

Susie's mom left and Kate immediately went to Susie's room. Susie's room was dimly lit. Almost everything was covered with white sheets. Kate started removing the sheets and kept them in a corner. After uncovering all her things, the nostalgic feeling couldn't stop her from getting teary eyed. She controlled her emotions and started looking through Susie's things, to find some clues. She opened her drawers, checked her books, opened all her boxes, checked under the table, under the bed and under the couch. She even checked under the mattress. After searching for more than an hour she still couldn't find anything. She plopped onto the beanbag in her room, tired.

'Come on Susie. Tell me something. Help me.... you said you'll always be there whenever I needed you'

Kate just stared at the ceiling and before she knew it she dozed off.


'If we are not together I'll seriously miss you Kate.'

'Don't say like that Susie. We'll be together! I have to be your bridesmaid!'

'And I'll be yours!'

'I don't plan on marrying anyone'

'Yeah, right.'

'But seriously, thinking about the future, us still being together would be so much fun. Then we'll make our kids marry each other or atleast become best friends just like us!'

'Yeah, yeah' (Kate giggles)

'Ya know I really hope to live until that day.'

'You'll live a long life, you are such a bitchass not even the Satan himself can kill you. (more giggles)'

'Shup up okay?'

'Anyways if something happens to me, and if I get to know that it's about to happen but I don't have the time to tell you, I'll leave you a note for sure, only for you which only you could find.'

'Miss Smarty, how will I find it, can you please share?'

'Well ya know how much I love my beanbag right?'


'I'll leave a note for you inside it.' Susie shrugged.

'Seriously, only you can think of such places to hide things. But anyways, that day won't come. As I said, even Satan is afraid of your sass. He wouldn't want to deal with such an annoying brat. Not everyone is as talented and tolerant like me.' Kate giggles and starts running. Susie runs behind her. 'Kate stop! I promise I won't kill you!!!!'

'Yeah!! RIGHT!!!!'

Both of them run for a while and then stop for catching their breathe and start laughing. Kate laughs so hard that her chest (her heart) and her head starts hurting. She can feel tears coming out of her eyes.

She suddenly opens her eyes. Her cheeks still wet from the tears. She takes a moment to compose herself. Then she realizes, she was sitting on Susie's beanbag. A sudden realization hit her.

Friendship is the most beautiful bond in this world. Having each other' back, no matter what happens is what makes it the most beautiful......

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