
Chosen Law?

In a panic only having 10 seconds to decide I chose to allow it to cultivate whatever that was. Instantly a screen appeared in front of my face reminding me of my childhood memories.

System Active

Current world energy 5 of 160

absorption rate 5 units per min

Law Status

Law- The Law of Change

Level- Greater Divine

Law level - 0


Perception level 0 - law energy until level 1 (40/98)

Aspect abilities

- Greater perception (passive) - the user has a greater sense of his surroundings within 3 feet. Cost 0 world energy

- Speed perception - increase the speed of your perception allowing the user to take in more of his surroundings. User experience will be similar time slowing however this ability does have the ability to slow time so expect a lag between thought and your body's reaction. cost 10 world energy per min.

The system thanks to the user for his timely decision to cultivate.

"Umm system, what the hell is going on"

" Can the user specify his inquiry"

" what the hell does all this mean and why have you appeared again now. I haven't heard your voice since I was a kid I thought I was crazy, maybe I am crazy it has been a long day?"

" your previous habitat did not have sufficient world energy to reactivate my functions. I have been in hibernation since you were a child and have been monitoring the situation. Please see the below details providing a brief explanation of the information above.

World energy - Creation energy that exists in every world however the density changes from world to world and area to area. Cultivators absorb this energy to awaken and fuel the abilities of their law.

Law - The law of creation you have previously chosen along with its grade. The information of the grading system is available upon request. The law level is made up of the total level of your mastery over your laws aspects.

Aspects -Your aspects are elements of your law that you have power over in the form of abilities. The information in regard to your ability is shown in your status menu.

Please let me know if you have any further queries however system recommends you sleep and analyze the situation tomorrow. Flooding your body with world energy has caused strain on your already tired body increasing your need for sleep.

To be honest I thought I was dreaming and so I mentally clicked the little cross at the top of the screens in front of me and closed them down. I did, however, have one thought from my years of playing mobile games and even though I thought I worked myself too hard and was making it up in my head so I might as well do it properly.

" System how to do get law energy"

"law energy is normally slowly absorbed passively however the reactivation of your passive ability will increase your rate an unknown amount. You also gain Law energy when you use your other abilities such as Speed perception"

Unable to keep my eyes open I say " System keep using Speed perception whenever my World energy reaches Maximum so I don't waste any"

"System confirms the request"

I fell asleep to the sound of the system confirming that I wasn't loosing out on anything.

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