
A moment of romance

Their plans did not get off to a good start, to put it mildly.

It began with an email the day before. A panic from one of his overseas branches about a rumored move by a competitor. His team got into action immediately. Inquiries were made. Conference calls were set up. There was a possibility that Keigo would have to take the next flight out to take care of the issue personally.

He was used to it. If he wasn't so damn irritated that it laid waste to his plans with Kaoru.

When he told Kaoru over a call, the response was so understanding that Keigo felt humbled.

"You have important stuff to deal with. We can just meet when you have time."

"Thank you. I'll make it up to you," Keigo promised.

Kaoru merely said softly, "I hope the problem is not too bad."

As it turned out, on Friday afternoon, his team burst into his office to report the excellent news that it was a false rumor. Keigo spent the rest of the afternoon to verify the facts. The branch's manager called him to apologize profusely.

Keigo had been stern in his reprimand but he credited himself for not losing his temper.

In good spirits, he messaged Kaoru.

'All sorted. Can we still meet up today?'

Half an hour later, Kaoru called him back, sounding a little distressed.

"I'm sorry, Keigo! We had a last minute issue today. I'm going to be late."

"Don't worry about it," Keigo tried to soothe him, although he couldn't believe their luck. Was the universe testing the outer limits of his patience?

"I'm glad your problem was solved though," Kaoru said earnestly and added glumly, "I really didn't expect this to come up."

"You should focus on your work," Keigo assured him. "Just call me when you are done."

"I don't know what time it will be. You shouldn't wait for me – oh, I don't mean that you were going to-" Kaoru fumbled.

"Kaoru, I will wait for you," Keigo interrupted him with a smile. "I'll wrap up something in the office in the meantime."

There was a short silence before Kaoru murmured, "Okay."

After they hung up, Keigo just continued with his work. There was always enough to occupy his time. It was half past ten at night when the phone rang again.

"Kaoru," he greeted the caller in anticipation.

"H-Hello. I'm just done."

"Was the issue fixed?"

"Yes, it took less time that we expected!"

"That's good."

"Yes…um, are you in the office?"

"I am," Keigo replied. "Staring at my laptop screen. Not exactly riveting."

"Do you still want to meet up?" Kaoru asked hesitantly.

"Are you asking me out on a date now?" Keigo teased.

"Oh. I guess I am?" Kaoru sounded flustered. "If you want to."

"Of course I want to." So cute, Keigo thought. Kaoru was so damn cute.

"W-where shall we go?"

Keigo had a quick think. They both have eaten at their desks (so much for the fancy dinner which he had planned for). He still had the tickets for the small jazz concert but the band was probably playing their last song. They could just head to a bar immediately but that seemed to lack effort.

Then Akino's words flashed through his mind. Keigo reminded himself to increase her bonus.

"Would you like to take a walk?" he asked.


There was something magical about lights and the night.

Kaoru had been surprised when Keigo suggested that they checked out the winter illuminations at one of the popular spots near their respective offices.

When he saw Keigo walking towards him, Kaoru felt his cheeks warmed.

Their first date. He couldn't quite believe it.

Now, standing at the pavement, they were surrounded by dazzling bursts of champagne and pink lights. The air remained crisp and there were still throngs of people filling the streets. Voices, music and an assortment of noises came together to create a lively backdrop.

"It's really pretty here!" Kaoru exclaimed.

"I've never really paid any attention until now," Keigo admitted ruefully.

"Hmm, it's a bit different every year," Kaoru commented.

Keigo gave him such a warm smile then. Kaoru was mesmerized.

They walked along the street leisurely, fronted by magnificently lit trees and decorated shops.

It was a stroll where they did very little but there was a sum of small things which made the whole special.

In Kaoru's mind, these small moments formed a collage of pictures which he wanted to pin onto a wall so that he would always have them.

Listening to a busker belting out nostalgic songs.

Peering into the display window of a candy shop (they agreed that the candy house was a piece of art).

Spoke about Kaoru's year-end rush with various projects and Keigo's next business trip. They checked the time difference so that they could call each other at a reasonable hour.

When they reached a small park, the trees shimmered in pale blue and white, creating a quieter and gentler surrounding.

"Look." Kaoru pointed. "The trees look like floating clouds."

"I suppose so." Keigo appeared to be trying to form the picture in his mind.

"Use your imagination!" Kaoru laughed.

His laughter melted away when he noticed Keigo studying him closely. A slight smile on his lips, as if he had discovered a secret.

"I wonder how you always make everything seem so beautiful," Keigo murmured as he reached out to brush a strand of hair from Kaoru's right eye.

"You're-you're making me embarrassed," Kaoru whispered and couldn't quite meet Keigo in the eye.

Keigo chuckled and looked up at the trees again.

They stood there for a while, just enjoying the view and soaking in the atmosphere.

Around them, there were many pairs of lovers or those who were trying to be lovers.

Kaoru had a thought then as he snuck a peek at Keigo's side profile.

Was this all real?

"What is it?" Keigo asked when he caught Kaoru staring.

"Nothing," Kaoru mumbled and looked away.

Then he felt Keigo's hand clasped around his firmly.

"There's a nice bar around the corner. Let's go."


