
The Dancing Cavern(Part-3)

Zeus looked back at the remains of the floor of the room that had almost turned into a large pit of doom he could see the outline of some strange creature who his observe was not working he snarled at that, 'The first skill I got in this game the skill that I was proud of the most has become so useless ugh.'

As tried to get a better look at the deep darkness BlizzardQueen spoke with a sigh, "Stop wasting time with it, since you cannot detect it let us leave it for the time being."

Zeus sighed at that as he spoke, "Yes you are right but I could not help it, I had read about this dungeon but there was no mention about any such creature in this place not to mention this entire area beyond that hidden door."

Azi frowned at that as she spoke, "So true neither have I came across any such information regarding this place, all we can do is move forward after all the way back to the entrance is gone, now."

As Zeus was about to stand up from his kneeling position a guttural roar was hard as the ground shook hard almost causing him to take a tumble off the edge due to loss in his balance, soon a half digested Antlion flew and hit behind them causing them to jump back, as a scare…ahem a brave group of players who decided that the annoyance was too unhygienic decided to move from away from that place while competing against each other trying to figure who was the fastest, as they disappeared from view the room glowed briefly as it turned to its previous form without any indication of the entire event.

The group took rest after running for some time, as Sylphy let out a tired sigh as she spoke, "Damn this place, I just hope…"

Only for BarbarianLady to pounce on her with a murderous look on her face as she spoke with a hiss, "You imbecile do you have something against us that you are actively jabbing your finger into Murphy trying to casue trouble."

Sylphy pushed her off her angrily as she spoke with a snarl, "Oh piss off, you and your thrice damned superstition."

BlizzardQueen snorted at that as she spoke, "Yes superstition at the finest, the accident which destroyed our carriage was a mere coincidence."

Sylphy blushed as she was about to retort she was promptly sushed into silence by CelestialMaiden as she spoke, "Do you all hear that, I think a child is crying."

At her exclamation a group of four quickly spoke in unison, "SHUT UP AND PAY NO HEED TO IT."

Azi had a smirk on her face as she replied to the, "But you all forgot about the sweet juicy EXP.", she finished with a faraway look on her face as the others smiled greedily at that.

Zeus coughed loudly drawing others attention towards him as he spoke, "Well that is all well and good but do you have any plans with dealing with them, or the adults for the matter."

Azi pouted towards him as she spoke, "Why do you have to be such a sourpuss Zeus? Let us fantasize for a bit there is nothing wrong about it."

Zeus shrugged but then he frowned as he spoke, "I think the wailing is getting louder by the minute."

Sylphy bit her lips as she spoke, "You are not the only one who think like that, I also concur it is getting louder by the second."

BlizzardQueen gripped her staff hard as she spoke, "Then get ready everyone."

BarbarianLady looked at the general direction from where the sound was coming as she spoke, "I do not think that it will be simple why don't we climb over to that place and wait for its arrival after all in a dungeon I do not think a mob will appear in such a manner."

ForestHuntress replied back with a frown on her face, "You know I concur with her, let us play it safe."

Zeus nodded at that as they quickly scaled the 30 feet tall wall, as they hid in the shadows, then Tarasque used a scroll, which caused a greenish light with a slight black tint to it spread over everyone as she spoke, "This will prevent anyone detecting our presence for at least an hour provided you all do not move."

As everyone watched like a hawk, they saw couple of creatures running towards their location but before they could even make it a few more steps multiple attacks rained on them effectively killing them, as they heard an excited chattering.

"Damn this dungeon is so easy, and why does the elders pick this one I will never know, I can conquer it with my arms tied and eyes blindfolded."

The other person looked at him incredulously before he broke into loud laughter as he spoke, "You, you who would have died because his legs slipped, you conquer the dungeon do not make me laugh."

The first person face burned red as a long of anger flashed through his face as he spoke with a snarl, "Why you no go…"

"ENOUGH!!!", a powerful voice ripped through the tunnels of the dungeon as a woman walked, she could easily be described as the epitome of seductive beauty, with ample shapely bosom and large hips with a mile long leg, her every ore oozed sensuality to the point that combined with her devilishly divine looks she can easily enamored any weak minded male easily.

Zeus gulped at that he knew from reading plenty of novels and what not that, any woman who looked as such is bound to bring trouble and it is a good and healthy policy to stay away from her especially when his instincts screamed dangerous, in the same way it does for his teacher.

The woman then spoke in a sultry tone towards the other two, "Please boys behave we have places to be now don't we."

The duo nodded their head with drool on their chin as they wordlessly followed after the woman, as they left the woman suddenly turned then she send a wink towards the group as she mouthed the words slow enough for most of them to understand, 'Bye Bye my cute adorable hatchling.'

Zeus bit back a curse as he spoke in a whisper, "Is there a way to recreate a character?"

BlizzardQueen gave a wary smile as she spoke, "Zeus you seem to have forgotten it is done deal already, unless and until you wish to restart the entire thing by buying yourself a new capsule and what not."

Zeus massaged his temples with a wary smile on his face as he spoke, "That is regretfully something I would like to avoid as I doubt I can get another capsule like the one I have."

TacoGirl frowned at that as she spoke in a confused tone, "Why is that Zeus? I do ….", before her eyes widen as she spoke sheepishly at that, "Oh silly me, how could I forget you are one of those special Platinum Capsule club member, how could I forget."

Zeus simply shook his head as CelestialMaiden spoke while looking at the direction towards where the trio left, "Were you able to read anything using 'observe'."

Zeus shook his head as he spoke in a depressed tone, "They were outside my range so sorry I could not be of any help."

CelestialMaiden shook her head as she replied to him, "You do not know how lucky you are with that skill of yours Zeus, unlike you whenever we attack an enemy the only time we are able to learn the level of the enemy after the initial hit, nothing more nothing less, whereas you could simply learn and plan or completely avoid the enemy if need be, so please stop getting depressed on a temporary setback."

Zeus sighed at that as he spoke, "Thanks I needed that."

BlizzardQueen had a big smile on her face as she spoke, "Well that is Big sister for you, and she always knows how to cheer one up."

Azi sighed as she spoke, "Well does anyone has any idea on how are we going sneak past them?"

At her question everyone suddenly felt a colossal headache forming, as they huddled around each other wordlessly.

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