
Dungeon Diving(Part-2)

Zeus looked at the armor created by Azi for him in great detail, it looked really cool, and he checked the stats for the armor.



Profession Restriction: None

Tier: RARE

Level Requirement: Level 6

Endurance Requirement: +400

Physical Defense: +10%

Magic Defense: +10%

Spell: HEAL

{Returns 20% of overall health back to the user over a period of 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes}

Durability: 2000/2000


Zeus quickly wore it as he smirked, "It is wonderful cousin I love it."

Azi smiled at that as she bragged, "Of course you would after all it was I who made it."

Causing the other two roll their eyes, Azi and Tarasque both wore armor which accentuated their curves, Azi's was made of leather where as Tarasque's was mostly plate armor, but it was designed to bring out their beauty even more.

Taraque grinned as she spoke to Zeus: "So how do I look Zeus."

Zeus: "You two look devastatingly beautiful."

Tarasque then handed each of them a good few Heath potions, Mana potions and Stamina potions, as she spoke "I have some food items with me, so you do not have to worry about our character getting hungry."

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke, "Azi how about your weapon do you like it?"

Azi nodded at that as she spoke with a frown, "I like my 'Heavy Bow' but why did you put Fire rune on it, I asked for lightning rune."

Zeus sighed as she spoke, "Did you see the video I send you?"

Azi scratched her head in embarrassment as she spoke, "No I was kind of busy as such I…"

Zeus sighed hard as he spoke, "16 in game hours ago the first dungeon to fall at 'Hard' mode fell since then 5 more dungeons have fallen, including our city's each of them are unique like in our city it is a skeleton dungeon which seems to be susceptible to fire."

Tarasque spoke, "Zeus if I am not wrong you wish to conquer the tiers above hard mode."

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke, "Of course I wish to but for it to happen we first need to conquer the dungeon in hard mode."

Azi looked clueless as she asked, "And why do we need to?"

Zeus as well as Tarasque both glared at her as she chuckled sheepishly causing them to shake their head in exasperation as he spoke, "Pretty simple my dear cousin, anyone can play the dungeon in Hard, Normal or Easy mode, but the ones even at higher level than them namely the 'Nightmare' and the one even above it the 'Hell' mode in order to access them you have to at least play the 'Hard Mode' then the 'Nightmare' only then one can have access to the 'Hell' mode and I wish to conquer the dungeon in 'Hell mode'."

Azi: "So how hard are those modes?"

Tarasque: "Firstly this dungeons only allow those of Level 10 and below to enter, secondly the teams which have conquered the dungeon in Hard mode failed to make it even a quarter of that in Nightmare mode, as such we have to be vigilant, also we cannot waste time have you seen the new 'Player Ranking System'?"

Azi sighed as she spoke, "of course the person leading is already a Level 15 player named 'Quanshi', and we have to pick up the pace."

Soon they made their way to the Dungeon entrance, as the neared Azi simply whistled in appreciation as she spoke, "It seems like a carnival is going on."

A plethora of people were standing there getting ready as they forming parties as they entered the dungeon.

Azi: "Hey cousin how many people were present in the party that conquered the Dungeon in hard mode? "

Zeus: "Well they had 15 people as is the maximum number of people allowed to form a party."

Azi looked at him in disbelief, "15 people were who conquered the dungeon, and we are 3, just 3 and you wish to conquer it with our paltry strength."

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "Quality over quantity cousin, they may be numerous but look at our stats."

Azi sighed as she spoke, "Well let us get on with it then."

As they neared both Tarasque and Azi gained the attention of other players specially the male, who wanted to flex their muscles and what not to garner their attention, even Zeus got quite a few flirty winks and what not from female player.

Suddenly a voice called to him from behind, "Nathan is that you.", Zeus turned as well as his party members at the voice after all someone was able to identify him, given that he did not change that much of his looks but still.

As Zeus looked at the person his eyes hardened as he let a low growl at that who had spoken to him, because it was none other than 'DragonFairyQueen', or as he knew in real life 'Aimee', she approached him with tear in her eyes as she spoke, "My beloved Nathan it is really you, you look as handsome as you in real life, how I missed you."

Zeus was taken aback by what he saw a teary eyed Aimee what does she want, he side stepped as he put his hands up to prevent her from hugging him.

DragonFairyQueen: "Why are you not letting me hug you? I…I see you are angry about why I betrayed you right, you have the right to be angry with me, after all I betrayed you but I never wanted to I was forced by that disgusting pig, please belief.", the anguish shown in her face made everyone to stop talking as they watched the drama unfold.

