
Drama Queens and Gossip, Accompanied by Desserts

Distinct chatter can be heard throughout the hallway to the dining room, about a boy named Harry Potter.

" I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. " The specific cause of the noise says with confidence and pride shining through his face. the smile is quickly washed away from a poorly concealed laugh from the red head next to Harry.

" You think it's funny don't you? Red hair, freckles and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley. " He smirks at the boy in triumph.

" No, its a shepherd dyed red dressed in worn down robes, what do you think? " Louis remarks sarcastically under his breath, lucky to be only heard by his cousins who giggle silently at his remark.

" That's Crabie and Goyle, I suggest you choose you're friends wisely, there are some who don't really see eye to eye all the time. " Draco states as he puts his hand up as a sign of friendship with him and his group, while he leaves Ron alone.

' Great way to make a enemy I must say ' " someone give this guy a trophy for being so dull at making new enemies faster than making friends " Louis accidentally slips out his thoughts.

Thankfully, his words were turned a blind eye to as the tension between the dramatic boy and the - slightly dramatic with unneeded flair in his life - Boy, increases.

The latter, pushed the former's offered hand away and spoke, " I think I can figure out for myself who i want to be friends with " His words did make Draco lose some color from his face.

' Oh? The boy has added unnecessary fuel to the fire, Oh how the drama grows. I am starting to get famished, I do wonder if they serve any jelly. '

However, the drama was soon turned down when Professor McGonagall entered with a scroll in hand, and tapped the drama queens shoulder.

Knowing he had to get back to his place, the boy sent a glare towards the offender before turning around and flapping his robe walking away.

" Drama queen much. Hey, with his pale as a ghost complexion and ghastly white hair combined with his attitude you get.....Dramatic Ghastly Queen! What do you think? " Louis asks Annie and Richard as they walk into the dining room towards the front.

" Honestly Louie, you need to stop giving people nicknames or you are going to end up with unnecessary trouble one day. But nice name though, I applaud you for that one. " Richard says as they have reached the end of the dining hall where the professor's reside with a dusty old worn out hat on top of the stool.

' Interesting, quite interesting indeed ' Taking note that Professor McGonagall has stood in place next to the stool holding the hat and speaks loud and clear

" This hat is how you will be sorted into your houses, when I call your name, you will come up and sit on the stool, I'll proceed to place the hat on your head where it will decide what house you will be in. Without further ado..."

The hat came alive and sang a song about the houses and the founders and what they each meant. After the song and a chorus of applauding, came the sorting of houses.

Hermione, the bushy haired girl, went to Gryffindor. And though Louis thought that the Ron boy was rude and a tad bit stuck up, went to Gryffindor as well. This went on until the name Harry potter was called out and the celebrations of the Ravenclaw tables stopped instantly.

" Talk about party killer " Annie mummurs earning a fit of silent giggles from Richard and Louis.

The boy went to Gryffindor after a long debate the hat had with itself and the rest of the sorting went smoothly, that was until Louis, Annie and Richard were left.

" Shcist, i forgot we're still invisible! " Louis exclaims at his sudden realisation, " Crap you're right, we were to busy doing our own things that we forgot! " Richard whispers in response.

" Would you two rather appear at a table randomly, or risk them finding out our powers? I'm fine with both options, but I'd still rather prefer the first if you want my opinion " Annie suggests to her two older cousins.

Knowing their answers, they silently nodded their heads and headed towards an empty bench and sat down before turning visible again.

" When did you three get there? " Louis turns his head and recognised the one who asked them was one of the Weasley twins.

Annie figuring out they were at the Gryffindor table she was quick to reply, " Oh you know, the sorting ceremony was taking a tad too long that we got tired of standing and all. Now if you'll kindly excuse " she states with a small bow " We have a sorting to attend. "

With that, the three left the table seeming as they were always there the whole time and headed towards the small flight of stairs to get their sorting over with.

" Richard- " Before McGonagall had the chance to speak their family name Richard was quick to stop her before she succeeded " I'm here, I'm here, lets just get this over with, if you wouldn't mind sorting hat? " He asks the hat as he bows as a show of respect towards it.

The hat chuckles lightly in response at his politeness which only made Louis and Annie almost impossible to hold in their laughter.

Sitting on the stool and awaiting the answer to come out from the hat, Louis seemed to realise the two were in a conversation that Louis found queer.

After a couple of minutes with what seemed to be a heated discussion with the hat that finally ended with Richard having a smile of victory on his face, the hat spoke

" Alright fine! Gryffindor! I just hope your cousins aren't as Persistent as you! " With that Richard happily and gingerly placed the down and skipped(?) off towards the howling and seemingly confused Gryffindors.

The rest of the houses still in a state of astonishment at what just happened, had barely recovered before the professor resumed also appearing as she just recovered from a stupor, shaking her head lightly she continued

" Annie- " The same happened with Annie as she cut off McGonagall before she had a chance to finish her words, Annie speaks politely with a small bow

" I am here Professor McGonagall, there is no need to pursue any longer, let's just get this over with so we can finally eat! " From what seemed as politeness ended off as a girl who acted like she came from a voyage with only food in mind.

As she sat on the stool with her legs crossed, she waited for the sorting hat to be placed on top her head. ' There is something wrong with my two cousins, always acting sweet but fierce in knowing what they want....Dang it! " Louis realised their plan.

They probably talked the sorting hat into agreeing with they wanted! And with any luck, I'm part of their conversation " While Louis was in his internal dilemma with himself, the sorting hat blurted out at last

" Alright! Alright! You win! Just stop, you two are the most annoying people I've ever had to sort! Gryffindor!! "

Satisfied with her work, she proceeds to pick up the hat and place it gently on the stool proceeding to skip her way towards the still confused but mostly cheering table of Gryffindor.

