

Seokjin and Jungkook looked at each other. They both thinking the same thing.

"Could that be that he's actually...," Jungkook didn't finish his words when suddenly Seokjin cut his word.

"...Hyunjae," Seokjin threw the name short. With only one word, it's enough to make all of them quiet. Seokjin staring at Jimin's bed.

Jimin caught their expression trying to analyse the whole situation. Why suddenly they mentioned Hyunjae's name? What is the relation between Jaejae hyung that he knew with Hyunjae? Are they trying to say Jaejae hyung is Hyunjae? That's nonsense! Hyunjae barely talked to any BTS members. Probably to none of them since he only worked with them for a short period and only received work instructions from his team members and managers. So how come?

Jimin's mind back to reality when Seokjin suddenly asked, "Why it's always you?".

"Me? What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

Seokjin sighed, "Why it's always you who related this case? How can only you know this person while other members don't even know him".

Jimin felt wronged. He asked with slightly irritated, "Ah hyung! Are you suspicious of me?".

"I don't say I have suspicion on you. It's just that...too many coincidences before this and now. I don't notice this before, but suddenly you know this person. It's just weird if it's another coincidence," said Seokjin. He personally felt really strange why Jimin always be the suspicious one in this case.

"Wow...this is too much! How can you say that to me? Don't you know how much it hurt me?" Jimin sounded a bit sulky. He's sensitive to the suspicion as it affected the group in the past.

Jungkook added, "Right, hyung. I don't think it has anything to do with Jimin. We don't know if Jaejae hyung is the same person as Hyunjae or not yet. It'll only become weird if he is indeed Hyunjae, and Jimin knows him. But now, let's not making any speculation. Let's not jump into conclusion. I'm tired going round and round and fight over fight again," said Jungkook, tried being a middle person to both of his hyung. Sometimes he felt like he is the hyung of the group.

Seokjin nodded and apologised to Jimin for hurting his feelings. Jimin accepted the apology. He asked them where they got this photo. Jungkook told him everything that happened the entire day. Jimin scolded him for making such a dangerous move. Jimin said Jungkook should at least called them first, or contact them when he got locked in the washroom. Jungkook said he fine with it as he only needs to wait for 2 hours only. If sasaengs fans were there, he probably needs to wait longer or already in the news now and still stuck in the washroom. But he still finds it strange of the Jaejae's expression looking at him with such anger on this gaze. Seeming like there's unsettled issue between them that he didn't even know about it. Jimin told Jungkook and Seokjin to stop paying so much attention to the issue as they are gearing up for their comeback. They barely got leave and on leave day like this, Jungkook shouldn't wasting his precious time on chasing someone who doesn't want to get caught. Seokjin also advised Jungkook not to enjoy this kind of challenging action as it can trouble him back without he realised. Jungkook nodded.

The next day, BTS had a photoshoot for a mobile phone. Some members were eating delivery foods and making fun of their older members, some members doing hairstyling, and some adjusting their clothes with a stylist. It was another busy yet fun normal day that BTS usually had. The peace did not last longer under one of their manager Hobeom, running to the room and slapped behind Jungkook's back.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, what did you do yesterday?" Hobeom sounded mad. He looked stressful but trying to hold anger and be calm. His sudden question to Jungkook pulled everyone attention. The hairstylist who just started doing hairstyling to Hoseok stopped and looked at them through the mirror. Hoseok did the same. Yoongi who checked his hair at the mirror turned around. Taehyung and Namjoon talking to their stylist suddenly quiet. Seokjin and Jimin stopped eating as they are shocked seeing the manager slapped Jungkook's back right in front of them. The whole room became quiet and everyone looked at two of them.

Jungkook's eyes became wider as he shocked by the presence of the manager in such a mood. His facial expression changed. He immediately remembers about following Jaejae. Seokjin and Jimin not feeling good about this. Jungkook stands up and facing the manager. He answered, "Ah...I...".

Before Jungkook could answer, Seokjin said, "Except BTS members, everyone please get out from the room until we call you". Everyone in the room started to walk out of the room slowly. They can hear them murmuring among them walking. The manager glared at Seokjin long. Looking at how Seokjin instructing everyone to get out, Seokjin seemed to know what he is addressing.

