
Forsythe Poisoned?!

"Consistent size," Forsythe cautioned.

"I got it," Elisha grumbled. She was cutting potatoes into even and consistent chunks, standing next to him in the kitchen.

"Consistent size is important. Food that has strangely sized chunks is weird, and cooks inconsistently." Forsythe continued. He was peeling carrots as he spoke. There was no hurry and no inefficiency in his movements.

"Yeah, yeah," Elisha was grinning even though her voice was grumbling.

Amelia had stumbled sleepily from her bed and sat unnoticed at the table ranch kitchen. She was holding her head up with her arms as she watched the exchange. Everyone else had either fallen asleep or was doing something else.

"That's pretty good," Forsythe said, casting a glance at her work. "Are you some kind of genius?"

Elisha giggled despite herself and paused. She set her knife down and moved over to him, rising on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Elisha was a genius, but Forsythe only treated her like she was special to him. "You're such a dork."

Forsythe sighed. "You're a lot like Raven sometimes."

"Oh?" Elisha looked surprised. She had returned to her potatoes as she cut them.

"Yes. You LOOK so unreliable but then I give you a task and it magically gets done." He explained to her. "Though you're not as flashy. It's good to not be flashy. People recognize you after a time as someone who always gets the job done. Leave the flashy to Raven."

"Like you? Mister I'm going on a cooking show soon?" Elisha smirked.

"I'm participating in a cook-off. I think it is too soon for a cooking show. I'm mastering desserts now." Forsythe warned. "I do not expect to make it to the televised finale."

"It's pretty famous in Melbourne and I really can't see you not making it to the final," Elisha argued.

"I understand." He said, admitting that he was thinking about what would happen if he got to the finals too. "I have been watching the past season trying to learn the judges' preferences."

"Studying the judges?" Elisha asked, surprised. "Won't you just cook whatever with the secret ingredient and win? I mean no one cooks like you Forsythe."

"Richard." Forsythe corrected. "Also, for this cook-off, I don't know which judges will appear. Perhaps none that I recognize."

"Yeah, yeah. When mom is around you're Richard but you don't mind do you? If I call you Forsythe?" Elisha wanted to know.

"No," Forsythe finally acknowledged. "I don't mind."

"How did you get in on that show anyway?" Elisha asked. "I thought it was really strict."

"I sent them the cooking battle video clip that Amelia recorded," Forsythe answered without looking up. "It was less strict because there is a beginner round that is not being televised. There will be many people."

"They admitted you because of a game clip?" Elisha gasped. "That's amazing!"

"I believe it's a publicity stunt. It will be amazing if I win." Forsythe disagreed.

"Hey, are you and mom gonna get married?" Elisha asked. She really had been hanging around Raven too much. Her thoughts were all starting to get blurted out.

"Yes," Forsythe said without hesitation, surprising Amelia to full wakefulness.

Elisha had paused, her mouth hanging open. "Really?"

"I love your mother." He answered simply. He looked at her for a moment and then very gently pointed passed her as if admitting the truth had cost him no emotional exchange. "Will you please hand me the bowl?"

"No, no wait! No Forsythe." Elisha put her knife down and turned toward him, facing him directly. "Does mom know? Have you asked? What'd you say?"

"I haven't asked because she hasn't inquired. I will ask her to marry me sometime after this Half arc is over or… I don't know? Your mother is under a lot of pressure from work and from leading the guild. In addition to that, you're a handful. Smart, beautiful, cunning, and probably too much of all three. It's not easy being the mother of a genius." Forsythe pointed to the bowl again trying to get her back on track. His face held gentle patience even though his motion suggested she should stop dawdling and get him the bowl already.

Elisha didn't move. After a long moment, she moved in and hugged him. Forsythe carefully held the knife away from the small girl and waited, seemingly unnerved by the sudden hug. He really was hopeless. Amelia remembered weeks ago when Raven had once told him to stop saying emotional stuff with that blank face.

"Do you think she will say yes?" Elisha muttered into his chest.