" Loui- " Before McGonagall even had a chance to say his name, Louis was already at the stool at whispered to the hat, " I'm terribly sorry about my cousins behaviour and what they made you go through. "

The hat chuckles softly, " hahaha it's alright young one, they were only doing what they sought was right. However, I do recommend that you keep an eye out for them in the future.

Your especially are going to be a hand full for them, that I can tell from the conversations I've had with them. " Placing the hat on his head he thinks in his mind, ' If you wouldn't mind sorting hat...could you place me in Gryffindor?

Not that the other houses disinterest me and all, but as long as I'm with Ann and Richie it would make school a lot more enjoyable for me. ' no response was made other than the hat yelling out, " GRYFFINDOR! " Awfully loud for everyone.

Louis smiled shyly and placed the hat back on the stool and practically ran towards Annie and Richard before the table had a chance to celebrate or process what had just happened.

" Alright students, now that everything is settled and before we get started with the feast, the head master would like to speak a few words. " With that there was thunderous applause from the students as the Headmaster began to speak.

" Welcome students, old and new for a new year at Hogwarts, now a few things before we begin is that the first year students please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. "

' Like a warning has ever stopped me before '

" and that our school caretaker Mr. Filch " he points toward a man with a cat at the end of the dining hall near the entrance, " has told me, to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right side is out of bounds to anyone who doesn't wish to die a painful death "

' Well aren't you a rainbow of sunshine, but I'm still going there. ' " and without further ado, let the feast begin! " he says as rows and rows of food appear onto the tables for the students to have.

As the first year students faces light up in delight at the amount of food present, Louis had his eyes scanning for a specific dessert he was hungry for.

" Ann, Richie, have you seen where the jelly are? I can't seem to find- " A stack of jelly was stuffed into his plate from either side as both cousins already knew he was going to target that one food, hence they grabbed it the moment they saw it.

" Thanks! " Louis whispers to both of them as he begins to eat his Jello.

' Perhaps Hogwarts won't be as bad as I thought....who am I kidding, I'm still going to the forest wether they like it or not.

And they should just enchant that corridor with wards and the like to prevent trespassing if they don't wish for students to die a ' horrible death ' as the Headmaster said Sheesh. Wizards and their priorities. '

Once the feast was over, students began leaving the dining hall and head back to where each of their own house dorms and common rooms recided.

The first years were however, lost as to where to go. The head perfects of each house soon begin gathering first years to bring them to their house common rooms and dormitories respectively.

Louis deciding that he had enough ' human exposure ' had decided to become invisible again, Richard joined in as well as Annie.

As the Gryffindor first years were led by the house prefect Percy Weasely, they had to climb flights upon flights of randomly twisting and turning stairs to finally reach a painting of a fat lady that wanted to Skrill high pitched enough to shatter a glass cup.

She failed. Although, it did give Louis, Annie and Richard something to laugh at later.

" Caput Draconis " Percy said " Now remember the password or you'll have to wait outside for other people to arrive and say it before you can enter. " he reminded everyone who promptly nodded their heads in understanding.

" Don't you find it weird on how our trunks were sent to our rooms seeing as almost all the trunks are the same? And how do they even know who's pet is who's? For all they know, any animal on the express train could just be strays. "

Louis states as they enter the common room area and headed towards their respective dorms. " Louis, it's the ministry, their privacy invaders. Not much we can do there. Besides, I doubt they care about privacy any ways. "

Richard answers back wanting to Louis' curiosity to be put out before anything unnecessary could be done.

" Anyways, we begin classes tomorrow and I do want a chance to explore the school more than what we were shown to be able to navigate our way to classes tomorrow. Want to come? "

Annie asks the two knowing that if she didn't ask them. They would head off towards the dark forest and Louis would most likely if not really make friends with every creature and animal in sight.

While Richard would investigate the plants and how the creatures navigate their way by asking Louis' new friends how they do it. Just the thought of it gave her the chills.

Thinking about it, they both came to the conclusion that exploring the school did seem more or equal the amount of fun than going to the ' dark forest '.

" Alright, I don't see why not. Though I do want to bring Bandit along, " Louis informs the two.

" the suitcase gets a bit boring for him every now and then seeing as there's nothing really new unlike the school which is practically a whole new terrain his bound to have fun in. I'll be a bit, wait for me! " Louis exclaims as he heads towards his and Richards room with two other boys.

Entering the room he's met face to face with Harry potter. ' Are You Kidding Me?! ' signs of frustration are evident on his face. Noticing the look of shock on the boy's face, he recollects himself remembering that he's thankfully still invisible.

He walks around the boy as he strides toward his suitcase and opens it quietly retrieves Bandit without any problem and places him in his robe. Shutting his suitcase as quietly and efficiently as he can, he then dashes out the door before it's closed with bandit hidden from plain sight.

Meeting up with the two who are still invisible at the entrance, he sighs in relief, " I'm telling you Richie, I'd rather spend the night at the forest then dorm with humans, at least at the forest I don't have to deal with the complications of wizarding kind. "

" Then would you rather switch us out for Griffins? " Annie jokingly asks, " Gods no! My family are the only people I love and wouldn't want to trade them with anything else. " his cousins laugh as he says that.

" Come on now, let's hurry before curfew is up, and I'm betting that bandit can't wait either hahaha " Richard laughs as the three head out of the painting and begin their exploration of the school.

The Princeton family's invisibility works differently then others. Their able to see each other even when invisible, though not from afar like the situation in the train. The ' sight ' works both ways for male and female, so while the females can't turn invisible on will like the males and can only turn with ' outside help, their still going to be seen while invisible, like how they can see the males.

tree_sayscreators' thoughts
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