After all the staffs out, all the other members came closer to know what trouble that Jungkook got into this time. The manager looked at Jungkook again seriously. Namjoon touched Jungkook's back signalling him to continue his word. Jungkook didn't know where to start. Jungkook gulped before he continued, "I went to the airport. To follow someone". Jungkook answered short.

"Who?" Hobeom asked back.

Jungkook rubbed his neck. Loosen up his muscle tension, "Steve, and someone called Jaejae".

Hobeom's eyes grew bigger. He paused a few second before his eyes blinking fast. "Oh, you saw Steve?" He asked again to confirm that he listened correctly. Jungkook nodded slowly. The manager sighed, "Oh. Okay, Steve."

"Yes. That troublesome Steve," Jungkook continued. The other BTS members were shocked. Jimin and Seokjin looked at each other with uncomfortable eyes.

Hobeom failed to understand the reason for Jungkook chasing over them yesterday. He prompted another question to Jungkook, "Okay, wait. Wait. I'm surprised you saw him. But who is Jaejae? Why did you follow them?"

Jungkook took his phone out and calmly answered the question, "I've seen Jaejae with us before. I know his face, but I don't know his name. See this picture. Even Jimin hyung knew him". Jungkook displayed the photo of Jaejae that he captured at the airport yesterday. Everyone crowded him to see the photo, except Jimin and Seokjin.

Yoongi noticed Seokjin and Jimin did not move any closer to see the picture. By their action, he knew Seokjin and Jimin already knew about the incident.

Namjoon was curious about Jaejae identity. He also felt like have seen the person before, but can't remember exactly. Namjoon asked Jungkook, "With us as a...?".

"Staff," Jimin answered quickly. Since he's the only one knew who is Jaejae, he felt that he is the correct person to answer the question instead of Jungkook.

Hoseok asked to confirm, "So you are saying Jaejae was one of our staff?".

Jimin answered, "Yes. But I don't know why he was with Steve". Jimin can't see the connection between Jaejae and Steve. He's also wondering how Jaejae knew Steve and what is their relationship.

Hobeom sighed again. So many things running in his mind. It is understandable this curious young man in front of him chasing them. But their status as a high profile public figure may risking their career if they make any wrong move. As a manager, he felt responsible to remind them about this risk. The manager took out his phone, scrolling it and gave it to Jungkook. He decided to tell them what was just happened, "Okay, did you know that you are lucky that we got this photo first before it spreading in social media?".

Jungkook took the phone from the manager while asking, "Why? What happens?"

The other BTS members also started gathering around Jungkook to see the photo.

While Jungkook seeing the picture in the phone, the manager explaining, "Someone posted in the social media about you yesterday. We took the photo from a sasaeng account. The account wanted to leak this photo by selling it. But we're faster, contacting the person and managed to stop it immediately".

Jungkook looking at the photo. The photo showing of him walking with head down from the washroom heading to somewhere. Jungkook did not surprise seeing this photo was taken by someone. Thinking that a sasaeng fan probably following him even way before he reached the airport. But at least he wanted to make an excuse from his side, "This is after I changed clothes. I didn't see any fans when I got out of the washroom. I thought it was safe to get out. I'm sorry that this photo caused trouble for you".

Hobeom responded with tiredness in his voice, "I think they are waiting somewhere else. Anyway, you should call us. Do you know what this photo will lead to? Out of all places, why the airport? What should we explain if people found out you're roaming around and hiding in the toilet? All alone. People will think that you are up to something. You are BTS's Jungkook. Your scale is not nationwide anymore. It's international. Your scandal will blow up the whole world. Things just got slowing down now. Do you want to create another scandal again?" He scolded Jungkook for being careless.

Jungkook felt guilty. He apologised to the manager, "I'm sorry. It's my fault".

Taehyung who was quiet before suddenly speak, "But hyung...look at this angle. Isn't it weird?" He pointed out the photo. He has been observing the photo from Jungkook's shoulder since earlier. There is something not right here.

Everyone took a glimpse but can't see it, except Namjoon. He immediately noticed what Taehyung was referring to in this photo. He addressed it, "Oh, yes. His angle looked like he's also hiding from Jungkook".

