
I love you with all my Heart!

Ashley was hungry and can no longer wait for Tiny to arrive. She slowly made her way to the door to peek outside and see if anyone still out there. Sato's office was empty, not a soul inside. 

"Good! They left already." She saunters her way towards the office kitchenette where Tiny was supposed to preparing her lunch. However, before she made it to her destination, Tiny came out bearing a tray full of food. 'Her lunch'

"Ma'am, Ashley! Do you need anything?" Tiny asked as he approaches with a speedy move.

"Nothing, I was on the way to see you. In case you need any help, but it seems that you have it all under control." Her smile was sweet and gentle.

"I told you that you don't need to that for me. I could have done it myself. I'm not helpless, you know!" Said Ashley shyly, while trying to take the tray from Tiny hands.

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