
The beginning

Hi! My name is Tashi Utari and this is the story of how my love was built, knocked over, and was built again.

I walked into class early. I laid my head on my desk and put my earbuds in. I was about to drift off until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see jungkook. He was my crush. I blushed a bit and took out my earbuds.

Jungkook: Hey, c-can I sit here?

Tashi: Y-Yeah, no problem.

He sat next to me and started talking to me until the teacher walked in.

That's how everyday went until one day during senior year I decided I was finally going to confess. I went into the hallway and looked around. I found Jungkook and walked up to him.

Tashi: H-Hey jungkook, can I talk to you?

Jungkook: S-Sure

I held his hand as I walked into an empty classroom.

Tashi: J-Jungkook, I-I just wanted to tell you t-that I really Li-

Then over the loudspeaker, they called Jungkook to the office.

Jungkook: I-I have to go...Sorry...

He walked away and never came back to school

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