Everyone take a look again. Namjoon pointed out the photo was taken very far, probably from inside a cafe. There is a blurred image with skin colour at the corner of the camera blocked the photo, probably the finger of the phone owner trying to avoid being noticed taking the photo.

Seokjin agreed to it as he realised something unusual about this photo. He added, "Yeah, right! This kind of photo was usually taken by a reporter. If sasaeng fans, they will definitely walking closer because they want you to notice them. They won't hide. But this is opposite,"

Yoongi quickly asked the manager as everyone started to feel suspicious, "Is it really true you got it from a sasaeng fan?"

Hobeom nodded and answered short, "Yes. It is true". He also suddenly felt weird when BTS pointed out about the angle of the photo. Where the sasaeng fan got this photo from?

Jungkook started to think if it is not a sasaeng fan, it is probably from the international fans that followed him. He wanted to confirm this. He asked the manager, "Did she communicate with you in Korean?".

"Yes. Why?" Hobeom asked curiously.

Jungkook started to feel uncomfortable. His gut feeling said something is definitely wrong here. "Weird. The fangirls that chasing me weren't Korean. There weren't any other people who noticed me besides than them," said Jungkook.

"Really?" Jimin reconfirms again.

Jungkook nodded fast, "Yes, I'm very sure! They will definitely approach me in Korean if they know the Korean language. They're not even talking in English. They're talking in another foreign language. The only words I could catch were 'BTS' and 'Jungkook'".

"What if they're selling this to the sasaeng fan?" Hoseok trying to find other possibilities.

Seokjin felt like this is nothing to do with the ARMY. The photo itself looked like a reporter scope. He answered the question instead of Jungkook, "I don't think so. They didn't even wait for 2 hours in front of the washroom. Plus, why they want to hide after chasing Jungkook? When you are playing hide and seek, if someone is hiding, someone should seek. Not both hiding. This definitely has no relationship with the sasaeng ARMY or not".

Jimin supported Seokjin statement, "Yes, correct. It's better to take a closer photo and more exclusive with Jungkook since they are foreigners. They are not easily visiting here. They hit a jackpot".

Seokjin continued, "Yes, this is really looked like a reporter or paparazzi's work. But you said you got this from a sasaeng account, so I don't know where this photo is coming from".

Hoseok commented, "But if it is really from a reporter, it should already be published in the news now or they will keep this photo first to collect info and create a narrative. But why from a sasaeng account?"

Namjoon finally asked a question that everyone couldn't answer, "If it is not from sasaeng fan, not from international fans, and not from reporter either, who actually took the photo? Why they sell it and what is their intention?"

Everyone became quiet. They understand the logic of everything being discussed here. Everyone can sense there is something unusual here. Something smell fishy. No one is able to derive a conclusion here.

Yoongi break the silence by asking a question to the manager, "Hyung, why don't you find the account again and ask the person?"

Hobeom replied, "We already reported the account. But nevermind, I will ask Big Hit to find out the source of this photo again. But, Jungkook. Please, please, please. Don't make any trouble again. I'm begging you".

Jungkook smiled seeing the manager begging with his two hands came together, "Okay, I'm sorry again. I'm really shocked when you hit my back earlier".

"Yes, I thought you are really angry," Taehyung added. He's trying to loosen up the environment.

Hobeom smiled listening to Taehyung cute replies. He tapped on Jungkook shoulder, "I'm not hitting you. I'm panicked".

Everyone smiled hearing the manager cute answer. The manager took the phone back and tucked to his pocket. He gave instruction to BTS, "Call the staff in now. You will be late. I'm not going to be responsible if you are late".

Jimin asked while grinning, "Then who should be responsible?"

Jungkook jokingly said, "Jin hyung. He's the one who told all the staff to get out". Jungkook laughed after blaming Seokjin.

Seokjin was surprised. He put both of his hand on his waist, and pretending to be mad, "You imma! I'm trying to save your face. How could you do that to me? I don't raised you up to be like this. You ungrateful brat!"

Everyone separated with laugh listening to Seokjin's complaint including Jungkook. Only Taehyung came near Seokjin to eat. While taking the chopstick Taehyung said, "Don't be mad, hyung. You look old when you're angry".

"What??!" Seokjin unable to accept being called old.

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