

Hex opened his eyes, he knew he felt a hospital bed beneath him. He was in hospital robes, and there was an IV in his arm. He was hooked up to the heart machine, and there was a blood pressure cuff on his upper arm. He heard it whir to life and inflate, and he looked down at it. It was an automatic one, one that took his blood pressure every thirty minutes. It took at least thirty seconds for it to completely deflate again.

There was a pins and needles sensation radiating through his body, which made him uncomfortable. His stomach felt sick, and he felt gross because he was covered in sweat. He felt cold, but that could have been the coldness of the hospital, though it was almost an extreme amount of coldness. He felt really tired, like he had no energy left, but he was still awake, only he felt like he was running on empty.

He heard the busyness of the nurses and doctors outside, and wondered when the nurse or doctor would come in. He rolled onto his side, and noticed Owen fast asleep in a chair. He immediately felt guilt for worrying Owen, but by the time he felt the guilt there was nothing he could do to change what happened. He wasn't thinking about anyone but Din when it happened, the pain clouded his mind.

He rolled back over onto his back and sighed. Owen must have called the paramedics on him, he did leave his door open, after all.

"Hey, I'm up." His throat hurt a lot but he decided to speak anyways.

"Hmm? What?" Owen stirred back awake.

"I said I'm up." He rolled back on his side, the hospital bed was uncomfortable.

"Hex?! Are you alright?!" Owen jumped up and ran over to him.

"My throat's real dry, could you get some water?" He pointed to the sink.

"Oh thank god, I was so worried. I'll get it right away," Owen said as he went over to the sink and got him a cup of water.

Owen brought it over to him, and he sat up, his back and arm twitching wildly as he rose. He grabbed the cup and drank from it. He groaned and gasped after the last swig, and handed it back to Owen. He flopped back onto the bed, his back still twitching.

"Did the doctor come in already?" he asked

"Yeah, it was a few hours ago, you've been out for a while," Owen said.

"Do you think you could get a nurse to tell them I'm awake?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I can go do that." Owen got up and walked out.

He waited there for a few minutes, and then Owen came back in.

"They said they'll be there as soon as they can." Owen sat back down.

He sighed, he knew it would be a while. It was only a little bit ago that he was pissed that he didn't die, but then he had to stew in his own mistakes.

Read the rest of the book here: https://www.moonquill.com/book/113

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