Zeus decided to humor her, "Oh and how did he do such a thing?"

DragonFairyQueen then spurned a tale of blackmail and what not, how she had to listen to that toad in order to save her family and what not, she even went as far as to swore to god stating that she was unable to commit anymore sin and would love to get back in his life once again consequence be damned, the tale so mournful that Zeus heard a few sniffling from the audience. Suddenly Zeus got a message from Azi, which he discreetly opened and almost laughed loudly at what he saw.

[Oscar worthy performance.]

Zeus would have believed at her story if she did not state a few lies about her family was dirt poor and how they were forced to do the toad's bidding, he had seen her wearing expensive jewelry as well carrying bags from branded companies before so how could her dirt poor family afford such.

Zeus suddenly looked as if he was looking at someone behind her as he spoke in panic, "Dude, it was your girl friend who was speaking with me not I."

DragonFairyQueen suddenly panicked as she turned before speaking, "My handsome beloved, prince save me from this no good bastard ruffian, he is trying to take advantage of me.", but her eyes widen when no one was there.

She turned towards Zeus whose eyes were blazing with fury as he spoke, "My parents were happily married 'Aimee', as such please do not call me a bastard but although a gold digging whore who could jump from one guy to another because of a few dollars speaks volume about her upbringing. Moreover you say you are poor than why did you have $15000 dollar worth purse from branded company."

By then DragonFairyQueen was shaking with intense anger, 'how dare her pet voice against her', she was livid at Nathan's behavior, she was passing by and caught a glimpse of her ex and thought to get him to dance at the palm of her hand, as an idea formed in her mind, 'it seems it was high time for her to educate her pet, he should be grateful to her if it were not for her Quinn and his family would have torn Nathan to pieces but now she will tell Quinn about Zeus's real identity and not even God himself will be able to save him from his wrath.

DragonFairyQueen: "How dare you no good beggar, I showed you goodwill and you dare to spit back at my face, I will make your family and your life living hell, I will…"

She was stopped when the tabar of Tarasque hit the ground in front of her, hard cracking it and causing her to take a step back.

It was Azi who spoke, "You do what you cheap 's**kha', you make my cousins life hell I will cut out your womb and make you cook and then make you eat it, who do you think you are."

Zeus stopped Azi and Tarasque as he spoke, "Just leave her, we have work to do instead of wasting time on some diseased street hooker."

With that they left a fuming and plotting DragonFairyQueen aka Aimee behind.

Soon the group entered the dungeon in hard mode, eerie catacombs with sound of water dropping from the ceiling echoing in the area as a foul breeze blew passed them in a ghostly whisper.

Azi: "Impressive, so how many floors are here?"

Zeus smirked as he spoke, "Only 6 floors without the 'Boss Room'. It has been pointed out by people that all this dungeons have more floors as one increases its difficulty with easy being 4 and normal being 5, not only that the dungeon map seems to be changing as well."

Azi spoke in surprise at that, "What do you mean changing?"

Zeus: "Well after the first successful attempt the people tried to follow the same strategy after watching the video of their attempt and failed badly as they map had changed."

Azi whistled lowly only for their attention to be grabbed by a cackling sound, as a pair of skeletons with wearing rusted iron armor and holding rusted iron broad swords in their hands came forward.

Zeus took out his new Sword Staff forged by his teacher in arcane blacksmithing Alfostrog Marblehorn, himself; he could not help but snicker at the other people's misfortune, they went readily to learn from the other person about blacksmithing but what they did not know that the person can only produce normal weapons and armor unlike the Marblehorn family who can create magic weapons and the most important difference being not only the stats of a magic weapon is higher it has spells etched on them in the form of runes as such a normal weapon pales in comparison to a magic weapon, with that he glanced at his weapon for one final time as he used observe on it.



Profession Restriction: None


Level Requirement: Level 6

Strength Requirement: +400

Wisdom Requirement: +400

Physical Attack: +80%

Magic Attack: +80%

Spell: HOLY AURA (Passive)

{CAUSES +20% of overall damage to creatures of darkness like the likes of undead beings. As well as 5% chance to effect them with 'Holy Fire'.

Cooldown: None}

Durability: 3000/3000


Zeus casually casted 'Observe' on the incoming duo as he spoke with a smirk on his face, "The are only of level 7 and of 1500 health points each, let us mow them down."

The others agreed as they descended upon the skeletons with glowing blue embers inside their sockets brandishing their weapons as they shouted out at the top of their lungs various battle cries, "For IceCream, For Lasagna, For Borscht."

Chapitre suivant