
Turkey Games

After what seemed like an eternity, the horse movie finished and the adults called them in to help set the table. Justin had to tell Emily where everything was because he was more familiar with the house. Everything was set up quickly and they were all ready to chow down when Aunt Rhonda spoke up.

"Wait! Before we eat, we all need to say something we're thankful for."

All of the cousins groaned simultaneously. They had to come up with something every year when their minds were blank from salivating over the food in front of them. It was usually an awkward affair. Even more so now that there was someone new at the table.

"I'll go first," Aunt Rhonda continued. "I'm thankful that Emily is able to spend Thanksgiving with us."

Emily's eyes widened before a soft smile appeared on her face. "Thank you," she said softly. "I'm thankful that I don't have to be alone today." She turned and aimed her smile at Justin, who momentarily forgot how to breathe before smiling back.

"I'm thankful that my baby is doing so well in school, making friends and all," Justin's mom said tearfully.

His ears turned red but he couldn't be mad at her. He hadn't had friends in a long time and he knew she worried about him being alone.

"I'm thankful that we're about to eat," his dad said gruffly. Like the younger generation, he wasn't a huge fan of this tradition that prevented him from getting his food.

"I'm thankful that the horse movie is over," Lily said, causing Kaitlyn to kick her under the table. With watery eyes she glared at her sister but knew that causing a commotion would only delay the food further so she kept quiet.

"I'm thankful  for horse movies," Kaitlyn sniffed.

"I'm thankful for the internet," Sam said in a bored voice. "Can we eat now?"

"Justin hasn't had his turn yet," her mother reminded her before turning to him with expectant eyes.

What was he thankful for? Right now, having Emily here was the greatest gift of all but he couldn't say that while she was right there. "I'm…thankful for my computer."

Lily and Kaitlyn groaned. "Justin, you say that every year!"

Sam shot him a knowing look. She definitely suspected what his first thought had been. Wisely, she chose not to say anything about it. Since going around the table had concluded everybody dug into the food so intensely that not a word was spoken outside of "pass the mashed potatoes" for nearly half an hour.

After seconds, and even thirds for some people the adults continued conversing at the dinner table while the kids lay on the living room floor, groaning in various states of agony.

"What are you guys doing?" Emily asked, confused as she looked down at everyone.

"Traditional Thanksgiving on-the-floor food coma until it's time for the Turkey Games," Sam moaned. "Ugh, I shouldn't have had so many rolls."

"What are the Turkey Games?"

"Less talking, more dying," Sam said dramatically, waving her arms to prove her point before becoming motionless once more.

Lily and Kaitlyn had their eyes closed as if they were about to fall asleep and Justin stared emptily at the ceiling, saying nothing. Cranberries and gravy did him in every year and yet he kept eating them. Maybe his persistent food coma was the reason he never won a single Turkey Game. His attention was finally caught when Emily shrugged and joined them all on the floor.

"This isn't bad, does it speed up the recovery?" she asked.

"It's better than sitting up," Sam said. "Usually takes about forty minutes for the grownups to stop talking and for our stomachs to settle."

They lay there in silence to let their food digest before they were called to participate in the Games. There were five of them this year, giving each person a chance to win a box of candy. Justin desperately wanted to win one this year so he wouldn't look completely incapable in front of Emily but what could he do? He had been losing at this his entire life.

The first game involved gobbling popcorn out of a bowl without using their hands. To no one's surprise, Kaitlyn won by finishing her bowl in less than a minute.

The next, crab walking on their hands and feet across the house and crossing the finish line first, was a total embarrassment. Justin couldn't see where he was going since he was moving backwards and rammed into Lily, both collapsing in a heap and allowing Sam to win. Lily was not happy with him and chewed him out for a solid five minutes and everyone else looked on and laughed at his predicament.

Lily won the bean bag toss. Emily won the trivia game. It was down to the last game and Justin was the only person who hadn't won at all.

He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. This happened every year. They always chose games involving physical activity or pop culture, neither of which were his forte.

Sometimes he wondered if his mom was doing it on purpose before remembering she saved him candy to make him feel better. It wasn't anyone's fault but his for losing so often.

"The last game is a balance challenge," his mom announced, instantly dashing any hopes he had of changing his losing streak. "There are different levels and whoever holds out the longest wins. Each level must be held for three full minutes. I have a timer ready so good luck everyone!"

Three whole minutes?! This was going to be impossible! First they all had to stand on one foot. Justin was wobbly but that was doable. Nobody got out. Next they had to bend their knee as they stayed on one foot. Kaitlyn tried her best but fell during that round. For the third round, they had to put their other leg out behind them with their arms reaching forward. Sam's leg gave out and she crashed to the floor, cursing underneath her mother's glare and chides of "language, Samantha!"

Justin was amazed that he was still standing. His underused leg muscles were screaming but despite his uneven footing, he remained in the game. The next level involved lifting the leg that was behind you and putting it back in front, bending that knee.

Lily forfeited because her leg hurt and she still had swim practice later in the day. That left only Emily and Justin, the biggest klutz in the family, to vie for the crown.

Everyone stared at him in bewilderment. He had never made it this far in any sort of game that required physical skill.

Sweat streamed down both of their faces, which were twisted into matching grimaces. Justin's leg wobbled and he pitched forward into Emily, who hit the ground first.

"Did…Justin just win?" Lily asked curiously.

"Technically, I think he did!" his dad said excitedly. "Son, you finally won!"

"See, Mom? I can get candy on my own," he said weakly before passing out, still partially on top of Emily.

Fun fact: my mom organizes the Turkey Games every Thanksgiving and the first time I brought my husband home to meet my family when we were dating, he won the balance game against my stepbrother and then ended up holding his leg in agony for a while.

Mcllorycatcreators' thoughts
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