Dipankar takes out his years old electric green shoe. It's been a while, to put the pair on his feet. He took out the pair of shocks inside his stud.
He doesn't remember when he kept it there. He patted his shocks on the floor repeatedly with the full force he can generate, to get rid of the dust those shocks accumulated over the period of time he was ignoring soccer. When he gets over with shocks. He turns to put his hands-on his studs. He begins to wipe those, one after another with absolute involvement in the cleaning procedure.
" Look at that, somebody might back on the field today. "
words from Avinash which came from out of blue almost surprised Dipankar. Though he doesn't want to look weird. So he through a question to taunt him in his defence
" How come a science's slacker absent in this remedial hour; Escaping the much-needed remedy."
" Ohh please you guys don't even attend regular classes."
" So what don't you hospitality for the people who want to avoid the burden of heavy books or reference like RS Agarwal, R D Sharma, Dicks and titties etc. "
" Don't you think you have done injustice to your knowledge of literature by joining hospitality? "
" No, I don't think so. There is no justice in this world. what will I get by doing justice to things I just memorised from some piece of sheet."
" Well how about your feelings towards Namrata at present time? "
" Why all of a sudden you dragged her topic in between the conversation? "
" Because I feel pity for you even today. "
" Look it's been a year now. I don't have any fanciful Idea to make her my girlfriend now. I already gave up, the reason you already know."
" Is it because her you distant yourself from Science group? "
" Not for her. but for another reason"
"Well, what is that reason for? "
" I am aware that most of your classmate thinks I am the mind behind Pratyush and Namrata's breakup. So then I was left with two choices."
" What are those choices? "
" First thing I can do is to reach out to the boys who think I did a heinous thing to Pratyush, then convince them I am not the guilty. The second choice I have is that I just have to stay in a bit distance from them. So, as you can see I choose the second choice because I don't give a fuck what this world things about me. I will take a leave now off to field. "
By stating that Dipankar stormed out of his hostel.
* * * * * * *
The news of classes getting suspended makes her sick. As now she will get bored by staying meaninglessly switching useless tv channels,
damn this student union and college politics are useless. What pleasure they extract from needlessly going on strike for some petty reasons. With those feeling of frustration in her head; she was combing her hair in front of the mirror.
Then she heard someone calling her "Rimi, Ohh Rimi are you there? "
She pauses for a while to confirm. Yes someone is sure is in the door. She walked towards the door and open it wide and saw a known face. The face she can never forget but she was not prepared for it.
* * * * * * * * * *