
As A Friend

"Who is the traitor?"

Syndulla looked like he wanted to argue again, but in the end, he just sat down, defeated. Knowing that one of the people he trusted betrayed not only him, but also his home planet was almost too much for the old Twi'lek.

For several minutes the freedom fighter stood quiet, and no one said anything. They knew Syndulla was going through a difficult time asking himself again and again which of the officers was the spy.

"I-I... Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Syndula punched the hologram table, and held his head with his hands. None of the people in the room said anything, and Gobi put his arm around the shoulders of his leader.

"I can't think of anyone. But... Jedi, I hope you know how painful it is for me to say this. Uff... If there really is a traitor, it is probably Tram Cholq, Yate or Tae Boon. Tram and Yate are very dissatisfied with me asking for help if the Republic. Not that you helped much. And Tae, he... is complicated. He wanted to side with the Separatist at first, but when I decided to follow the Republic, he changed his view. He is just like that, but I can't believe he would betray us."

"Tae thinks of Cham as a kind of hero. Whatever Cham does, he will always agree, even if he... well, disagree."

Gobi seemed quite uncomfortable with the subject, while Syndulla became silent once again. Usually, General Du would press in such a matter, because both Twi'leks seemed very awkward. But now they didn't have time to be polite.

"What happened? This is important, Syndulla. It can decide who lives and dies in the next battle."

Gobi looked at Syndulla, who didn't seem to want to answer the Jedi. Finally, after a few seconds, the freedom fighter decided to do it for his leader.

"Tae... Tae is Cham's..."

"He is my son."

General Di, who was about to talk, was stunned, and said nothing. Ragout and the two clones were also extremely quiet. It was clear now why Syndulla couldn't bear to say that Tae Boon might be a spy for the Separatist.

"Does he know it?"

"No. I was planning to tell him just before the battle. But I don't know if I can."

General Di shook his head, and smiled lightly, but his smile carried no happiness, only understanding.

"You have to tell him now. His reaction will show who he sides with. Leave Tram and Yate for my men. We will keep an eye on them. As for Tae... I will leave him to you."

Syndulla nodded, and got up, followed by Gobi. When they were at the door, the Twi'lek turned back, and put his hand above his chest. It was a sort of greetings used by the people of Ryloth.

"Thank you, Master Di."

After the freedom fighters left, General Di gestured for Commander Keeli and Dageer to sit down.

"What do you think?"

"We should keep an eye on both Syndulla and Tae Boon. If Tae isn't the spy, then it is for the better. But if he is, knowing who his father is can cause... unexpected reactions."

Both clones nodded. Ragout said exactly what they were thinking. If he was a traitor, the revelation would probably startle Tae so much that he would reveal it. But what he would do after was impossible to know. Maybe he would tell the truth, or he might even start his plan earlier. Anyway, it was sure there would be repercussions.

"Let's do this then. Keeli, get someone on Tae Boon and on Syndulla. Don't let them know they are being followed. The same goes for Tram Cholq and Yate."

"Yes, general."

"Good. Now, are we ready for the battle?"

"As ready as we can be, general."

Suddenly, the Nikto stood up, and put his hand in front of Commander Keeli. After shaking hands with the commander, he did the same with Dageer. For the first time ever since when Ragout was captured and taken to Tatooine, the Jedi showed his emotions without holding back. Only, this time it wasn't rage, but fondness.

"Keeli, Dageer. Whatever the result of this battle is, whatever happens to Ryloth, I want you to know that it was my pleasure and my privilege to have you two with me. And I say this not as your general, but as your friend. The 303rd couldn't have finer commanders."

For a moment, Dageer was overwhelmed by emotion. Any soldier would like to be praised by his commander, but this was... different. General Di was the person Dageer respected the most, even more than Commander Keeli. The Jedi was harsh, tough, and mostly emotionless. But Dageer also knew that he was kind and helpful, qualities he suspected every Jedi needed. Dageer had seen him put his life at risk for clones and civilians hundreds, if not thousands of times.

Both he and Keeli saluted General Di at the same time. They knew that was the Jedi's way of saying his farewells, and they wouldn't do anything less than return it with the same respect.

"Thank you, general."

The Nikto smiled, and waved at them.

"You should go now. I am sure you still have duties to perform before this final battle."

"Yes, general."


Watching the two clones leave, General Di sat down and looked at his padawan. Ragout had been quiet this entire time, as if only now did he realize that they were about to face an army dozens of times their size, and without any chance of retreat.

"What troubles you, my padawan?"

Ragout bit his lips, and the protuberances that identified him as a Togruta twitched, showing he was nervous.

"Master... Is there... Is there any chance that we can survive this?"

"As long as we are alive, there is hope. The Republic won't give up on us. We only have to hold on, and trust the Force."

Being reassured by his master, Ragout became somewhat worry-free. After all, he was still a child, and it was easy for him to forget those things. With his head down, the padawan didn't notice the sad expression of his master when he lied to his apprentice.


Dageer and Commander Keeli walked in the corridors of the Twi'lek building that had become the Republic base on Lessu. Both clones said almost nothing, as the weight of General Di's words was still sinking in. Eventually, Dageer turned to his commander.

"Sir. We are going to die on this planet, and I have no problems with it. We were born to this. But... Do you think there is any chance we can convince General Di and General Ragout to leave the city? I don't believe the Republic will leave Ryloth to the seppies. The planet is too important. If they could hide for this long..."

"Ha! You know very well the answer. The general will live and die with us, Dageer. Even suggesting that to him would be disrespectful. Now, come on, brother. We have troops to command, and clanckers to kill."

"Yes, sir."

Commander Keeli tapped Dageer on the back, and laughed. No matter how grim the situation was, dying side by side with his brothers, and such a general, didn't seem so bad.

On the back of his mind, something that Dageer said had been bugging him. However, a clone rushed towards him with a datapad, and the commander forgot what it was.

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