
Chapter 9

I woke up early the next morning. Taehyung was still sleeping soundly so I slowly got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. I had texted Namjoon that I was awake and we could talk. He must have been up because he responded he was on his way.

I started making coffee and just made a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Wynter would be getting up soon as well. I stood at the kitchen island eating when someone came through the door. I looked up to see Namjoon.

"Why did he come here this time?" He looked back towards the living room and saw nobody there. "Where is he?"

"In my room." Namjoon was taken back for a moment.

"Your room?" I nodded my head.

"He was still at the company with me. We sort of.... talked. Then he came over and stayed here with me."

"You guys didn't..." He made a weird face and I knew what he was talking about.

"No. Geez we did not. He literally just slept in my room. Thank you." Namjoon nodded his head in relief.

"Just making sure I don't need to get on you guys."

"I'm gonna just pretend you didn't say that." We were both quiet for a minute.

"So what does this mean? Are you guys gonna go talk to the company?"

"If we do that then they'll keep us separated." We looked over and Taehyung was walking into the kitchen. "If this is what you want," He looked at me, "Then we are gonna need to keep this secret. Us and the guys. After a while of knowing your bandmates we'll tell them."

"I do want this, trust me... but what if we are caught. What then?"

"Depends on how long it takes them to find out." He looked at Namjoon, who nodded his head in agreement.

"When you guys debut soon, you're going on tour with us. So once that starts, it's gonna be a little harder but, guys and I got your back."

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna go back and let everyone know you're alright." He said to Taehyung. "Then I'll explain to them what's going on. Sure they'll have a party." We all let out a laugh and he left.

I looked over at Taehyung and he was already looking at me. I was about to say something when Wynter came out of her room looking for me. She saw Taehyung and got a huge smile on her face.

"Tae Tae!" She ran to him and hugged his waste. He smiled big and hugged her back.

"Morning Wynter."

"Tae Tae you can help me pick out an outfit. I'm going with NeNe to school today."

"I can do that come on." Then she lead him back to her room. He looked back at me with the happiest look on his face.


Taehyung and I went inside the company and said our goodbyes before going to our sperate groups. He went to dance practice and I went to the studio.

The guys and I worked super hard all day and managed to finished two songs. Our manager had introduced us to a choreographer who was going to work with us once our album was done. He was a really nice guy and the boys and I were excited to work with him. Today was very productive. On break we sat around discussing how our debut would go. We were going on tour with BTS, we would be doing our own talk shows, events, concerts. Things were about to be real. We all got along pretty well and had some things in common. I hoped we would all be good friends considering we were all paired together.

I was excited to do this. I had already discussed with my sister that while I was on tour they would go back home and see our family. My parents were coming to see my debut concert and then they would all leave together. I would call every chance I had and they could always reach me in an emergency. Namjoon and Taehyung even gave her their numbers in case.

When we were done for the day Taehyung met me in the lobby as I was heading home. He held up a bag which I assumed had clothes and anything else he needed for tonight.

"You know your managers gonna ask questions. Why you're never at your dorm anymore." I told him.

"Let him." He and I laughed and headed to my house. "You can come stay at the dorm too. Not like the guys are gonna say anything."

"Wynter needs me at home. Or I would."

"Well, now that I think about it, I don't know if I really want you staying the same place as many guys." He tried to hide his smile but failed.

"I don't know. Yoongi's room definitely looks much more comfortable."

"Yoongi?" He stopped and looked at me while I nodded. Smiling due to his reaction. "Yoongi?"

"What I like older guys."

"I'm not older than you?" He was surprised at the one. We're born the same year."

"Tae, you're born in December, I'm born in April. I'm older than Jimin." I started laughing. He just stood there staring off. "Are you ok?"

"I thought I was older than you. You said you were 22?"

"I am. America counts age from your birthday. Here in Korea, I'm 23."

"I'm so mad now."

"Why? Were expecting me to call you oppa?" He said nothing and kept walking. "Oh my god. You were!" I caught up to him and decided to tease him so more. "I think you should call me noona now."


"Why not? You wanted me to call you oppa."

"I'll call you jagiya instead." He stopped and turned around to face me. "I don't care if you're older or I am." He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

"Ok. Let's get home before we get in trouble." I pulled away and we headed to my house.

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