"I hope so." Forsythe finally replied after he considered. "50%"

Amelia managed to bite down on the snort she almost let out. He was basically saying she would or she wouldn't.

"You're good looking, you can cook, and you're rich right? No way is she saying no." Elisha decided, seemingly trying to convince herself.

"Please do not use criteria of that nature when you fall in love." Forsythe beseeched. He looked pained at the idea. "Admire qualities, character, and values as well as your ability to get along with someone you can see yourself standing beside proudly."

Elisha just laughed and finally handed him the bowl.

"Hey Elisha, what happened to your dad?" Amelia finally asked. Both Forsythe and Elisha startled, having not realized that they had an audience. Amelia was very still sometimes, she reflected.

"Amelia." Forsythe scolded.

"What? She asked about your family?" Amelia retorted.

"There is a limit to what you can ask without being rude." He replied.

"No, that's alright. It's no secret. I mean he didn't die or anything really cool like that. He walked out on mom when he found out she was pregnant. I mean they weren't even married. I had the most uncool dad in the world." Elisha laughed. "It all worked out. My mom is the leader of Shadow Fall!" She made a pose as if she were holding a bow.

"I see. He is not dead. That can be rectified." Forsythe turned back to his cutting board, and Amelia thought she almost detected bloodlust. The thought of someone walking out on their kid seemed to make him really mad. It made sense considering Forsythe really liked Elisha and Hunter and he pursued his interests with a single-minded purpose that would have put predatory creatures to shame.

"No!" Elisha had also seen the change in his face. "It's fine. He's in like India anyway doing missionary work. Can't be good about everything I guess. He sends me presents when he feels really guilty." Elisha sighed happily. "I of course, don't open them and throw them out. Makes mom really happy. Sometimes we burn them." She chuckled.

"You guys are really kind of frightening," Amelia said after a moment.

"Agreed." Forsythe nodded.

"Ah, it's cathartic. We express our strong emotions of anger in a healthy, burny manner." Elisha explained.

"I see." Forsythe nodded, reflecting for a moment and changing his mind as if this new information made everything completely natural.

"What?" Amelia didn't think so at all. "Setting fire to things so you feel better is normal?"

"Isn't it?" Forsythe paused, looking at her in wonder. He obviously didn't see the problem.

"You know what? I'm going to bed. Good luck Forsythe. I think this family was made for you." Amelia stood up and left the room. She returned to her bed and fell down into it, laughing helplessly into her pillow for a long minute before sleep took her. Visions of Hunter and Elisha standing around a fire barrel cackling as the flames rose higher danced in her thoughts. During Halloween maybe they wore witch hats.


When Amelia woke up she found that everyone was already in their dive gear and dead to the world. There were bread and butter on the table as well as some jelly and jam. Forsythe hadn't forgotten her after all. Her stomach rumbled as she quickly ate, reminding her that when she had stalked out of the kitchen last night she had been giving up on dinner.

Newly fortified with breakfast Amelia hurried back to her room and slipped back into AA. When her vision cleared she was in the guildhall. It was already a different place. The floors and walls shined with that clean look floors and walls get after prodigious scrubbing.

"What's going on?" Amelia asked as Ridley hurried by. He was carrying a table with Tempest and they were arranging them in the room to provide more seating and space. Other members were consumed with similar tasks.

"King Johanis has been invited to our first banquet. Forsythe offered to cook lunch, everyone is trying to get tables and chairs." Ridley was gone in the flurry of activity. He apparently felt like he was too busy to make a real accounting of what happened.

Amelia made her way to the door, surprised that wagons had begun appearing. Chairs and tables were stacked high and Hendrick was ordering the Half merchants around. He was indicating which of the tables went inside and where the tables outside would be placed. Just how many people were coming for lunch?

"Ah. Well you know Forsythe sent the king some bread this morning. It was kind of amazing I guess because the king sorta invited himself to lunch." Raven explained. She was standing to the side, looking out of place. She had no desire to help arrange tables and was instead just watching. "You shouldn't sleep in Amelia. You're supposed to stop him from doing stuff like this."

