
He is brazen

By the time they reached the Lamian shop, it was closed for the customers and seven entered to see tables were arranged with full of food. All had dinner as they heard Sky's visiting story and how she helped them from Uncle Reed and Ivy after hearing Ryan question them nonstop.

It was dark when they all came out of the shop and bid them goodbye. Sky had offered a ride for Ivy as she would have to return to the capital but she declined by saying she would leave Monday morning.

Sky was planning to ride back but Sam left as soon as she came out of the shop, "Go with your husband."

"Hey!" Sky could only look at the departing bikes one after the other excluding Arlo.

The latter's bike was too heavy around more than 600 pounds, Sky never drove such a heavy beast and she wasn't sure if she could handle so thinking to try during day time, she decided to be pillion rider.

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