

Aero could feel the ripples of energy rippling out from Lizhu Gerard. He could feel the same kind of pressure when he met those Gods from Olympus.

But the feeling that Lizhu Gerard give him is even more inviting. Is it because he inherited his legacy?

Is that why the aura seems welcoming?

And Lizhu Gerard energy is even more tyrannical and suffocating than the energy of some fo the Gods of Olympus he had met


The sound of thunder from the skies reminded Aero of many other things once his head wrapped up the existence of Lizhu Gerard.

'This could be my opportunity to reap some benefits' he thought to himself.

He remembers that many of his skills is the skills that Lizhu himself once trained. Even many of his items is the items that once belonged to Lizhu Gerard

Other than that he also remembers that his White Robe is also a Godly Rank attire. But it is sealed and only exhibit a Hero rank ability.

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