
Amiya (5)

 She was very beautiful and very attractive! Now she was sending him a sweet smile and her curves were very seductive underneath him. 

"Um, nice kiss. I like it."

The splashing voice said and gave him a seductive smile. Bernardo immediately smiled back in a pleasing gesture. No woman would be so arrogant for long in his arms. Her body had gone limped, Bernardo was sure it was because she could not resist his hot kiss.

Amiya reached out to touch his chest. Sending him a seductive glance.

"I want to kiss and want to do more interesting things with you, Avatar. Are you interested?

He whispered. The smiling handsome face was full of joy, knowing his own charming looks that he was full of it and it always worked with any woman. Amiya smiled immediately. Reaching for his face Put her finger on his lips. Her face was smiling but in her mind was swearing and cursing him. This man needed a good lesson. And it had got to be her to give it to him!

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