

I was lost in thought. I'm staring above with blank look written on my face. I didn't hear the speech of the small cute mom above. I ignore the poking on my cheek.

This was truly unexpected, I've always thought my mother would be a mature looking Milf. But right now this situation is too dangerous.

This is really dangerous, Why you say?

Because of my Beastly instinct and Heart Desire is kicking in again, The crystal heart is beating faster and faster. It was loud as drum beating, Fortunately, The speech covered it.

Deep Inside my Heart desire, this one is something I could not fulfill in my past life. It's something I could only look but not touch. Right now, My beastly instinct is raging and trying to get out.

I frowned my brows, Flick my other hand from time to time. I'm trying to control myself, No I need to control myself I don't want to create a scene. Having a cute girl on my hand is already hard. Not to mention, Having a mother look like that is too much to bear.

My mind is telling me to run from here, My body is telling me to run up there and snatch my cute loli mom. My spirit is telling me to stop and look. I keep telling myself to stop, Just stop!

I need to calm down!

I need to stop my Heart Demon!

I need to control my body and not being controlled!

Nobody knows what I'm feeling right now, They are focusing on my supposed to be mother's speech. I did not really listen and could only hear about, Politics, Government, Work, Money situation and lastly Family situation. I was not listening because I'm not interested but because of my damn heart is heating up my body!

The little guy down there is fucking reacting!

This is so weird! I'm holding Fuumi on my Arms yet the guy down there is reacting! If someone knew this I would be ashamed!

It's not like I wanted this but it's just appeared out of nowhere and opened the gate that should never be opened. It's just supposed to be admiring them but in my situation it's not! It's something more Terrifying and Temptation.

Right now I'm feeling like I'm in heaven but at the same time hell!

Having a loli blood related mother is unbearable for someone who has Incest complex and Hidden Pedophilia aka Lolicon!

All this desires is just on my view, How could my beastly instinct would not react? How could the little guy down there not react? How could I not flick my hands if I see something that shouldn't be in here?

This is basically a terrifying drug for me, It's tempting me to do something to the cute loli mom up there. Part of me wanted this announcement to be done and have a talk with my Loli Mom and Another Part of me wanted to kidnap my Loli Mom and have a little talk to her.

Fortunately, My expression was not of that lust seeking pleasure of a demon but Blank and calm. Blank because I'm still overthinking, Calm because I am doing my very best to control my body and raging heart.

Time passed and the speech is done. The people around me starting to disperse, The women and girls upstairs goes back inside the palace. Right now, I'm alone with Fuumi who is poking my cheek and Aunt Fuuka.

"Shido-kun.... Fuumi let's go" She look at me with worried eyes. Seeing I'm not responding, She called her daughter.

"Un, Mama" Fuumi answered to her mother and change side. Aunt Fuuka carried her.

"Shido-kun, see you soon" She softly said and walk to a certain house. Then look behind again and see I'm not responding, She cast me a very worried look.

I didn't answer, I was just standing there without movement. I'm still busy calming the raging heart. I can't afford to make mistake this time, I need to control it. If I made a slight mistake, I don't know what would I do. I don't want to wake up full of naked covered milk bodies around me. Because that's what I foresaw what would happen if I really unleashed the beast.

The palace door opened again, My sister, Sona walked down the stairs and stop by my side looking at my blank look. She looked curious and intrigued. She chuckled, when I did not respond to her.

She walk in front of me and gave my face a squeeze with her hand. She started playing my face, Seeing I'm not still responding. She laughed cutely.

She started wandering her hands around my torso, Fondling my chest, Pinching my nipples and using her hand to grab my hand leading it to her breast. She used my hand to fondle her breast but looking at me who was still not responding. She became disappointed and stop what she was doing.

She just stand there waiting for me to come to my senses.

I bet there would be many questions why did I blank. But that's for later. as for now I should stop my raging heart.

A few minutes later.

My eyes regain its focus and see beauty standing before me. I realize it is Sister Sona, She looked at me with curiosity and wanted to ask what happened.

"Hi" I said.

''Hi" She answered back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"To pick you up.... What are you doing?" She answered and asked me the same question I just said.

"Ah! W-Well, Nothing" I tried dodging her question. but it was pointless because her eyes squinted and wanted to seek answers.

"Ugh, I was lost in thought...."I admit it.

"What we're you thinking about?"She asked another hard question.

I don't want to asnwer her question because I don't to want to tell her that I wanted to kidnap loli mom and 'talk' with her.

But I don't want to lie either. Since she already knew about my incest complex. I should justtell her the truth.

"I'm thinking about 'mom', I mean what should I do with her, How should I act with her. Her figure is not something I expected."I told her the truth while hiding some of it.

"Hmmm, Why would you need to act around mother?"Sona was puzzled why I'm acting weird. She continued. "You don't need to act around Mother, She won't bite or anything. You should be yourself. Mom is kind-hearted she will accept you of who you are, Even if you lost most of your memories, She will loved you...After all, You are Mom's precious baby"

Yeah, Why am I acting weird. I shouldjust be myself andnothing is wrong about that. If I started acting weird, then I would become suspicious to them and they might find I'm not the Chikushodo Shido they knew. I shook my head for being overthinking such simple problem.

"Oh, I understand. Thank you Sis"I hug her and kissed her smooth cheek.

"But Sis, I have one question?" I asked.

"I know what you wanted to ask so let's get it first and greet mother. She will tell you everything about your question. I just wanted to tell you that for a very very long time, Our Chikushodo Familly was cursed." She seriously said. Her words just made a lot a questions in my mind.

This is Unexptected, Chikushodo Family was cursed.

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