
new start

When they came out of the hotel room Ron was waiting for them. With full enthusiasm he asked looking towards Kaira."should i start calling you little sister-in- law".

Kaira just blushed on his question and never replied and looking at her yash was more than satisfied.

Looking straight towards Ron he questioned 'have you prepared all what i have asked you for'.

Ron:"Yes boss". walking towards the car he show them all the gifts he had prepared.

Yash was satisfied whereas kaira was confused . Why are all these items what my family likes.was he spying on me and my family. with these thoughts she looked towards Yash. As if understanding what all thoughts she had in her mind he replied bluntly "Their is nothing in this world which i want to know and can't know " he replied without any guilt .on the back Ron " Have some fear boy, how can you lie so honestly"

He was right Afteralll He is The Yashvardhan Rathore. keeping all other thoughts aside she got herself to sit in the co-passenger seat.

Watching her seating on her own. Ron suggested "you need to work on your tone if you don't want to be single again"

Yashvardhan glared at him. and leave without even replying.

Inside the car.

Kaira asked "can I connect my Bluetooth with this It's really boring to have a drive without songs"

Yash replied with a " hm".

With her favourite slow music Kaira looked out of the window and started enjoying the scenery as this place is in the outskirt of the city the scenery was far better than having roads with only vehicles.

Looking at Kaira Yash was again stuck when she suddenly turned towards him and they had eye contact of micro seconds.

Yash deviated his eyes and focused on the road. Kaira wanted to talk but was not sure from where should she start.

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