
finally a boy

The man went Inside and looked at her wife's disturbed expression he said "Every child comes with their own destiny I am sure this princes will be a fighter, look she have beaten death on the first day of her arrival ,She will definitely be the best".

"But she is still a girl , now we need to prepare for two with our minimum wage how will we mange Vikram ?" Sneha said.

"We will don't think about all these irrelevant things, just look at her and her spirit to live , and except this " he concluded.

Sneha fealt she is really lucky to have such an understanding partner he have not blamed him for giving birth to a girl again . With tears in her eyes she looked towards Vikram and he smiled and gave her a hug and said" We will manage"

After 3.5 years.

In a ward a lady is schremeing she is having labor pain. and finally the child is out. It's a boy. finally everyone is relieved the dr is more than delighted. everyone is happy may be this was the day which the entire family was waiting for . Finally Ravi has got his younger brother after waiting for 6 years and continuously praying. And their was kaira the small chubby girl with pink cheeks and white skin curly hairs standing behind his favourite. no one will believe that this is the same girl which was declared dead after born. Ravi and Kaira are sisters but they were poles apart from their looks to their nature they don't have anything which can resemble. Ravi got maturity looking more older then her age she got shoulder length straight black shining hair with square cut face and whitish skin tone and she barely talk she was described as the best student with quick learning skills. Where as the small Kaira was a chubby girl with fair complexion and curly hair she loves to talk and is actually a slow learner her idea of living was confined in her small world of fantasy in which she have her kitchen set and one friend. Vivan was the youngest and is the mixture of both he was a fair boy with curly hair and chubby and is a good student to.Their parents are normal like every other parents which try their level best to provide their children with every possible happiness. and their life was smooth untill Kaira turned 7.

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