
The Dog

The first week was really interesting, i really like how hogwarts it's made, it's like being in a constant adventure with all the ghosts, moving staircases and fake doors. I found out, thanks to peeves, that holy! is an attack magic, does affect the ghosts and costs 12 mana. Now peeves is afraid of me, hehe. I haven't found the moment to go to the third floor because thanks to Harry and Ron, Filch the caretaker is practically always there. He found out the boys trying to enter the corridor.

The classes were pretty boring as the first class in almost everything was theoretical only. But it changed when we went to transfiguration. At first we thought that McGonagall wasn't there yet but she was the cat on the table, and turned herself back to human in a second. After showing off some amazing transfiguration tricks, she told us to turn a matchstick into a needle, and of course i did that in a moment. I haven't been training for nothing. At the end of the class, only Hermione did that too and we earned 5 house points each.

For the rest of the week i've been going to class, and practicing on the girls room (behind the curtains of my bed) with the protego spell, because i've been thinking that i might be able to resist anything with protego + protect! + shell! combo, and i can do it on 1 turn of the C.S. with double!.

On Friday we had double potions with Slytherin and it was weird. It begun with Professor Snape asking weird questions, that i didn't knew the answer, to Harry. Then he took points from Gryffindor because he couldn't answer. And then he even took more points from Gryffindor when Neville failed the potion we were making, but he took them from harry, for not helping Neville. That was weird. I'm good with potions nonetheless. I'm pretty sure my potions will explode someday because i'm not exactly following the theory, but i've got a good instinct, and they can't expect me remembering every single recipe. I'll leave that to Hermione, thanks.

[Saturday, first week of school]

I woke up on my bed and i had only one thing in my head. ''I need to get to the Third floor corridor.'' so i prepared myself. I knew that there had to be something dangerous for the headmaster to say that, so i transfigured some chunk of metal i bought on diagon alley into a rapier, i used the knowledge on charms and runes to try to enchant my robes, only to fail... and i went to the third floor corridor on the night, after spending the day on the library with Hermione. She's always there.

Rainy-( ok, here we are. Let's begin with mana!)

Mana 50/50

Rainy-(good, now Command! Magic! Protect!)

After that had effect i entered on the corridor and it was empty, but there was a door at the end of the corridor. I went to the door and used alohomora and i saw my way-before-christmas present. A giant three headed dog. I froze for a moment, just before doing what any normal person would do... i ran into the room with my rapier in my right hand and my wand in my left hand, and casted incendio. The dog got surprised by the sudden attack and got hit in one of the heads, but it didn't do that much. It seems that as a magical creature this flames couldn't do much damage. So he attacked me with his left head and i casted protego while defending myself with the rapier, and i managed to make a cut in his cheek when he got a hit with the head. The hit didn't hurt at all but getting hit against the wall did hurt, and he was rushing with his right head to attack me again. So i decided to use magic! Thundara!. As the lightning can't appear in the ceiling it went directly through the tip of my rapier and i got a clean hit on the right face's mouth. That did seem like damage, but it recovered really quick so using the opportunity i ran off.

While going back to the common room was going to use haste, as i wanted to be back as soon as i wanted and i saw that my mana was at 26/51 but i didn't defeated the giant dog, so then it got me.

Rainy-(it isn't anything the creatures drop what makes me stronger, it's the experience! That's why i can get stronger practicing but on a really slow pace. The real experience can only be achieve by fighting stronger foes. That's also the reason the wolves don't work that much anymore, i can't get more experience from them. Well, i guess i'll be visiting this doggy more times during this firsts weeks)

In the end with all the thinkin, i got to the common room without using haste. It was 11:30, so i went back to the bed and depleted my mana with a cura! to heal all the bruises, then i went to sleep.

The next day there was a paper on the common room that said that the flying lessons were on Thursday, and they were with Slytherin. So now we had 2 classes with Slytherin, and Harry and Ron didn't like the idea.

For the next week i thought of going every two days to train with the dog, but the Monday i was tired so i begun on Tuesday, and it was really fun. He got surprised again, but this time i attacked with a metal rod and i casted haste! with the protect! so i begun to dodge his attacks and counterattack with the rod. I could swear that he was having fun after 10 minutes as he saw that i wasn't trying to win, or attack to the eyes. But soon after that the effects of the magics! went off. I had to go back to the common room. This day gave me 3 more of mana, and sleep!, i didn't have to use it to know what it does, but i did use it to know the cost, and it's another rank 1 spell.

The Thursday i went to the flying lesson with Hermione because she was really, but really, nervous and wouldn't stop reading everything the library has about Quidditch.

Rainy- Hermione, don't worry. The classes exist to learn, not to show how good you are on the subject

Hermione- but what if i fall??, what if the broom just don't work for me??, i don't know how you are so calm about our first flying lesson!

