
Smile and pain

Yash glared at her and bend towards Kaira's ears and said politely "Dare to do this and i'll make sure you will regret being born". To other's this gesture was romantic but to Kaira she knew what this is. She looked at him with surprise what about the gentleness? she thought. Just as she was looking at him Vivan suddenly said "cough* cough* you are still with family ,i don't think this old man here can take all this romance".

And he got hit from his father "What old you are old and a single man like you don't even know about romance you just know how to ride a car ".

Everyone laughed by listing to this comment and continued eating.

Kaira was again confused on the words Yash said , She feels he have two personalities and she doesn't really know when the sweet and caring Yash will change to the rude yash.

Bowing her head down she continued with her lunch. Mrs Bajaj realized Kaira is not ok, but even after thinking twice she's not sure why is she feeling troubled , ignoring her she focused on her lunch.

And Mr Bajaj ,Yash and Vivan continued with their lunch and some sports talk.

On the second floor . The environment was completely different from hall. Ravi was sitting near her bed. Her eyes were red , "He was mine , " was the only thought she had in her mind. Ravi doesn't want to hurt her sister but she love him too and she loved him from the time she had first read about him in the business magazine , but why was it like this ? I have always given everything to kaira willingly but why does she wants him,the only Person i have ever dreamt of , No I can't let this happen, he needs to be mine. Thinking all this she took her laptop and started suffering the internet.

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