The bar was located in the basement of a nondescript building. A hideout for regular patrons who wished to escape the glaring attention of the more popular and trendy places.

The staff greeted Keigo with familiarity.

"Welcome back, sir."

"Do you come here often?" Kaoru asked as they settled into the seats at the counter.

"Once or twice a month with a friend," Keigo replied. "Matsumoto Takumi."

"The model?" Kaoru was surprised.

"Yes, I'll introduce him to you sometime. Don't fall for his charms though."

"Of course not," Kaoru huffed and proceeded to look at the menu.

Keigo wondered wryly how Takumi would take to Kaoru's reaction, or lack of.

Their drinks were swiftly ordered and served. Keigo raised his glass.

"We made it. Despite work conspiring against us."

Kaoru giggled and did the same as their glasses clinked.

After a sip, Keigo asked as he looked at Kaoru, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes," Kaoru replied and gave him a shy smile. "Thank you for taking me out."

"You asked me out, if I recall correctly," Keigo smirked. "So thank YOU for taking me out."

Kaoru blinked in confusion before breaking into muffled laughter. Throughout the night, Keigo had thought that it was such a happy sound. He wanted to hear more of it.

He waited for the right moment when Kaoru didn't notice.

Before stealing a kiss from the corner of Kaoru's mouth.

Then he drew back and watched in delight as those dark eyes flung wide open in shock together with a sharp inhale of breath.

The bartender merely looked up for a moment with a knowing smile before going back to his task.

"Keigo! How could you!" Kaoru turned around.

"What did I do?" Keigo feigned innocence.

"You just kissed me in front of the bartender!" Kaoru accused.

"It was a peck," Keigo corrected him and leaned closer. "I could show you what a kiss is?"

"No!" Kaoru protested and clasped his mouth in reflex.

"Perhaps later," Keigo murmured.

Kaoru's cheeks turned visibly red even in the dim lighting of the bar. He snapped his head back to his drink and took another sip.

"Later," he whispered.

Keigo wanted to applaud himself for his willpower then because there was nothing he wanted to do more than to take Kaoru home NOW and carry on with the kiss.

Or more.

Given the proximity of the seats at the bar, with their bodies not touching but just close enough to cause a brush of their arms or thighs. How easily Keigo could just slid a hand and touch the small of Kaoru's back. With a slight lean of his face, he could see the shyness in Kaoru's eyes.

It was intoxicating and fragile.

As evidenced by the sudden grab of Keigo's shoulder.

"Sir!" the bartender rebuked the perpetrator.

Kaoru gasped.

Keigo's eyes narrowed when he turned around and saw who it was.

He greeted the person coldly.


"You've been ignoring my calls," Ushida said in quiet anger, ignoring Kaoru.

"I haven't," Keigo refuted. "We are having lunch with your father next week."

"That's not what I meant. You know it!"

"Then there is nothing to discuss." Keigo eyed him coolly. "Leave us."

Ushida finally gave Kaoru a scathing glance. "It's him, isn't it? The same one from before?"

Keigo could see Kaoru's face paling and the pain clouding his expression.

He wished that murdering idiots was not a crime because he would very much like to kill Ushida right now.

"Fortunately for me, yes," he said emphatically.

He was surprised when Ushida seemed to back off and stormed back to his table at a corner.

"Are you alright?" Keigo asked Kaoru urgently.

"Yes," Kaoru replied. "I..I never thought I'd meet him. That's all."

"We can leave. I'll take you home if you'd like," Keigo offered. "Or we can go somewhere else."

"Somewhere else? It's-"

It was a split second, so quick it barely registered on their minds.

Ushida was behind them and hissed, "It's all your fault!"

Keigo stood up to block Kaoru reflexively and found liquor splashed all over his shirt and jacket.

"Keigo!" Kaoru cried.

The bartender motioned to the staff frantically.

Gasps and murmurs filled the bar as the other patrons stared at the fiasco.

Ushida gulped and stammered, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Clearly you meant it for Kaoru," Keigo finished the sentence for him icily.

This was a scene straight out of a thrashy, B-rated film. Keigo would have found some ironic humor in that if he wasn't so furious.

"So what?" Ushida lashed out. "Why is he so special? Why are you so protective of him?"

"Have you gone mad, Ushida?" Keigo asked in disgust.

"You're the one who's gone mad!" Ushida shouted. "He doesn't deserve you!"

Keigo was going to retaliate when Kaoru interrupted them.

A voice that was so quiet. A barely noticeable tremor.

"I know that I may not deserve Keigo. But neither do you when you're hurting him. Please understand that."

Keigo couldn't begin to describe how he felt when he heard Kaoru, whose face was so pale and hand was so cold.

He looked so fragile and yet those words could cut the stoniest of hearts.

Ushida was stunned into immobility. Before he could collect himself, one of the members of the staff tugged onto his arm and urged him to leave.

They watched as Ushida followed limply, as if in a daze.

Keigo heard a shudder through Kaoru. He held his hand tightly.

"You are amazing," he said fiercely.

Kaoru shook his head and gave a shaky laugh. "We-we should get you cleaned up."

"Sir, do you want me to get you a cab?" the bartender asked.


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