
Third Stage of the Competition (14)

Eventually Shay became irritated and Adrianna read that emotion. His eyes flashed with annoyance. Cora had told her that the moment the opponent became irritated, a bad idea would creep into his or her mind. In that moment, a person's intelligence got funneled to his feet and walked out of the door. Shay's face flushed red and in that moment of anger, his mind opened. 

It was 2AM in the morning and Adrianna smiled as soon as she read him. She was surprised initially but her plan was set now. Suddenly she saw that Shay had lifted his wand and cast the spell "Vrakhas Azadea." A large amount of lethal energy emitted from his wand. She remembered how Cy had used that spell against her in the battle to kill her when she had met him for the first time. 

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