Rainy- i'm calm because i'm awesome, and because the only thing i've read about broomsticks is that confidence is the key. Follow my lead and take a deep breath. Calm down. And when you are in front of your broom, treat it like a pet, telling him to go up or down.

Hermione- do you think that will work?

Rainy- if something works, will be that.

We went to the grounds for the first flying lesson and the Slytherin class was already there. Soon after that Madam Hooch, our teacher, appeared and told us to go to the side of a broom and say UP! With our arms stretched to the broom. Mine went up on the third try and Hermione's went up on the fifth, i think Malfoy and Harry did it on the first try, so i guessed they would be the bests on this class, but soon after that i heard that Malfoy had a broomstick on his house and that he flied regularly, so only harry had real talent here.

After some time, we had to fly a little and come back to the ground but Neville's broom went out of control and broke his wrist. So Hooch guided him to the hospital wing. Then Malfoy begun to be... well Malfoy, and took an item that Neville dropped on the fall and told everyone that he was going to hide it on top of some tree. Not quite the master plan if you tell us... but Harry then threatened Malfoy, fought him a little on the air, and made an awesome catch of Neville's item when Malfoy threw it. While celebrating that catch, McGonagall appeared and scolded Harry just before tell him to follow her. Spoiler alert: nothing bad happens to him. But Malfoy didn't knew that and begun to laugh, so i quickly used the new magic sleep! i had, and it worked like a charm. Goyle had to slap him in the face to wake him up. It was priceless.

Soon after that everyone went to diner, but i went to my room instead to rest. I had to rest on the bed to recover those mana points i lost with Malfoy (worth it). when it was half past eleven i went up and walked to the portrait. Just when i got down the stairs i found that hermione was there scolding Harry and Ron.

Rainy- Guys? What are you doing up?

Hermione- Rainy?? where are you going? You are not going out too, are you?

Rainy- yes, i am. Don't worry, is not the first time.

Hermione- that's not reassuring!! no one can go out on the night! Why can't anyone understand that?

Harry- let's go Ron

Ron- yes

Rainy- i'm going with you guys, where are you going?

Then they told me about the duel with Malfoy, it looked interesting but i wanted to have my sparring with Doggy. Hermione continued scolding us even outside the common room, and when she tried to come back she couldn't. we also found Neville, who couldn't enter the common room because he didn't knew the password. So both of them followed Harry and Ron.

When we reached the third floor i went to my training room while they went to the trophy room. They gave me weird looks when they saw me entering nonchalantly on the third floor corridor, but i didn't stop for them to question me.

The fight today was really easy going. I begun without any support magic! on and he was also attacking with less strength so protego could protect me just fine. We were 15 min into the fight when i used magic! double! protect! haste! The fight begun to intensify and 2 or 3 min after that i heard the door open and close. It was the group of four.

Rainy- what are you doing here!!

Harry- hiding from Filch!. what is that?

Doggy then attacked the four students and i stoped him with a protego + turning the rod into a shield. I stopped the attack. But then, while the group of four were trying to get out of the room, another head got a hit on my left leg, breaking it. So i had to get out of the room with them. Harry and Hermione carried me to the portrait as fast as they could. And when we reached the common room they putted me really carefully on the couch.

Harry- are you ok, Rainy?

Rainy- yes, but i can't believe it!. 7 floors, an awesome number of doors, and you hide on that one!!

Hermione- You were also there!!

Rainy- because i can! I wouldn't have gotten hurt if you guys didn't step in! I normally dodge the attacks!

Hemione- i- i-

Rainy- besides, you guys can't do this! Command! Magic!(i don't have mana for cura, crap) Cure!

With a white light the bone got better, but was still dislocated so i putted it back into position.

Hermione- what was that? That didn't look like magic...

Rainy- because it wasnt, it's my heritage as a Lionheart (i think it's a good possibility) i have a special energy inside of me called mana and i use it to cast some special magic like that one

Ron- but what were you doing on that room?? that thing was horrible

Rainy- training, Ron. I've told you guys, i'll become the most powerful witch in the history. I'm going to be training for 15-25 min, 3 days a week, against that dog, until it's not dangerous anymore

Hermione- you are going again?? you'll get yourself killed. Or worst, Expelled.

Rainy- the only way to gain more mana is with experience. And fighting a giant three-headed dog it's giving me quite the sum. I'll only ask you guys to not tell anyone!

Harry- but why is there a creature like that on a school?

Rainy- it has a trapdoor under it's feet, so i'm guessing it's protecting something. Not that i care. I'm after the battle.

Then Harry begun to think about it and went up to his room with Ron. Hermione was very angry with my behaviour so went to our room first, and when i entered her curtains where closed, so i went to sleep.

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