 😏😏)

Because of the pain he lost his grip in the gun and it fell. I picked it up and hit hin in the back with it. We was about. To punch me but I punched him back using the gun and he fell. Then taehyung came.

Tae:hyung! I will take care of the guys here. Look for y/n already. I can handle this.

Jin:you sure?

Tae:yes! I have my best friend Jungkook.

Jk: yes,don't you worry (my daughter🤣3rd muster feels)

I ran to find y/n in this building. I found her sitting on a chair tied up.

Jin:y/n? Are you OK?

Y/n:help me.

Jin:I will

I started cutting the ropes all over her. She stood up but eventually fell to me.


Y/n: Jin, it hurts.. I c-can't.

Jin: I will carry you OK?

But then Mr. Nam came

Mr. Nam:so sweet!


Mr. Nam: but.. Its too much I think ill have cavities.

Mi-so: yeah me too *points gun to us*

Let's end this shall we?

I put y/n down for a second and grabbed the gun I got from the guy and pointed to them.

Jin: you thought.

Then the police officers came.

Police officer: Ms. Nam Mi-so and Mr. Nam you are arrested for the accuse of attempted murder and stealing of estimated 1.5 million won and also kidnapping.

Mi-so:get off me!

Police officer: You have the right to remain silent! Everything you say can be used againts you.

Then they carried them to the police car.

Y/n:th-thank you Jin.

Jin:are you o-OK?

Y/n:yes. At the moment I saw you I felt OK.

Jin: you got bruises all over you! Let's go home shall we? Let me treat your wound.

Then I carried her to my car. While driving I saw her crying. Maybe because of the pain. I took off my coat and put it on her body acting like a blanket. Few minutes later we arrived. She was still sleeping so I carried her to our room and cleaned her bruises. I also changed her clothes because it has a lot of blood.

Jin:aish. Angel, rest well.

I kissed her forehead and lied down beside her. I hugged her tightly. I don't want to let her go. I don't want her to be harmed.

To be continued

Chapitre suivant