

Lily finally realised that Zero was awake, so she smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Morning."

Zero just smiled in response, and was glad that he could finally lean back to get off the bed. Lily, however, did not let him go yet as she tilted her head a bit and ran her fingertips just under his eyes.

"Did you not get a good sleep last night?" she asked, noting how red his eyes were.

"It was okay," Zero replied, blinking a few time to stimulate some tears so that his eyes wouldn't feel too dry, and hopefully, would lessen the redness.

"You poor thing," Lily said, "I must have been a beast in bed."

The memory of Lily rubbing her leg on him flashed through his mind when she said those suggestive words and he coughed, his ears getting a bit red as he realised that little Zero was getting more excited.

"No, no," Zero managed to croak out and pulled himself futher back before he … erm, poked Lily accidentally.

That would be too embarrassing and awkward.

He needed to escape!

Yet, he couldn't when Lily just suddenly glomped him.

His eyes went wide … as did hers … when she realised what was poking her stomach. Lily's face went beet red then, but she couldn't move either.

She had just done what she had wanted to do i.e. not let him leave yet because she wanted to snuggle more before getting up.

How was she to know that he was so desperate to leave because of … that?!

If she got off him, would he think she was repulsed by it?

She wasn't, but if she didn't, would he think that she was easy?

So now, both of them were just staring at each other with Lily being on top of Zero, while Zero did not dare move.

"I'm sorry-" both of them said at the same time.

"No!" Lily nearly shouted, putting her hand on his mouth, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

She sat up, and gulped, thinking she just made the wrong move when it just meant she accidentally rubbed herself on him.

"I..I am the one who is sorry," Lily said, looking down and feeling utterly bad about it all. Zero looked so uncomfortable that she couldn't help but ask, "Do you need my help?"

"Help?" Zero said, his mind blank.

What did she mean? Help? Help with what?

Then his eyes went wider - if that was possible - when he felt little Zero being touched. He looked at Lily in total shock as she looked at him with a red face, "I - I can help you get some release."

What the -?!

Despite the fact that Zero was completely taken aback by her words, he was still alert. His ears heard some sounds from outside and he moved swiftly.

Lily squeaked in surprise when Zero suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her over so that she now lay on the bed below him and then, he turned around and disappeared.

She blinked rapidly, not knowing what had happened when her door just burst open. She screamed in shock, to see an equally surprised Justin who had barged in.

"Damn, Sis!" he shouted, putting a finger in his ear as he stared at his dishevelled sister on the bed, "No screaming so early in the morning!"

She grabbed her pillow and flung it harmlessly at her brother, shouting, "Then don't barge in my room without knocking!!"

"Hell, Sis," Justin said as he grabbed the flying pillow, "As if knocking would do any good. You're such a sound sleeper that you'll never answer before your alarm rings."

Lily huffed.

He had a point but still!

Luckily Zero had been swift.

"What are you doing here anyway?" she hissed, facing him with her arms across her chest.

"Mum and I are going out to get breakfast," he said, "You want anything?"

"No thanks," Lily replied, getting down from the bed. Without another word, she pushed her brother out and closed the door, locking it this time.

Once she closed the door, Zero's head popped out from the side of the bed.

"I'll be going as well," he said, getting up and not daring to look at Lily in the eye.

If Justin hadn't come by then … Zero shook his head of the thoughts that made little Zero twitch and ache.

Zero quickly took his backpack and ran into the bathroom.

Lily watched him go and then, covered her mouth with her hands to stop her from saying anything while her heart was full of regrets.


If only Justin hadn't come by then.

She couldn't believe she did what she had done earlier, but she didn't regret it.

Lily fanned herself and let out a breath of air.

It was just a brief touch but damn.

Was that what Justin had meant last night about her having to handle Zero's overall packaging?

Wait, that wasn't the issue here.

How did Justin know about it in the first place?!

Lily's face scrunched up as she thought her brother had a lot of explaining to do.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

Zero felt like all eyes were on him as he entered the office building.

Which was to be expected.

After all, he had mobilised the team suddenly, then placed an unknown into the list before disappearing for the night.

Though they knew who the woman was, she was labeled as an 'unknown' due to the fact that she was not connected to the Smiths in any way.

As if that wasn't shocking enough, he had not come back to the office nor did he work overtime.

Of course, he had informed them that he was not coming back in, and there was no work pending, but still.

It was Zero!

The one who was the first one in, always back on time from lunch break, and who was always the last one out.

And the more shocking thing? He had taken the unknown out on his motorcycle.

The same motorcycle that had never had a passenger before.

Not even Lianne.

Of course, the fact that Lianne was never interested in riding it was another matter entirely.

The point was, that was the first time a woman had sat on Zero's motorcycle.

Did spring finally come for their Boss??

Did this mean their life would be easier at work?


Poor Zero ... not.

Wonder how long he'll be able to hold out? hew hew hew

Thank you for the votes and comments. Review please, if you haven't. Much appreciated!

Stay safe, stay sane.

PsyberRosecreators' thoughts
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