
Chapter 4

"So everything's moved into the place. I just have to pick them up tomorrow at the airport." I said walking into the living room.

"I got everything else set. Just relax you've had a long day." Namjoon said.

"Yeah. We can take turns playing Fortnite." Jungkook said leaning back into the couch.

"I'm trash at Fortnite and you know this."

"But it's still fun." Jungkook said with his big smile. I agreed and sat between him and Jimin.

I had decided to stay one last night with them in the dorm. We had moved Taehyung back into his room and I was going to sleep on the couch since I was leaving tomorrow. After things get settled at my new home I will finally meet the group I'm debuting with. Even though I still have a lot to work on, I should be able to start working with them on the music for a good portion of the day.

After getting dressed the guys all came out and piled into the van. Namjoon put everything in the back and we were off to the airport.


I was so excited I was shaking. No matter how much I wanted to calm down I just couldn't. I missed her so much I could help but contiue to search everywhere for her.

"Relax." Taehyung said grabbing my should. "You just spoke to your sister last night."

"It's not my sister I'm so excited to see."

"Who else is coming?" He looked at me confused.



"There they are!" Namjoon said and I whipped my head to see my red headed sister coming towards me holding Wynter's little hand. Her little blonde curls out of control as usual and her curious eyes searching everywhere. I saw my sister point at me and say something to her before she looked my way.

"Mommy!" She said and let go of my sister, running at me with her little legs.

"Mommy?" All the guys but Namjoon said in confusion as I knelt down to hug my little bug. After we were done I picked her up and turned towards the guys.

"Guys. This is Wynter. My daughter." They were all silent except for Namjoon who I had told already. He had been helping me with the new house and such and even helped with her room. "Wynter these are the boys."

"Aw. Is she a fan too?" Hoseok asked me smiling at her.

"Yeah. She adores Jungkook."

"Really?" Jungkook started to get excited.

"I'll go with your sister to get their bags." Namjoon said and he and Stephanie left to get their things. Like me Stephanie couldn't read anything around us and I'm sure she would never get their bags if left to her own devices.

While they did that the others and I went out to the car. I set Wynter down and went to the back of the van to grab her carseat.

"How did we miss that?" Jimin asked. As Taehyung came over to grab it for me.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"I don't know how to put it in so I'll just carry it." She smiled at me and set it in the car so I could buckle it.

Not too long after we were all at my new place. Stephanie began putting her things in her room and Wynter was enjoying hew new home. The guys loved her and helped her unpack, which she thanked them for. I sat at the island in the kitchen, totally exhausted.

"Tired?" I looked and saw Taehyung.

"Yeah. Big change."

"I bet. How come you didn't say anything about Wynter?"

"I wanted to be focused as much as possible before she came here. Namjoon knew because he came in while we were facetiming." I leaned my head on hand. "It's not something I say when I first meet someone. 'Hey I'm Rowan and I'm a single mom who somehow got super lucky.'"

"We wouldn't have cared. Shes a great kid. How old is she?"

"Almost two. She has been obsessed with your guys Mic Drop remix for about six months now." He nodded his head with a small smile on his face.

"Can I ask about her dad?" I took a deep breath and looked at the counter for moment before looking back at him.

"He's not around. It's been me and her with my family."

"Now you got us too." He gave me and even bigger smiled and cause one to grow on my face as well.

"Yeah. Now I have you guys. I'm very thankful for you guys too."

"So does the company know?"

"Of course. That day I was doing paperwork all day? We were all doing all of that. Getting my papers done, hers, Stephanie's, Stephanie's school set up, childcare when needed. That was worse than dance practice all day." He let out a laugh.

"I bet. I'm happy to help you and stuff."

"Could really use it too. Company wants me to consider collage too soon."

"You can do it. One step at a time. But like I'm always willing to like, stay over and help. Come over when you're at the company late and stuff." I smiled at him.


"No problem." We were silent for a moment before we heard someone shout.

"You watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S!?" Stephanie's voice rang through the place.

"I think my sister just found a friend here." Then both of us busted into laughter.

"Namjoon does like that show."

"Oh my sister's obssessed with that show. Shs watches it constantly."

"Match made in heaven." We both laughed again.


It wasn't long after that the boys went home. After helping getting Stephanie and Wynter settled in they were just as tired. They all got along great and I was glad. My group should all be here ina few days and we can finally get out stuff rolling too.

Even though this past month had been crazy it was worth it. I was able to do something amazing and give my daughter such a great expirience as well. Namjoon was already helping her learn Korean and stuff. She was so smart. Jungkook and her seem to be becoming best friends. She even calls him Kookie which is adorable.

Things just seemed to be working out a lot better than expected so far.... If only I had seen a lot of the stuff coming.

I covered Wynter with her blanket and quietly closed the door to her room. Stephanie had been in her room on the phone with our mom about the trip here and such. After informing her I was going to bed I laid down and mentally prepared myself for the next hard day.

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