
how to talk to girls

'WAIT!!! HOW THE HE!! AM I SUPPOSED TALK TO GIRLS!!!' He semi panicked 'No, I have talked to girls, yeah I talked to girls in Yggdrasil.'

"There is no need to praise me if I did something for my well being… Mortal, tell me you name." He said trying to sound like a ruler.

"A,Allan,nia… br,bryyran" she said. All the girls were shaking cause of the things he said. They thought they would be his slaves.

"I see, what do you plan to do now that you can't live here anymore." He asked.

"I… I, don't kn,know, we, were never a, allowed outside the village" She said.

"I, I have" one of the girl said.

"massterr, I took the things you might think will be usse full." Brerrom said.

"Thank you, but do you know what these are though" asked Sora.

"yess massterr, thesse arre the weaponss they enchanted and thesse arre potionss and alsso I found ssome… jewelss" He said doing his best not to look at the jewels.

'hmm? Oh yeah he a joker so he little on the twisted side so it makes sense he would like the things that are shiny.'

"I guess I can make use of these… wait why are they so weak" He asked only because the attacker was around level 50 and their equipment were like 6th tier.

"I do not know massterr but they werre sstrruggling to use them sso I assumed they werre weak but if they werre ass strrong ass you said they werre then they must have been ussing the wrrong weaponss." He answered.

'Brerrom is halve right because of the weapons they used were not for their attributes but the reason of the weapons being weak are because the strongest a being got tier wise in this world was 15 and it was using bluffs and enchantments boots.' OS answered


'That is incorrect. You cannot phase through things, you cannot go home, you cannot go to different worlds yet, you cannot concur this world yet, and you cannot 1v1 my creator and win etc.' It said rather quickly.

'wow, thanks for the vote of confidence… Wait, creator?'

'you are too weak to know' It answered blankly.

"Sso massterr do you not want them?" Brerrom asked.

"Oh, yes… Ok take the things you can use and give the rest to the villagers, and that means the… Never mind, but give them the rest of the weapon then." He said as he saw Brerrom give him the puppy eyes of a lizard and almost forgot the freaking nightmare he has for a mouth as he was hugging all to jewels in one arm.

'well I guess it can't be helped.' Sora said.

"Sir, uh. ma, may we have your uh, name sir" Allania asked.

'hmm. My name… I don't exactly want to be known as Momon even though he liked it in the game, but now I won't be able to change it once I make a name for myse...'

"Sir please we wish to know our saviors name" she asked again eagerly.

"Oh uh Sora. Sukouto Sora" He answered with his real name, but out of habit. 'CRAP!!!'

"Sukouto?" She repeated.

"oh, no it Sora. I did it to show that my origin comes first" He said making an excuse.

"Now then, why did they attack your village" he asked.

"Um… Our uh race can adapt to magic easier that humans and our um, body ages slower than humans and are sold for beastly trafficking" She said as she was holding her tears.

'damn… Well what should you expect in a world with humans. Especially in a primitive world' He thought

"Mortals, stay here and work for me." He said "You won't get paid but I guarantee safety and food until you are able to provide for yourself."

"Th. That uh… sound really nice but. What is the job?" She hesitantly asked as she looked at her group.

"Nothing too hard. You Just need to supply me with material and potions once your back on your feet." He said throwing all their doubt down the drain. "Now then, pic one"

He threw a couple of body on the ground that weren't damaged to badly. After a while of them crying from his uncalled for action and him mentally yelling at himself they picked one. He put up the corpses but the one they pic in his inventory while taking an item from it. The item he took was "Resurrection Wand" with the ability to take the corpses experience to resurrect its self but if there is not enough the user experiences will be used.

When the girls saw the body move there were surprised to say the least but when He asked where he was they lost it, all of them tackled the boy. Confused Sora walked away not realizing he saved their race from being completely enslaved. After a while of walking he found a house to his licking and entered. It looked ransacked but he could see the valuables everywhere with the trash.

'such a shame when are easily blinded by one thing and forget the rest' He thought as he picked up the things he wanted.

"OS open the two common gift boxes." He said.

'Confirmed… Opening x2 Common gift boxes.' It said as a grey notification popped up.

Congratulation you've obtained

X8 Function Cards

X3 Advance Cards

X5 monster Fragments (Dragonkin)

X4 Eagles (random)


'Well I can't say that was a bad draw' He thought.

"You can open the rare gift box now" he said.

'Confirmed. Opening rare gift box…' It said as a blue notification popped up.

Congratulation you obtained:

X2 Fire Attributes

X3 Ice Attributes

X2 Wolf (Random)

X1 City Map

X2 Lightning Attributes


"You got to be kidding me… what the he!! am I going to do with attribute. It not like I can use them and it took up seven fucking items." He said

'Suggestion. Use the attributes on the monsters/ you have more than one monster of the same species; do you wish to merge them. Congratulation you opened the map function.' It said

"Yes and is there a way to merge a bigger map without a second one" He asked as he knew didn't want to be stuck with multiple maps of the same city.

'No, but you can use advance cards to upgrade the map as it cost two of them.' It answered as a silent notification Black popped out

Congratulation you've obtained:

X1 Mutated Falconidae

X1 Mutated Dire wolf


'ooooh, show them to me' He thought as he notices Brerrom on the outside of the house unmoving. Two hologram like animals showed up in front of them spinning clockwise. The one on the left was an 80cm large Falconidae that had all the best aspects of an eagle. Its feathers as dark as the night with a new moon as the clouds bock light of the star from sight. It eyes are a yellow mist as a black slit went down it vertically. Its legs are buff and has a dark brown color to it as its claws were as black its feathers but were cloudy. The beak was a crimson black with a hook as strong as steal. In What looks like cracks are Yellow zig zags like patterns that went down from the corners of its eyes as scattered around its back emitting a 'shocking' aura. (Hehe couldn't help it)

The one on the right was the mutated wolf that was a head smaller then Sora at a height of 160cm. Its fur was whit a snow as it hides the fine muscle lines at its shoulders and legs. Its eyes are like the sun as its reddish orange Iris was constantly changing color between the two like rivals trying to burn the brightest. The bottom of its paws were pink as fresh strawberry ice cream with its claws grey with a dim red glowing at the back. Under the two where were the information of the animals in a blue like notification.

NAME: ???

RCE: Falconidae, ???, ???

HP: 180/180

MP: 90/90

TIR: 5

GND: Female

STR: 183

SPD: 256 (mph)

ATB: Lightning

RNG: 14m

SKL: paralysis Shock, Lightning Arrow, Electrical Flash

NAME: ???

RCE: Canidae, ???, ???

HP: 236/236

MP: 70/70

TIR: 7

GND: Male

STR: 717

SPD: 187 (mph)

ATB: Fire

RNG: 20m

SKL: Fire claws, fire breath (fire ball), heat resistance


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