"I don't know that anyone could stop you people," Amelia muttered back.

"Well, that's true," Raven said, eyes darting upward. "I suppose."

"Try to act like you at least have some restraint this time around," Amelia said half-angrily.

"Hooo… Angry Amelia. I didn't do it!" Raven held out her hands in a defenseless way.

"Friend Amelia." Victoria was weaving her way between the wagons and appeared.

"Oh, a wild Victoria." Raven smiled at her and the small Half smiled back questioningly.

"Hello, friend Raven was it?" Victoria tried.

"Oh yes. Friend Raven." Raven smiled, looking suddenly pleased. "The best friend."

"Yes," Victoria smiled at her, and strangely Raven sort of lost interest in real time. Something in her expression deadened. It was almost like someone had flipped a switch and Raven was suddenly looking at Victoria like she was an enemy. Amelia frowned, somewhat disappointed in Raven's reaction.

"Ignore her, she's insane." Amelia pulled Victoria away, who suddenly peered back over her shoulder as she stared after Raven. "Food right?" Amelia prompted as she shepherded the Half away.

"Yes. Lunch. My father was quite taken by the bread." Victoria looked tired. "I am pulled to duty. I shall sit beside him and pretend to be mute."

"Hey me too!" Amelia agreed, sharing a sudden grin with the Half.

"The royal entourage is behind me. There is some confusion as to who to ask that you remove your wagons that they may proceed." Victoria said apologetically.

"Hendrick! You're blocking the king!" Amelia immediately straightened and looked around, finding the one she wanted and then called out. Hendrick looked startled but then took charge, immediately commanding the wagons to start moving into the grass.

"What pray is lunch?" Victoria asked.

"For lunch?" Amelia questioned, and when the Half nodded she shrugged in return. "I have no idea. If it's lunch then it will be a sandwich of some sort. Or if we're really lucky it'll be snake."

"Snake?" Victoria frowned. "How is snake lucky?" Fresh in her mind was their discussion of worm and snake pits.

"Have you ever had filleted 500-year-old snake meat that was pan-seared?" Amelia asked.

"No..?" Victoria admitted.

"Then you're lucky. Be sure to try it quickly or Shadow Fall will descend on it like vultures." Amelia warned.

"What is a vulture?" Victoria asked, looking a little more than puzzled.

"Uh… it's a circling bird of prey that steals other prey." Amelia finally managed.

"Ah, a pouncing ambush predator. Splendid." Victoria looked pleased. "Though the snake was 500 years old not the meat yes?"

"Yes." Amelia grinned.

King Johanis looked mildly shocked when he stepped off his wagon escorting the first princess, who was finally introduced as Adalia. He stared at the guildhall which had been completely cleaned out and even looked habitable. It was fair to say it was almost nicer than his own hall. Hunter appeared and began escorting him through the hall. It was explained to him that she was in command of the Hall, though Amelia was in command of the expedition. He nodded, trying his best to follow along with their insane logic. He seemed to realize that he was not being slighted by being greeted by Hunter and not Amelia.

"I am astonished." He admitted to her at last.

"Yes, we were a little too enthusiastic, my king," Hunter explained. "We have set a table at the head of the hall and would be honored if you wished to sit there but…" She hesitated.

"But?" He prompted gently, totally and absolutely mollified and enthralled with her after she called him her king.

"Shadow Fall would be remiss if we sat you there without explaining our custom," Hunter admitted. "You see that is not a place of honor. An honored seat is in the middle of our number, sharing story. We will of course seat you wherever you wish but, if it is your desire to join us you are most welcome."

King Johanis stopped in the middle of the hall and gaped at her openly. A dozen of his private guard and another dozen guarding the princess all paused, staring at him quietly. After a long moment he laughed, wisps of grey hair bouncing on his head. "I should be lucky to keep such fine company. Silf was it? You are beautiful my dear."

