
Episode 5 - Sector 4

Luna and Zorn arrived at Sector 4. The portal made Luna a bit dizzy and disconcerted. Zorn was already immune to those effects since he was used to travel through portals. After Luna was on her feet again, she became so shocked and speechless she unconsciously started to walk backwards, stumbling and falling on the floor. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. In front of them, there was the entrance to the coliseum were all the fights were going to happen. A giant sign with the worn-out words "Sector 4" occupied a big space. Impossible to not see it.

Everything was enclosed in a circle. Walls made of an unrecognizable material surrounded the coliseum and everything around it. In a smaller circle, there were small warehouses in which the troupes would be staying. A small place to train and another to eat were part of the circle. This was Sector 4, the place were all past wars occurred, and each one of them reached an agreement. It was truly a place filled with history. Sector 4 was placed in the middle of Alvea, the middle ground between the 9 regions of the world.

– Come on, Luna. —Zorn extended his hand to Luna, who was still speechless on the floor

—.I-I'm sorry…

Luna took his hand and got up, cleaning her legs. She took a deep breath and looked around her one more time. Truthfully everything seemed quite surreal. Sector 4 was a place often mentioned on her book, but it didn't look anything like how it was described. It looked like technology took over the place. Bright blue lights were everywhere. One could even see cables on the floor and covering the place's walls.

Still lost on her thoughts, a robotic voice resonated all around the place, seeming like there were speakers even on the floor.

"Hello, and welcome to Sector 4. All the regions are here reunited. Please, proceed to enter the coliseum and organize in your respective regions. I repeat: Please, proceed to enter the coliseum and organize in your respective regions."

– The moment has come, Luna. Are you ready?

– Yes, I t-think…

Luna was extremely nervous. She had problems breathing. Luna didn't know what was waiting behind the coliseum's doors.

Zorn took her hand and smiled, telling her that he'd always be with her. He won't leave her alone and will protect her. Luna felt relieved and smiled back. With a deep breath they both entered the coliseum.

A bright light received them. In front of them were 16 groups of 5 people each. These represented the 8 regions and their troupes. It was solicited of each region to send 2 groups of 5 people each. Each group has a designated leader. Luna and Zorn advanced a bit, staying behind the troupes, since they didn't know which troupe Luna was in. Zorn stayed making her company. Luna could see how the troupes talked between them and planned their strategies, even if they still didn't know exactly how the war was going to occur.

– Zorn… Why does this place look different than how the book describes? —she whispered—.

– The book refers to ancient times, here, the technology is much more advanced to where you grew up.

– And… how exactly are the fights going to be?

In that moment, the lights turned up, and the robotic voice started to speak again.

"Welcome to Sector 4. Thanks to all the regions to reach the same agreement and choose to resolve the war without having to spill more innocent blood. We cordially welcome the regions of Maeva, Gaeva, Laeva, Taela, Xaeva, Kaela, Zaela and Raela.

Sector 4 is known as one of the most emblematic places where wars were carried out centuries ago, but those times have ended, it's time for the technology to officially take place. Today marks a new occurrence for Alvea. A day that will go down in history.

Here present, we have 16 troupes. Each region sent 2 troupes with their strongest soldiers. We trust that, out of the battlefield, there will be no casualties.

Good, let's proceed to explain the mechanics of how the fights are going to carry on. First and foremost, they will be in virtual reality. Meaning that no one will get hurt or die in the process. This way, we will get to an agreement without having to kill anyone else. There will be different types of rounds, each one will have a different mechanic, but all of them will be in virtual reality.

We just received important news. Troupe 1, Maeva region, is without a leader. The past leader had to retire due to unknown reasons. The new leader of Troupe 1, Maeva region, will be Luna Patterson.

This is the end of the first announcement. The first match will be in 2 days. We will see you in the battlefield."

Speechless. Everyone turned around to look at Luna and Zorn. Luna was dumbfounded. Leader? Her? She couldn't believe it. And from the most important region according to the book, she didn't know if in this period Maeva was still the world's great power, but centuries ago, when the book was written, it was. Luna looked at Zorn scared. In that moment, all the troupes started to walk to their respective warehouses. Zorn was already part of a troupe. He was dragged with it. Luna stayed still, not knowing what to do. Her mind was in blank.

– Hey, you. —Luna was startled at the unknown hand on her shoulder—. You're Luna, right?

– Y-yes… —she swallowed down—. T-that's me…

– Follow me.

A guy, apparently from the troupe she's leader of, started to walk ahead of her, guiding her to their assigned warehouse. Luna just followed him, starting to feel anxious at being separated from Zorn. She thought they'd be on the same troupe. Now she was completely alone. In an unknown universe, with unknown people. And on top of that, leader.

Since everything was relatively close, they arrived at their warehouse in a few minutes, and promptly entered it. It was a simple place: there were only 5 beds and a small bathroom, since they won't need much in that place. The mysterious guy sat on one of the beds and without losing any more time he talked to Luna.

– So… Who are you, Luna?

Everyone looked at her. Obviously, the troupe knew each other, but Luna was a complete stranger.

– A-ahmm… I-I'm… L-Luna?

– She's so funny! Hi, my name's Elisa Sage. A pleasure. —she extends her hand to Luna—.

– A p-pleasure. My name is Luna Patterson… You probably won't believe me but… I came from another dimension… and I got dragged here to fight…

– Welcome then, we're Troupe 1 from Maeva region. The most powerful region of Alvea.

Luna's eyes grew bigger in surprise. Elisa confirmed that Maeva still was the world's great power. And she was the leader of said region. She didn't know if to feel happy or scared for that, but she really felt a strange sense of relief.

– I'm Sophie. Elise's best friend.

– The name's Zacharie, a pleasure, Luna! That guy who dragged you here is Stephen.… A pleasure.

– And… Luna. —Elise sat by her side—. How did you arrive to Alvea? How did you come from another dimension?

– Well… this guy, Zorn… whose troupe I don't know… came looking for me at my dimension, telling me that he needed me to end the war and all that… obviously I didn't believe him at first, but after seeing all this… it feels very real.

– I see… Welcome again! —she encircled Luna's neck, getting closer to her—. If you need anything, help understanding what's happening or just to talk, let me know!

Luna smiled, sensing a warm feeling coming from Elise. She felt she was slowly becoming part of the troupe, though Stephen still looked at her with doubt, internally questioning her fighting skills.

– Do you know how to fight? —asked Stephen—. Or anything related to war? Have you ever fought against soldiers in real life?

Luna felt a bit overwhelmed with all the questions he asked. Certainly, Luna had no talent whatsoever and felt insecure about herself, but something was telling her that she needed to fight for Maeva.

– Not really… But I'll learn! Something inside of me tells me that I must win for Maeva.

– That's the attitude! —exclaimed Zacharie—. I like this woman; her spirit is strong.

– Tch.

Stephen got up and walked out of the warehouse.

– Don't worry, Luna, he's like that. He wants to win not caring about what's to come. —Sophie said—.

– I understand his anger… I don't know how to fight… I don't know how to do anything… up until now I always had a normal life.

Luna too went outside of the warehouse. She wanted to get to know more of the place alone. She started to walk observing every corner with caution. Everything still seemed surreal, even while looking at it in that moment, she felt like she was in a dream. She couldn't believe she was inside Sector 4. A fictitious place she adored. Lost in her thoughts, she collided with someone.


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