Hunter inclined her head gratefully and then raised her head. "Gilduirn put out the… the fine chair." It seemed rude to call it a high chair.

Most of the chairs that were being brought in were all Half sized. Benches were mostly scattered around the tables where everyone else was going to eat. Hunter later told Amelia they had tried to sit in the chairs but everyone complained that it was like sitting at a kid's tea party. Gilduirn brought out a chair that sat higher than the other chairs on longer legs. It would keep the King at the conversation level.

"You think of everything," Amelia commented as she approached. She bowed to the king briefly and he acknowledged her attendance with a smile.

"I slept great! Dinner was cooked when I got home." Hunter smiled conspiratorially at her. "I'm told that even though we're in a bit of a rush lunch will be served in the next ten minutes. Until then Idolia has volunteered to start bringing out a Half Lager. Forsythe has described it as uh, nutty."

The King did his best to follow the exchange, but it seemed all he got out of it was that they were immediately going to give him liquor and food was imminent. He seemed well pleased with the pronouncement and sat at the table near the middle of the room. Amelia, Hunter, Aidan, Schulia, Victoria, and Adalia joined them. The conversation passed the time and before long the Halves were really looking like they enjoyed themselves.

Idolia gave Amelia a scared look as she passed with a pitcher. "They can drink!" She commented. Amelia wasn't as worried. Drunk Halves hardly seemed dangerous.

When the food finally came it was individual plates with snake steak and toasted bread. Forsythe personally came to the table in the middle first and served the king, who stared down in wonder. "What is this?" He demanded.

"This is Pythonian. He was a mighty enemy." The king started to laugh until he realized Forsythe was serious.

"Do you eat your enemy?" King Johanis questioned.

"Only when it is a large snake and it is tasty." He answered.

"Are we really eating this?" Adalia wanted to know.

Victoria had taken Amelia's words to heart and took the first bite. She made a face and then turned to Forsythe. "Are you a god of cooking?"

"No," Forsythe answered quite seriously.

"I have had the fortune to eat at my father's table all my life. For 100 years, Forsythe, I have never tasted meat so delicious." Victoria's praise seemed to rate highly because everyone else who was getting served immediately dug in and tried it. Gasps of delight came from the Halves, though not just them. Shadow Fall descended on their food doggedly, determined to eat quickly in case there was the possibility of seconds.

"Very well father, try it and let me know." Adalia looked miffed but the reactions of everyone around her seemed to spur her courage. Or at least enough courage that she was willing to let her father the King try it first.

"I shall then." King Johanis reached for his fork.

"Wait!" Victoria cried, startling everyone. "You must have its taste taken first father."

"What?" Forsythe asked, looking to Amelia for help.

"Taste tester." Amelia guessed.

"Don't be ridiculous." Forsythe frowned at Victoria. "I would not poison your father. It would be far easier to..." He stopped when Amelia kicked him directly in the shin.

"I am sorry friend Forsythe, it is custom." Victoria apologized, masterfully ignoring how he had almost told her how he would dispatch her father if he'd half a mind. "Here, I shall steal a bite father and then you may proceed."

"Surely that isn't necessary." Adalia shook her head. "Just try it so I can eat. I admit it smells amazing."

Forsythe looked down from his towering height at the King. The Half looked indecisive, torn between looking brave and following the sound common sense coming from Victoria. Forsythe reached down and gently took a fork from Amelia's place and stabbed the King's steak near the edge. He pulled a chunk from it easily and then popped it into his mouth. He chewed it easily and swallowed.

"See? It's fine." King Johanis laughed. "We are so paranoid for a race that has not known war for hundreds of years!"

"Fascinating," Forsythe said moments after the swallow.

"What?" Aidan sat upright, looking alarmed and engaged for the first time since he had sat down. "Why is it fascinating? You prepared it."

"I am poisoned," Forsythe admitted, sounding just the slightest bit emotional. He reached out to gently deposit the fork on the table but it fell from his fingers inches above the table-top with a small clatter.

Amelia was horrified to note his fingers were spasming.

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